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Show fun ahead? And another big thing: our ptns have arrived, which has thrilled every member in H. C. So watch for us to be blooming out bt with our sparkling new pins. Will tl see you all again. H. C. signing off. Kate Heiner, reporter. FAMOUS COUPLES Where found (2% couples) Where they belong. Favorite pastime-Winnmg. Theme song—"After the Ball." Title—Our Basketball Team. Where found-Art room, 6th period. Favorite pastime-Posing (and bow). Theme song—We'd Make a Peach Title--Philip and Ila. GREGG ARTISTS A regular meeting was held last, Monday. The most Important discusslon of the meeting was our party which Is to be held this Friday Immediately following the game with, box Elder. We hope to have a wonderful time; but we shall see AndH you shall hear later. Adios.—Mary Islaub, reporter. THREE CHEERS The other day I saw someone in our hall smiling, almost laughing, I asked the cause. "Say," was ttie answer, "have we been having another Thanksgiving or Christmas! I had the best "feeds" lately. The depression certainly must be over. The next time you write a note, I pirase thank the students for me, I 'm happy now and if the students I keep filling me up—tell them Note Box will serve them gladly." Students-the staff also appreciates your co-operation. Thanks. JANE'S CORNER Dear Aunt Jane: Will we Juniors be notified as to when we should get our picture taken? Respectfully yours, A. A. F. Dear A. A. F.: The juniors feel that they canno afford room in the year book so thees of the three officers anc council members will be the extent of the junior representation Although you may have your pictures taken at the school price, thej will not be in the year book. AUNT JANE. Dear Aunt Jane: How are the names of pictures going to be arranged in the year book? I mean alphabetically or take them by classes. Thank you. CHIEF CATCHEM COLD. Dear Chief: Let us surprise you. AUNT JANE. NEW HIGH SCHOOL "Morning, Mom, breakfast ready?" If Bill stops on his way south, hold him here. Couldn't have him meet me at school and glimpse our an¬tiquated buildings after bragging to him years back 'bout that 'new high' we were going to build. Whose fault? Not mine! "Yeah, my coat's lost. Don't look sarcastic—overcrowded conditions at school to blame. "Want to know what I did to m; shoes, huh? Why they're turned u* at the toes? Why such a fliverin? ' question. Reason's plain—floors old gradually worn to a neat sauce shape under the desks and aroun tables. All our students' feet lool alike, like sailboats, teachers' toe Yeah, even Principal Merrill's shov that distinction. "After all, I sort'a like old High Looks good in summer with greei grass 'n' big trees leafed out; bu when we start school in the fal! every leaf drops off the tree.' ashamed of the old buildings tot Guess that's why they flop, fac 'first ,to the ground. "Gee! See that fire truck whi by! Glad it ain't going my wa; "If we ever have a fire at High don expect me to walk home. 'Ricket stairs!'—'Ladies first'—we couldn all be saved. S'long.—Charles Wonder. LOST During the past two weeks a pink Swan pen and pencil were lost. If anyone has these articles, will he please return them to the office? The student who lost these will cer¬tainly appreciate it. A red barrette with red stones was left in the gym Monday, 7th period. Anybody finding it, please return to Miss Schofield. A GOOD LIVING "How does that young man live?' "By his pen." "Does he write much?" "Only letters home." Vart Hem Stockholm. Tigers Wallop Bees Box Elder And Tigers Play Without Score In First Period OGDEN HIGH SCHOOL hoopsters advanced another notch toward the Ogden division basketball title for 1931 at the Weber gymnasium BaM night when they disposed of the Box Elder five, 25 to 11, as a capacity crowd looked on. I The contest went down as one of the oddest ever staged in Ogden. During the entire first period neither team was able to score. Kinner, Ogden center, dropped in I the opening points of the game with la side shot after one and one-half minutes had been played in the second period. The Tigers led, 8 to 12, at the end of the half. Jack Harbertson, flashy forward, was a ain the main spring in the "Orange Streak" attack. This capable eager tossed in three buckets Klin a row in the second period to put the Ogdenites in front. Harbertson's ball rustling activities were also helpful in the triumph of the Kapplemen. Lee, Box Elder ace, was held without a field goal by the Ogden guards. The Earl Ferguson crew collected only four goals during the four-period encounter. The Tigers increased their lead in the third period and in the final quarter the Ogdenites substituted Hunter, Hilton and Kinner shar honors with Harbertson for Ogden. Sorenson was the outstanding pe former for the Brigham City machine. The contest was given added color with the appearance of the bands of the two schools. The old- time Ogden-Box Elder rivalry was one of the added items at the four- period battle. Ogden has remaining games now with Bear River and Weber. Score: OGDEN (25) G. T. F. P. Harbertson, rf -.5 2 0 10 Hunter, If 2 3 3 7 Kinner, c 1 5 3 5 Hilton, rg 1 4 1 3 Henderson, lg 0 0 0 0 Foley, lg 0 0 0 0 Pell, If 0 0 0 0 Lehman, rf 0 0 0 0 Fowler, c 0 0 0 0 Oliash, rg 0 0 0 0 Totals 9 14 7 25 BOX ELDER (11). G. T.F. P. Rasmussen, rf 1 0 0 2 Lee, If o 2 1 1 Sorensen, c 2 3 1 5 Ward, rg 0 2 1 1 Walker, lg o 1 0 0 Tingey, if l o 0 2 Hone, if 0 0 0 0 Baker, c 0 0 0 0 Hess, lg 0 0 0 0 Totals ....4 3 3 11 Referee, Glen; umpire, Barney. Ogden Hijgh School Notes February 23, 1931 DEBATERS SELECTED The following students have sur¬vived the first elimination tests for the school debating team on the question, "Resolved: That the chain stores are against the best inter- arts of the American people," Doyle Jenson, Preston Mulcahy and Dor¬othy Nelson, all of last year's fame; Helen McKay, Earl Reeves, Bill Alsup, John Cawley, and Dell Towers, Each student responded with a very good speech and displayed such an abundance of ability that the judges will have a difficult time selecting final six. The debaters will now prepare a gpeccli_GiL t opposite side of the question to which the spoge last Thursday. Watch f further developments.—Snoopy. WE DID IT AGAIN Again we have displayed our versatility. Once again we have over come disheartening odds to win With a much different team in tog we defeated Box Elder 25-11, afte a fast second half spurt. The ha ended 8-2 in our favor, and it looked like anybody's ball game until th "Streaks" started functioning an at last located the hoop. The wil puts us just a little bit closer t that championship, and if Box Elder beats Weber and we beat Bear River, the song will be ended! Th students turned out en masse and our orange and black colors were, much in evidence. Your pep! You've got it, now keep it! CHEE—CHEE—BAH! BAH! Such an assembly. If you missed it, you can't imagine what you: missed so we'll be real nice and give! you an inkling. Andy (you knowj who we mean) the only real Andy, just recited his previous night's ex-perience (although he claims he's not an experienced man). Do you believe it? Well, if he isn't, three extra cheers. He certainly gave us a typical goodnight. And after "What, no sister"—Elmer Broome, accompanied by his sister, Dorothy, sang two Raymond says "very, very melodious" songs. Anyway everyone loves to hear him and would have listened gladly to more. Followed a pep rally. If the team doesn't win now—well it's not be¬cause the school deserted. Spirit— we had It. Let's keep it up—the pep of course—and the assemblies like this morning's. THE SPEAK-EASY After discussing the previous ques¬tion (naughty boys, shame on you for asking if it concerned that), we proceeded to the usual gab-fest. The speeches consisted of character stud¬ies. After everyone had been char¬acterized as a lovable, sweet, kind, nice boy or girl—lovable was most frequently used—and pictured as a blushing Adonis or Venus, Preston called for discussion. The students who participated were Elaine Wilcox, Percy Oda, Irene Gilmore, Yvonne Pierce, Bob Kimball, Marion Gimlin, and Floyd Pell. —The Nit Wit. FAMOUS COUPLES Where found — Just standing around. Favorite pastime—Talking of Cu¬pid. Theme song—Oh, Baby, Be Care¬ful With Those Eyes. Title—Elias and Viola. Where found—Any place at noon. Favorite pastime—Gossiping. Theme song—My Future Just Passed. Title—Albert and Madge. SAD BUT TRUE Dear Editor: While at night school last eve¬ning I noticed a receptacle that once was a cigar box, now filled with lost articles such as fountain pens, pencils, etc., covering one of the school's most prized trophies. Are you advertising Van Dyke ci¬gars or the rifle team? I feel sure you will see that this unsightly object is removed from the beautiful trophy case. —A Student of Last Year. DEFENSE OF OLD SCHOOL Students, let us remain faithful to! our dear old high school. It h.as served us well; it served our fathers well; it served our grandfathers well, why discard it now? Think of our gym, where great players of the past first learned to carom the ball from the ceiling through the basket. Then think of our auditorium, where great speak¬ers of the past first put students to sleep. Think of all the great events that have happened in those 'moms. The first students of our school would turn over in their graves, if