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Show Ogden High School Notes November 6, 1930 RUTH GREAVES, Editor Pro Ten LUCILLE SPENCER, Typist It is better to fall down on a jot than to lie down on it, for there's no disgrace in failure when you'vt done your best. GAME AT LOGAN Students, tomorrow is our game at Logan with Logan. This is a most important game in that it de¬cides whether or not we hold sec¬ond place. Special rates of one dol¬lar per round trip have been given us by the U. I. C., and everyone is excused at noon to go. The train leaves at 12:30 o'clock. Bring your lunches or eat at the cafeteria. This gives everyone plenty of time to get there (either by train or auto) and we want to see a good showing. Come one, come all. Give the boys the support they deserve. Remember your support is important. PHI BETA KAPPA MEMBER Those who heard the wonderful talk Mr. Blank gave some time ago on the Phi Beta Kappa organization would probably be interested in knowing that our own Mrs. New- comb is a member of it. This is something to be proud of, as it is an honor given to few. AUNT JANE'S CORNER Dear Aunt Jane: May interested parents go to Lo¬gan on the dollar excursion rate, or do they have to pay the regular fare? Also, what is the admission fee for parents at the game? Lovingly, B. V. D. Dear B. V. D.: Yes parents may take advantage of these special rates if they pur¬chase their tickets at the high school. The admission for parents at the game is fifty cents. Anything more? AUNT JANE. CONGRESS Monday night the regular Con¬gress members were entertained by a debate given by the members of the waiting list. The subject was, "Re¬solved, that insurance for the un¬employed be made compulsory." No decision was given. A committee from Forum informed Congress that their club had graciously conde¬scended to accept the challenge giv¬en last meeting and will debate on the subject, "Resolved, that the ex¬pansion of chain stores is detrimen¬tal to the best interests of this com¬munity." The debate is to take place the last Monday in November. After a short discussion the two debators from Congress, Dorothy Nelson and Helen McKay, were chosen. The meeting was then adjourned. Congress is pleased with the large number of visitors and expects an¬other fine waiting list debate next week. HALL OF FAME We nominate to our hall of fame: Edward Olson: Because men of few words are the best; because he has an innocent face—but then, one never can tell; because he has more ability than has been brought to light. Marion Ensign: Because she has a sweet way all her own; because it is as great to be a woman as to be a man; because she can do something that not every girl can do—take the place of Rowland. Joe Foley: Because he came just two seats from passing Ed Smith's first chemistry exam; because you wouldn't believe it, but he can work if he wants to; because he's not in the roll of common men. A PLEA We have heard that three cer- Ogden High RUTH GREAVES, Editor Pro Tem The fellow who believes himself to be the whole cheese is likely at any time to discover that he is only a piece of it. ASSEMBLY In Friday's assembly we were honored in hearing an exceedingly interesting talk given by Dr. E. P. Mills of his travels in Europe. Dr. Mills' talks are always interesting and valuable and we wish to assure him that they are always welcome. We were also favored by a dance from the Weber tap dancers, con¬sisting of Angus Ossman, Foss Hein-er,. Jack Rouse, and Arthur Garden¬er. Lee Richards then played a de¬lightful French horn solo and the rest of the time was given over for a pep rally. tain Weberites owe four of our grea clan of Ogdenites a dinner, banquet or what have you in token of tha famous Ogden-Weber football game As we all know, it has been over week since that historical game However, the dinner, banquet, o etc., has not been seen, heard of no smelled. We suggest that the We berites "coup up," as the monke; said to the lawn mower, since thesi four Ogdenites have been goini through the halls with a very hun gry look upon their faces. (We knov they are starving themselves so a to be able to eat more.) (This is supposed to be in th. guise of a threat to these—ahem- what are they called? Oh, yes, Warriors?)R. H. FORUM Forum, Monday night, replied t< Congress' challenge for a debate, and it was decided to debate them on thi chain store question. John Cawley and Doyle Jensen were chosen to represent Forum. The debate will be held in about three weeks and we're out to scalp the girls of Congress Assembly discussion was held and definite working committee ha; been appointed to take charge. Debate was dropped this week, but fo: next week we have a lively debate coming up, and we surely expect to be interesting. ON THE FOOTBALL FIELD If one happened to pass the football field while practice is going oi he would probably hear remark. something like this: "Snao out of it for ten minute; and you can quit." This was from: Coach Simkins. Captain Van Dyke: "C'mon, get a little fight." Freddie Wilson: "Let's get hot, gang." Captain Morris: "Come on, fellows, let's charge." Jake Olish: "Gee, it's hot." Mickey Chez: "Let me at 'em." Porky Greenwell: "Hey, come back here with that sweat shirt." Jack Hilton: "Let's eat." Intermixed with these, one hears' more remarks from the coach: "How! am I expected to make a team out of cake-eaters and tea hounds?" "Hey, manager, get out the head gears. It's only six o'clock and we're going to have an hour of scrimmage yet." At which the team collapses in a body and the managers are kept busy for a while reviving them. COUNCIL MEETING Regular Council was called to or der by President Corry. The min¬utes were read and approved. Mr. Brunetti reported for the pom-pom committee and asked for another week's time. It was moved and seconded that this report be accepted. The motion was passed. Tau Eta Nu and We "13" were both granted parties for the 7th. Stellae and Beta Zeta Tau for the 14th and 18th, re¬spectively. It was moved and sec¬onded that any student who loses his student body card be compelled to pay twenty-five cents if he wants a new one. The motion was passed. Council then adojurned. RAYMOND RATY, Secretary. AUNT JANE'S CORNER November 10, 1930 Dear Aunt Jane: Most of the boys seem to hay had a financial drop or they are to bashful to ask the girls to th Thanksgiving dance. May we g stag unless we get a break betweei now and then? A DISTRESSED JUNIOR. Dear Distressed Junior: I don't think it is financial trouble that is keeping the fellows fror getting their dates because th Thanksgiving dance certainly woul not break up any boy's pocketbool Just give them time. There are tw whole weeks left yet, so don't giv up hope. Wishing you the best o luck. AUNT JANE. WEINIE ROAST Thursday the Girls' associatioi held a very successful weinie roast They left the high school shortl; after 4 o'clock and hiked up in th foothills above the reservoir, wher they divided into squads, playe games, and had stunts. They buil a bonfire and sang songs and at( all the weinies, marshmallows, etc, that they could possibly consume Everyone had a really good time an are anticipating more things of thi sort. O. H. S. NOTE BOX Students, if there is anything in the line of news that you would like printed in this column, don't pass up the note box. This column is yours and any article of interest will be appreciated and given space. This applies to all club reports. Get them in early! JOIE FRANCAIS Hello folks! This is Joie Francais. How's everybody out there getting along? We're just as peppy as ever and wait until you see our new uniforms. Oh, Boy! At our last meeting we elected new members. Four seniors and six juniors. They are: Ortel Aadneson, Marion Brown, Phyllis Smuin, Eloise Brewer, Elaine Romer, Jean Danvers, Elpha Morse, