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Show BETA ZETA TAU Well, you have had plenty of time to hear about the keen theater party we held last Friday night. Yes, it really was a success. We just witnessed the wonderful basketball game with Box Elder, after which we attended the Orpheum theater. We all got a great "kick" out of Jack Oakie and oh, what a comedy! After the show we had a light lunch at Dokos, and finally journeyed homeward. --Dorothy Moore, Reporter. O. H. S. BROADCASTING This is Spy announcing. The last games of the class tournament were Im follows: Second period Wolves defeated Hawks. 104; Big Tigers ; and Snakes at 4: third period, Green Dragons to We fighters, 6-5; Hyenes won over Gorillas, 8-0; fifth period Racateers won from Tornadoes, 3-2; Bunkys lost to Grizzleys, The teami stand as follows: Wrr.. Lost. Tied. Pct.j Wolves, i 1 1 .800; Hawkes 4 2 0 .666 Snakes 3 1 .400 Big Tigers 0 4 2 .000 We Fighters .... 6 0>0 l.ooo Hyenes 4 2 0 .666 Green Dragons .2 4 0 .333 Gorillas 0 6 0 .000 Lucky 13 5 1 o .877 Dirty Dozen .... 4 2 0 .666 Orange Streaks. 2 3 1 .500I T. M. T, 5 1 .uuu Racketeers 6 0 0 1.000 Grizzleys 3 2 1 .600 Bunkys 1 4 1 .200 Tornadoes 1 5 0 .166 Dragons 4 0 1 1.000 Bears 3 2 0 .600 peperikas 2 2 1 .500 Nifty 9's 2 2 1 .500 Sons Sori 2 2 1 .500 : Pireflys 0 4 1 .000 ; Question Marks. 5 1 0 .877 ; Midgets 4 2 0 .666 j Red Devils .... 3 3 0 .500 : Gold Bugs 2 4 0 .333 ; The teams winning in the classes will play during the noon hour. Monday—Wolves, Captain, Harriet Robinson, and We Fighters. Anita Van Dyke. Tuesday, Lucky 13— Margaret Thomas and Racketeers, Nathalie Layton. —Spy signing off. Goodby. ORATORS CHOSEN Thursday night Helen McKay, Marian Ensign and Andy Brunetti were selected as the three finalists in the constitution contest. Each contestant delivered a six-minute prepared speech and then after a fifteen-minute interval delivered a four-minute extemporaneous talk, The quality of the orations was certainly above par, and to make a se¬ll lection was a rather difficult matter for the judges. The following students also tried: Ray Raty, George Thatcher and Curtis Bybee. The three finalists will deliver the orations in assembly this coming Friday and the winner will be select- Ogden High School Notes March 3, 1931 More suggestions are coming in. Hilariously funny, too. Have you any enemies? It seems that some ban for the nominations certainly nm down some people. However, if ifS from us to aid such acts oi aalkious mischief. Heh! Hah! hLs clumsiness and comical ways. How about "Hinky?" "Pal" Russell Farr Is described by as ugly, smart and ttnty. The only fallacy is the sec¬ond turn. What do you think? We there are no hard feel, S can t last long; it's all in Hon candidates, please. Remem more after 9 o'clock Wednesday morning. Pip! Pip! tomorrow night Undisputed first place or a tie! It's mostly up to us, gang, if our Tigers beat Weber tomorrow night! Plain figuring shows us that we ought to defeat the Warriors, but--and what a big question it is! This game is due to be much more thrilling than the last. So much is at stake. We must win this game. If we lose a tie will result! There won't, we hope, be another game if we all turn out tomorrow and help the boys to win. The "Streaks" are prepared to flash their wares on the Warriors, and it looks like a natural conflict! We're not going to miss it. Are you? Bring every orange and black color that you can! AUNT JANE'S CORNER Dear Aunt Jane: Do you think it is too early for us boys to get our dates for the Classicalia? Why aren't the dances even announced or mentioned until the week comes? When is the Classicalia? --Two Inquisitive Boys. Dear Inquisitive Boys: The Classicalia will be hled on the evening of March 27. I do not think it's too early to make your date yet--now's the time to make your choice. --Aunt Jane. Dear Aunt Jane: Would it be possible to arrange for receiving a Year Book if you had not made arrangements when you bought your student body card? If so, would there be any additional cost besides the two dollars? --T. N. T. Dear T. N. T.: Unless you bought a five ($5) dollar student body card at the beginning of the year, the price of the year book is three ($3) dollars, to be paid when you receive your book at the end of the year. --Aunt Jane. ATTENTION! SENIORS Seniors, certainly you want your year book sooner this year. Half the fun of the school year is writing things or drawing in year books. The year book staff and advisors are working hard to give us our book sooner. They can't do it, however without your co-operation. Seniors, you must make your choice of pictures and return thme to the studio as soon as possible. This is your last year--make it a complete success. --Spy. E. A. A. CLUB Truly educational were the reports given at the meeting of the E. A. A. club on Friday, February 27. After a discussion of "Order to Commit," interesting talks were pre¬sented. Miriam Peterson reported on "Interludes." Frank Terry on "Religious Plays of Ancient Times." "Development of English Drama to Shakespeare," by Garnet Bradshaw. Earnest Steimle talked about Mildre." A report on the "Devel-opment of Drama" was given by Mildred Drake. To vary the type of reports, Donald Miller reported on "Adventures in the Elizabethan Age." After all of these talks had been given the class had a general discussion of the talks. Much crit¬icism was given and gladly accept¬ed. The "dessert" always comes last so our "dessert" came from the boost¬er row. We appreciate very much the opportunity to be able to ex¬press our ideas in this club, because it broadens our knowledge so much. —Reporter, G. B. IT'S OVER If you boys and girls see some boys roaming the halls in a dazed, forlorn looking attitude, don't wor¬ry. They'll recover. The song is ended but the melody lingers on. No more will their merry voices echo in their games. The joy is passed! Now they must walk in "the straight and narrow" files. The streets will soon resound with their lagging steps. Mrs. McKey and Mrs. Wade can now resume pulling their hair at the disturbances that come from outside. Mr. Simkins can now re¬sume his vocal lessons. In short, the gym boys have returned from their brief first period sojourn at the Weber gym and are prepared to "dig" once again—Snoopy. A. D. M. Bang! ! Crash!—-! ! Oh, don't be alarmed, it is only station ADM coming on the air. Talk about short and snappy meetings. The business meetings are a little dry, but our programs surely make up for it. Ellen Holgren would make a pretty good (School teacher (I feel sorry for the poor children). Just the same we enjoyed the reading, Ellen. It was too bad Ruth and Mark Childs got all the talent. One of the members told me Mark had stolen her heart while he was playing his banjo. We want to thank them again for their entertainment. Have you ever had dancing feet? Let Betty Blakely play the piano for you, and then you will know how it feels. We'll be seeing ya!! CHATTER AND CHAFF Lou Peery's taken another fling at this so-called "love." Should we blame "Spring"? Well, it's as good as anything else. Tough Wheelwright and Ed Olsen have something in common. We can hardly blame them, though. Russell Farr thinks "debutante" is the name of a woman's club, guild or what have you. That's all right' Russ. Someday you'll understand. GIRLS' ASSEMBLY Last Friday afternoon the Girls' association enjoyed a delightful pro¬gram sponsored by the entertain-ment department, under the direc¬tion of Dorothy Knowldon and Elaine Evans. The program consisted of a read¬ing, "The Highwayman," by Miss Mary Woolley; a piano solo, by Ruth Lindsay; a vocal solo, "The Sweetest Story Ever Told," by Ma¬rian Terry, accompanied by Vir¬ginia Sanders; and a most inter¬esting talk on India by Mrs. Smalley, who has been abroad for some time. MIXED Falling snow—smiling girls (I should say laughing)—all one mixed group. This was a scene, seen by only two Friday afternoon. Link-Tiffany's took a picture of the Girls' Glee club. The occasion caused some comment. Everyone was in¬terested (everyone across the street). We were peered at even through field glasses—and snow.