they knew that we intend soon to cast them aside. Apd then remember that a new "igh school would have more rooms which would mean more teachers' and I m sure we say too many cruel things now, without having more causes added to the list. So students, let us all band to¬gether and try (if possible) to per¬suade the officials not to give us a new high school—at least not this —James Sundquist. I—-WANNAN—O The Messrs. Foley and Foley ex¬tended their hospitality to the club this week. As usual there was an excellent attendance of enthusiastic scheduled meeting convened as Members discussed methods for support of school activity, and installation of "pep" into the school. Then, with the usual alacrity, we entered upon the realm of science Mr. Riley painted with words a vivid picture of certain volcanically formed mountains of interest to the scientist. After the usual conversa¬tion and series of questions pertain- ing to the talk, the students dis¬persed to their homes. —"Queenie." A QUEEN'S FANCY Every court needs a jester—whom would you suggest? FORUM Aren't we smart? Six of the mem¬bers of Forum are listed among those present when the roll is called for the debaters who have survived the first preliminary of the state team. What's more, we intend to try our best to list them on the final team. We have confidence in our boys. Now we must pause while we bestow three more slaps on the back! The Forum junior debate is progressing rapidly and it won't be long now! Sufficient. —The "Tatler." Ogden High School Notes February 24, 1971 RUTH GREAVES, EDITOR LUCILE SPENCER AND RUTH WHITE, TYPISTS "Associate yourself with men of quality if you esteem your reputa¬tion, for it is better to be alone than in bad company." THANKS, GIRLS Those who sometimes give their precious time for activities do not always receive the cheers. But we feel that it is the wish of the school; that the sewing department be of¬fered a sincere vote of thanks for the wonderful way in which the girls and Miss Corless have added to the pep and enthusiasm of the school. They have made the berets and the orange flowers, using their valuable time to do so. Surely they are deserving of thanks. Girls, we thank you! You are splendid ex¬amples to the rest of the student body. D. A. C. Members of the D. A. C. were very pleased to have presented for them the play, "Red Carnations." The characters were vividly portrayed by Virginia True, an up-to-date Queen of Sheba; Tom O'Neil, the young sheik, and Jim Riley, the father, a fake sheik. After deciding to sell bars at the game which was sup¬ported whole-heartedly by all, Di¬rector Brunetti adjourned the meet¬ing.—Imogene Locke. AUNT JANE'S CORNER Dear Aunt Jane: Last Friday in reply to A. A. F.'s inquiry as to whether juniors will be notified when they should have their pictures taken, you answered that juniors will have no pictures in the yearbook, except the four rep¬resentatives and three officers. Is it not true that a junior in some activity, such as a club, will have a picture of himself in the yearbook as a member of that club? If so. will that junior be given a date for a sitting? Thank you very much. LITTLE SISTER. Dear Little Sister: If the club to which you belong has arranged to have pictures and the president wishes the juniors' pictures also, you may call at the studio any time and make arrange¬ments. It would be impossible for the year book staff to notify you. Call again. AUNT JANE. FAMOUS COUPLES Where found—By her locker. Favorite pastime—Joy riding Theme song—"When He Played On His Old Cornet." Title—Jack Harris and Marian S. Where found—Walking home to¬gether. Favorite pastime — Waiting for each other. Theme song—"Walkin' My Baby Back Home." Title—Steve and Kay. PHI LAMBDA TAU Surprise! My hasn't it been a long time since you've heard from us? But boy—have we been busy! The biggest thing we've done was to elect our mid-year officers. And to put you wise—they're the same old good ones! Florence Cave, pres¬ident; Betty Williams, vice presi¬dent; Nora Hawkins, secretary, with original reporter (we've had three in all, you know). Well, I mustn't take up all your time, but I'll be back again very, very soon, to tell you the latest about the snappiest little club ever! Bye-Bye.—Naomi Wall, reporter. E. A. A. CLUB Vice president, Nita Bingham,; called the weekly meeting of the E. A. A. club to order. Ruth Lindsay read the minutes. A discussion of "Previous Questions" was given by members of the club. Since there was no old or new business Miss Bingham asked for the order of the day ,which was a character sketch by each member. This was rather a guessing party, for after each talk we guessed who the character was. |