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Show Ogden Hoopsters Show Promise In Practice Contest Kinner And Tomlinson Sparkle; Kapple Has Fine Prospects TIGERS of Ogden high school avenged their recent setback at the hands of Grantsville last night, on the Tiger court, by turning in a 35 to 29 decision against the Dode Cranney aggregation. Dixon Kapple's charges assumed command of the situation early and led throughout the contest. At the end of the first quarter Ogden held an 8 to 4 advantage and was on the long end of a 19 t0 17 score at half time. When the third period closed the "Orange Streaks" were leading 27 to 23. Both fives dished out a classy brand of ball and provided the spectators with some nice play Hale at forward and Sandberg at center were the best bets for the visitors. Kinner was switched into the center post by Coach Kapple last nignt and the youngster turned in a marvelous game. He caged five buckets from the field. Tomlinson and Hilton also turned in colorful performances. Score: GRANTSVILLE Fidler, rf o' o'P4 Hale, If 0 0 8 Sandberg, c 4 0 0 8 Johanson, rg 2 0 0 4 Mathews, lg 2 2 1 5 Young, If ;0 0 0 0 Totals 14 ~2 29 OGDEN G.T.F.P. Hilton, rf 4 2 1 9 Hunter, If i.'o 1 0 0 Kinner, c 5 1 in Foley, rg 0 3 1 1 Anderson, lg 2 0 0 4 Tomlinson, If 5 0 0 10 Totals 16 7 3 35 Referee, Oberhansley. January 5, 1930 Ogden High School Notes Ruth Greaves, Editor Ruth White and Lucille Spencer, Typists Hi ho, everybody! We're back back again after a glorious holiday vacation but our enthusiasm hasn't faded a bit. It Isn't too late yet in this new year to resolve to make the remainder of this year the most perfect ever both scholastically and socially. Is everyone game? SINCERE SYMPATHY The students and faculty of the Ogden high school offer with deep¬est sorrow and regret their sym-pathy to the entire family of John Newman. We lost in John a friend and classmate who will live in our memories. May his family be com¬forted in these hours of darkness. WELCOME BACK There's no two ways about it—our two weeks of holidays were ideal. They began with a bang at our holly hop and every minute from then on was spent in greeting alum¬ni back from college, in attending gay parties, in skiing and bob-riding and in making Christmas and New Year calls. It seemed as though the season's good cheer was more preva¬lent than ever this year. Even though we weren't at school our leaving wasn't hindered in the least for we learned something new almost every day. We learned, that right here in Ogden high we have as snappy a group of "rhythm boys" as could be asked for in Mick Chez, Porky Greenwell and Darrell Upp. We learned that David Morrell was too interested in something to see a "stop" sign before it was too late. Elaine Wilcox and Helen Tan¬ner certainly know how to attract attention. Wonder what Sheldon was doing? We learned that a certain group of people ushered the new year in in the proper way it should be done. We learned that it isn't at all wise to get overcoats that are too good-looking. Ask Lou Peery and Glen Judd why not. For a while now, nowever, our learning will be turned in a different direction and let's take our work seriously, students, really aiming to do our best. We wish everyone the happiest anc most properous new year ever in the year 1931. May your most prec¬ious dreams be realized. THE ROAD TO HAPPINESS Keep skid chains on your tongue, always say less than you think, cul¬tivate a low persuasive voice. How you say it often counts for more than what you say. Make promises sparingly and keep them faithfully, no matter what it costs you. Never let an opportunity pass to say a kind and encouraging thing to or about somebody. Praise good work done, regardless of who did it. If criticism is merited, criticize helpfully, never spitefully. Be interested in others; interest¬ed in their pursuits, their welfare, their homes, and families. Make merry with those who rejoice and mourn with those who weep. Let everyone you meet, however humble, feel that you regard him as a per¬son of importance. Be cheerful. Keep the corners of your mouth turned up. Hide your pains, worries and disappointments under a pleasant smile. Laugh at good stories and learn to tell them. (Continued.) SELECTED. "ORANGE STREAKS" TRIM HABIT Habit is hard to overcome; If you take off the first letter, It does not change a bit. If you take off another You have a "bit" left. If you take still another The whole of "it" remains. If you take still another It is not "t-totally" used up. All of which goes to show That if you wish to be rid of a "habit." You have to throw it off alto¬gether. HAPPYTIMER. "ORANGE STREAKS TRIM GRANTSVILLE Our O.H.S. "Orange Streaks" were too accurate with their basket shooting last Friday night and as a result sent the powerful Grantsville five home on the short end of a 35 to 29 tally. Coach Kapple has rounded out a flashy, formidable group of courtiers and we can hardly wait until it is time to turn them loose on the other teams in region No. 1 league. January 6, 1931 Ogden High School Notes Ruth Greaves, Editor Ruth White and Lucille Spencer, Typists Boys! Put on your brightest smiles, for if you do—what a break you'll get from some fair miss. The Accolade is coming! ANTIQUES In the stages of antiquity prop¬erty becomes almost priceless, ar¬ticles of sheer worth become treas-ured possessions with age. Thus we find the high school building. But apparently birds of a feather flock together and the high school