— Spy. TOURNAMENT Here's the Wolves. Harriet Robison and her Wolves defeated Anita Van Dyke and her We Fighters "Monday noon. The Wolves won,1 7-9 —Owl Tigers and Warriors Close League Schedule at Weber Gymnasium Close Contest Is Predicted; Record Crowd Anticipated Olish And Hilton May Get Chance On Guard Line For Tigers O GDEN HIGH and Weber High hoopsters, old rivals In athletics, close their 1931 division schedule at the Weber gymnasium Wednesday night in a game that promises four periods of thrills for the spectators. The "Orange Streaks," coached by Dixon Kapple, recently nosed out the Warriors on the Warrior floor and they hope to cinch the division title tomorrow night by gaining a verdict over the Red and Black machine. Coach Dixon Kapple will probably use Hunter and Harbertson at for¬ward—and Kinner at center. L. Foley looks like a sure shot at one of the forward posts. Kapple, how¬ever, is undecided as to who will start at the other position. Olish or Hilton may get the call lat the other guard line. They are both capable performers. Coach Dick Thorne of the War¬riors hopes to even the score with Ogden and necessitate a play off for the division title. Thorne ex¬pects to start Lambert and Sarlo on the forward line with Captain Joe Chandler at center. Wade and Strat¬ford will be the starting guards. The runner-up in the Ogden di¬vision, as in the past, will meet the winner of the Rich division for the right to perform at the state scholastic joust at Salt Lake this month. Both the Tigers and Warriors en¬gaged in final workouts today in preparation for the final league bat¬tle The contest Wednesday night is scheduled for 8:15 p. m. sharp. Ogden High School Notes March 4, 1931 Ruth Greaves, Editor ALWAYS BE SURE The man who once most wisely said, "Be sure you're right, then go ahead," Might well have added this, to wit: "Be sure you're wrong before you quit!" WOW! There'll be a hot time and how! Don't miss the game tonight. It will certainly be something to write home about. Weber and Ogden, Tigers and Warriors—our gang and their gang—it means a darn good game Jin any language, Wp won our first game with Weber, can we win this jone? We say yes; they say no. How are we going to find out? Go to the game! Root, yell, cheer and 'holler and let's go to Salt Lake as the winner from this division. Yea, team, we're betting on you. Stu¬dent body tickets admit you to the game. D. A. R. VICTORS Monday afternoon at Mrs. Bris¬tol's home Norine Bingham and Mary Underwood were judged first and second place winners, respec¬tively, in the annual Daughters of the American Revolution oratorical contest. Keyoko Oda and Mickey Wedell were the other two entrants. The speeches were of an exception¬ally fine quality. In fact, the women in attendance were highly pleased. The girls were royally en¬tertained and enjoyed their visit immensely. Mrs. McKey certainly ought to be congratulated for the splendid way in which she has con¬ducted this contest. Congratula¬tions, girls! CONGRESS REPORT Congress was honored Monday evening by the presence of four of Her alumnae, Maurine Israelson, Phyllis Frederickson, Leah Farr, and Jeannette Parry, who debated most interestingly on the question, Re¬solved, That the United States should recognize Soviet Russia im¬mediately. eW were very glad to have these girls with us, and we invite all our alumnae to come to our meetings, whether they debate or not. Congress is especially proud of some of her members, and she cer¬tainly has a right to be. We'll tell you why. From those who were chosen to compete on the final try- outs for the school debating team, two members from congress, Helen McKay and Dorothy Nelson, were chosen. Marian Ensign and Helen McKay will give their Constitution¬al orations in assembly Friday. Kioyoko Oda was among the four who won the D. A. R. contest. All these examples only go to show that con¬gress supports all school activities, debating or otherwise.—Ruth Ames. SCHOOL ORCHESTRA Sunday evening at 7:30 o'clock our high school orchestra attended, a theatre party, after which this group went to Keeley's for refresh¬ments. The orchestra was well represented at this social and the mem¬bers thoroughly enjoyed the enter¬tainment. We are well pleased with the rapid progress of this musical unit, but we are sorry that there are not more students to enjoy the benefits of orchestra work. We urge all students who have musical talent to join and help make a bigger and better school orchestra. DON'T FORGET The "new high school" contest ends at 9:00 next Monday morning Get your essays in the box. There's still a chance for an award. |