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Show probably noticed a little shrinking violet by his side. Well, that's Alice Huggins. Mr. Merrill says that the reason so many girls are always around Raymond Raty is because they're after his money. Don't worry, girls, an old miser never kicks through. The Prom isn't very far away, you know. Get a date tomorrow. Don't delay. Doyle Jensen has a new theory on relativity and space. He says space is limitless but yet it isn't. (Doyle had a date to Hamlet Tuesday night and now he isn't responsible.) Elma Skelton wants a robot to do her telephoning. Gilbert Tolhurst sings in his sleep. Joe Foley says: "There are seven weeks, two days, three periods, and five minutes more of school. Then comes graduation—the fruit of toils." (Joe will at least be a senior next year.) COUNCIL Regular Council was called to order by President Corry. The min¬utes were read and approved. Miss Ensign reported for the club com¬mittee. It was moved and seconded this report be accepted and filed, and the committee be given a vote of thanks. The motion was passed. It was moved and seconded the chair appoint a committee of three to interview the board of education on the matter of rebuilding the tennis courts. The motion was passed. It was moved and second¬ed Council elect a new member to the club committee. It was moved and seconded we vote by standing ballot. The motion was passed, and Hermoise Broadbent was elected. By a motion the new Council adopted Robert's Rules of Order as parliamentary law. It was moved and seconded we read two articles of the constitution before the business of each meeting. The motion was passed. Mr. Abplanalp, the school treasurer, gave a detailed report of the year's budget. This report was accepted by a motion and the treasurer was given a vote of thanks. Meeting then adjourned — Raymond Raty. Secretary. Ogden High School Notes April 17, 1931 Ruth Greaves, Editor. Again we say—"One week from today!" And this time we're speak¬ing of the Junior Prom. Have you your date—oh, come on! You can't miss the prettiest party of the year! NOT SO DUMB! Talk about the "dizzy juniors" will you? Well, I actually know one sen¬ior who is dizzier than the dizziest junior. I won't mention any names, but if the cap fits, seniors, then wear it. While walking down the hall the other day, I heard a certain senior girl say to her boy friend, "Say, what's all the excitement about, Jack? What's comin' off April 24?" Jack spoke up promptly for he was a junior, "Why, it's the Junior Prom. How about a date? "Oh, Jack! How wonderful—and the date is O. K., too." Since I started writing this little conversation I've been thinking— maybe this senior wasn't so dumb -after all; perhaps she was tactfully reminding Jack that she didn't have a date for the biggest dance of the year. —Arleen Sessions. TALK UP TENNIS COURTS Hear ye! Hear ye! Followers of tennis. What is to become of our tennis courts? Plead, argue, or threaten, as long as you discuss in favor of our courts. Of course there will be no action this year and probably none next, but prepare for the future. Do not let your chil¬dren attend this same old school without even having tennis courts to use. To all appearances we are not going to have a new high school, so let's talk up the tennis courts.—The Tenniseer. ZETA PHI XI Mr. Ed. Smith gave us a very in¬teresting talk on "Mensur," a school sport in Germany. Oh, if we could only have climbed through the win¬dow with him and seen all these strange sights. Thank you, Mr. Smith, we enjoyed it all immensely. They tell us that we surely know how to choose our pledges, but we are aware of that fact. I'm sure you will agree with us when you become acquainted with Elpha Morse, Jean Danvers and Alice Barker. Did we have a treasure hunt or just a treasure hunt? No, we had a treasure hunt. After going over each square mile of the great metropolis of Ogden ,we found out that all peo¬ple are not "blind" as someone saw our treasure before we did. We know it was a terrible temptation, but we found another "at a stoic. During a delicious lunch which only Vela could give us, our store treasure disappeared also. Treasure or, no treasure, we all had a perfectly grand time. —Harriet Robison, Reporter. AUNT JANE'S CORNER Dear Aunt Jane: Are juniors allowed at the senior reception? —Pete Jr. Dear Pete Jr. The reception is for seniors. You'll nave your cnance next year. All of you are invited to the Prom. This is your dance for the seniors. —Aunt Jane. Dear Aunt Jane: Is the Prom a formal or semi- formal dance? Are tuxedos neces¬sary? —Worried. Dear Worried: Our high school dances are never formal. We try to make them