stu¬dents do not enjoy studying in the musty rooms of age because they are young and desire novelty; whereas we have noticed that the aged seek antiquity and to procure the desired property they pay an exorbitant price. Therefore we think that the most feasible way to dispose of our high school building would be to sell it to the Civil war veterans. In this way the fund for a new high school building could be provided, and the surplus money could be used ,in commemorating such a valuable antique as is embodied in the ven¬erable old structure that still stands at 781 Twenty-fifth street. —Frisby. JUNGLE TALK A. Bee—Yes, our school always works hardest on football. It's our specialty. A. Tiger—Our best bet is basket¬ball. I heard that our Fem. hoop¬sters are showing some style. All of Miss Schofield's classes are divid¬ed into teams. Each team is work¬ing hard to be able to win in the tournament that is. going to be held the latter part of this month—and say about our boys' team—well, we'll let you judge for yourself. —Elm Skelton. BEDLAM The priory of St. Mary of Bethlehem in London, founded in 1247, came to be used in the early fif¬teenth century as a hospital for the insane. Familiarly known as Beth¬lehem, the name of this asylum was contracted in popular usage to ' Bethlem, Bedlem, or Bedlam. The name came to be applied to any lunatic asylum or madhouse, and consequently, in our own day, to any scene of uproar and confusion. Thus have many words in our language passed through a remarkable process of evolution. AUNT JANE'S CORNER Dear Aunt Jane: The thing that most girls are in¬terested in right now is the Girls , Accolade. Could you tell us when it is and also how many dances there will be?—H. M. R. Dear H. M. R.: The Accolade will take place on . the evening of January 16. The chairmen of the committees are Dorothy Knowldon and Elaine Evans and from all indications their plans are well under way. Every girl in high school should be looking forward to this occasion with great anticipation for it is indeed an out- standing event for high school girls. As far as we know now there will be twelve dances and three extras because the grand march takes quite a bit of time. —Aunt Jane. January 7, 1930 Ogden High , School Notes Vacation never spoiled a really good man. If you acquire the loaf¬ing habit after a few weeks off you are merely developing a disease that was in your blood. CHATTER AND CHAFF Gordon Lund's favorite song is, "I Wish I Could Shimmy Like My Girl Friend, Kate." Remember when Mr. Hanks said, "Some things can neither be bought nor sold?" Three guesses—could he have been referring to our high school building? Frannie Foley thought the world was a cruel, cold place to live In until a couple of days ago. He's sitting on top of it now. THE NEXT ASSEMBLY Just four more days! The greatest circus, the most amazing, humorous, laughable production in the category of assemblies is about to take place. What is it? The Forum Assembly, of course. Every senior remembers the last triumph in tbel art of burlesque. This year the presentation is to be longer and better. When the members of Forum get their deep-thinking analytical brains together, something great- some big child of invention-Is able to eliminate all previous expectations. Be at the next assembly and see what it is! —Frere de Frisby. ORATIONS You future Websters and Clays had better start cultivating that deep and thrilling quality. Brush up on similes, apostrophes, etc., for it won't be long now. The Constitution and D. A. R. and S.A.R. contests will soon be afoot, and though! there's yet another month, every littie bit of time helps! Keep your eyes peeled, you aspirants. BIG QUESTIONS High school teachers and pupils iwere greatly disturbed on Monday by such potent questions, as — "Is this the fifteenth week of school, or is it the sixteenth?" Does this semester end January 23 or January 30?" As new classes must open at the beginning of the second semester, you see it is important to know the answer to these vital questions. I ALL TEACHERS BACK It is pleasing to record that ev¬ery high school teacher was on theii job Monday morning, January 5, at- ; ter the two weeks' vacation. Thanks to the janitors, the building was comfortable and school movea along as merrily as wedding bells. B COMPANY WINS IN RIFLE SHOOTING In a rifle shooting contest conducted just previous to the holidays, B company won with a total of 7681 points as against 686 for A company, and 679 for B company. The riflemen of B company with scores are as follows: Raymond Roberts 171 Waid Jessop 157 Ed Saunders 143 Wayne Harbertson 156 I David Clark 142-769 In A company, the score was: Glenn Judd, 161; Bill Hutz, 144; Eskil Felt, 117; Herb Tarran, 148; Boyd Budge, 116. Total, 686. C company: Ernest Steimle, 165; Ivan Neilsen, 129; Doyle Hales, 120; Walter Fowler, 142; Alden Brewer, ;fr23; total, 679. CLUB ASSEMBLY All club enthusiasts that are interested in club activity live front year to year to see the annual Forum club assembly. Alumni ren turn to enjoy the entertainments thus afforded, and even junior high! school students attend this favored presentation. The assembly this year offers school life symbolized by Forum's individual and original humor. The next assembly will be under this club's supervision this coming Friday. Don't miss the best bit of satire you have the opportunity of enjoying by absenting your¬self from next assembly. Be there! and share the rioting laughter. |