just as democratic as possible so that everyone will be able to come and enjoy themselves—that is why we discourage formality. If you have a tuxedo leave it at home. —Aunt Jane. SPRING PROJECTS One, two, three, four, five projects heaped upon me at one time. What a life. And outside the leaves are coming out, flowers are blooming, the sun is shining and I am get¬ting a slight case of spring fever. Settling down to work my eyes are constantly straying toward the window, my mind starts to wander and I begin to travel far away. Com¬ing to earth with a bang I suddenly realize I have work to do and what work. Reaching for a chemistry book I scan the pages trying to conceive an idea for a—well, you can guess—a project. No hope there, however, for I do not see a thing except the blue sky. An English book is next taken from the huge pile beside me and again I start my search. The same thing happens. No idea for an Eng¬lish project. Reaching for still another book I hear a call from the front yard. That is the final straw. Slinging my book across the room grabbing my tennis racket, I decide to begin my spring projects tomorrow. —Margaret Thomas. NEW EDITOR Each night there will be a number of articles printed in the notes which have been written by the juniors who are competing for editor for next year. The five competi¬tors who make the best showing in selecting and producing material will be chosen to run the final race which will begin next week some¬time. Keep your eyes open for pleasing, worthwhile articles. CHATTER AND CHAFF Unless bandages are deceiving Nita Bingham and Clyde Hunter have bumped heads together. We all make mistakes now and then! The Congress debaters, in order ti 1 maintain a precedent, have resortei to \flnking at the judges. (Forum was awarded a decision last year b a near-sighted judge.) WELCOME BACK We're glad to have Mrs. Chamber back with us after a long siege illness. SYMPATHY Faculty and students of Ogden High school desire to express sympathy to Agnes McPhie, for whose father funeral services were being held today. Ogden High Will Enter 12 Tracksters; Sarlo Will Gallop Mile OGDEN high and Weber high will be well represented at the an¬nual Brigham Young university re¬lay carnival at Provo next Saturday The Tigers will enter a strong team and they loom as one of the outstanding contenders for individual team honors. Coach Dick Kapple will take 12 men to Provo for the annual classic. Howard Greenwell and Gus Vaughn stand out as the two premier tracksters at the "Orange Streak" lair. These two athletes, incidentally, have been named as co-captains for the 1931 season in track at Ogden high. Greenwell is a sprinter of real ability while Vaughn is a pole vaulter of merit. These two men are looked upon as sure point winners in the state scholastic meet at Salt Lake in May. Darling, Olish, Foley, Hilton, Dermody, Chez, Simpson, Jacobsen, and Sneddon are other carry Ogden colors at the relays. Coach Dick Thorne of Weber high will enter four men in the id events. Bob Stratford, all-around track performer will compete decathlon and looms as a contender for the gold watfl fered annually for the chamftfl this event at Provo. Johnny Sarlo, winner of t per gymnasium cross-counwH last Friday, will take part distance events. He will beatbl contender in the mile run Chandler and Holmes are the other men who may make thtfl to Provo for Weber, One week from Friday the athletes of the northern part state will gather at Logan for 91 annual division meet. Those who meet the required marks of the state association will be eligible to compete in the final events at Salt Lake. Ogden High School Notes RUTH GREAVES, EDITOR The junior promenade will be held next Friday night at the Berthana ballroom. All senior fel¬lows and their lady friends are ad¬mitted free. Juniors must pay $1 per couple. Be there! ASSEMBLY REPORT The Stellae club sponsored last Friday's assembly with Raymond Raty, the president, in charge. The program consisted of a reading by Jim Rilesy; a vocal solo, "The Rose in the Bud," by Yvonne Peirce, ac-companied by Mr. Hanson; saxaphone selections by Lafayette Sny¬der, accompanied by Virginia San-ders; and a very interesting speech by O. J. Stilwell on the subject of astronomy. GIRLS ONLY Boys, you don't know what you're missing by not being a girl, but we'll give you an inkling. Thursday aft¬ernoon Dorothea Varney and Mary Walker, in charge of the vocational department, sponsored one of the best girls' assemblies this year. The girls' string sextet played "Song of the Betrayal," Ellen Holgren gave a program all her own, in the form of a reading. None other than Ser¬polette, Maurine Cornia, sang "I Love You." We were all very pleased when Miss Chesney introduced our speak¬er, Miss Margaret Stewart, secretary of National Business Women's Clubs. Miss Stuart's subject was "As a Woman Thinks." She showed us that to succeed we must aspire to higher positions. "The price of suc¬cess is straight thinking, health, and hard work." Through her contrast, of the job holder and a free lanpe, she showed us that regardless of the kind of work we do we must be on our own.—Spy. AUNT JANE'S CORNER Dear Aunt Jane: Will you tell me about the junior prom. Are alumni allowed to go? Is it strictly formal? Are stags per-mitted?—Devil's Helper. Dear Devil's Helper: Information about the prom will appear in the columns of the Notes and over the radio. Trte prom com¬mittee extends a cordial welcome to all alumni to attend. The prom is not strictly formal. Stags will be permitted to attend, although the prom committee urges the students to attend in couples.—Aunt Jane. BENEVOLENT FACULTY Our faculty has been indulging in a bit of charity recently, that has in¬stilled a deep sense of appreciation in the hearts of the fortunate, or should we say unfortunate, mem¬bers. Due to the thoughtfulness of Grace, each teacher who has had the misfortune of illness during the school year, has received a bouquet of beautiful flowers as a token of sympathy and a wish for a speedy recovery. Grace keeps a small box in the office solely for the purpose of re¬ceiving the tiny contributions from the hale and hearty members of the faculty. Never, though the ill teach-1 ers have been many, has one beeni overrooiceQ. ii is a wonderH for the faculty to extend pathy, and every teacher been compelled to take a s cation for illness consider her time, shall we say, well spent. Virginia Hunter. WINNERS OF CONTEST In Friday's assembly the froers of the new high school ontest, Doyle Jensen and David Morrell, were Ruth Greaves. The followiqH their essays: NEW HIGH SCHOOL The need of a new high sdw not merely a question involve construction of a beautiful cM tablishment or of providing « rooming and equipment for dents. It is a question of an We do more than attend and at school; we become that school! Within its atmosphere we we play, or we study, acting mm are affected. In the exterior raid we choose our places of occupiM for the atmosphere which the vey, resorts and town for the spoil ing of money, the mountaini n camping and solitude, and church for mental solace and ns spection. Accordingly we go school, supposedly to study ciently, but are restricted by fcfl improprieties of our surrouwflil Can we, under the conditions vtfl our dilapidated building offovV expected to obtain the best nMM from our students? Can it, til times, be blamed for disorderlj duct in the halls and assemblies! decorum committee should be nessary in an ideal school, nopd pounding in assemblies. The students need an ideal ecboi Doyle Jensen. A NEW HIGH SCHOOL (HA! HA!) Time—1956. Place—The radiator outside library in the main hall of O. H. S. Characters—Joseph Foley, of the famous big game hunter, Horatio W. Winkler, up and coming young son of the present suptendent of public instruction, Sheldon Winchester Winkler, Introduction—The usual lies been exchanged and we will plifl directly into the heart of the versation. Joseph—When do you think I will get a new building? Mom ries every time come up hertlfl fear this cave will crash on me fl says it was starting to settle lifl in '31 when she went here. M don't you jack up your govafl and get him to throw up a afl one? Horatio—I asked him the day, but he said that this bjl ing had been good enough hbafll his old man and it ought tclfl good enough for me. Joseph—They haven't even pi B new desk in here since pop here. I sit in the same seat heklH in English up in 300. Horatio—How do you knorftl the same seat? Joseph—The old man told nuthtifl he notched his desk every tint hefl was unprepared, and mine bull enough top left to put a book on Horatio—Well, I got to be going. Ogden High School Notes April 21, 1931 RUTH GREAVES, Editor Really ,it's so close at hand it's almost unbelievable. Just three days off—but that's plenty time to make preparations, if you haven't already done so, for the junior prom. THE JUNIOR PROM Sweet music is drifting over cou¬ples swaying gently to and fro, stars peeking in at the window upon beautiful girls and lovely gowns- smiles. laughter, happy voices, thrills. Then the last melody, Sweet Home"—sweet good over but the memory lingeH never to be forgotten. Don't miss such a night of heavenly bliss—get your dates nowfl SPRING CLEANING Spring is a time to clean erything. As the first sigifl comes we all start to was clean rugs, and to paint a |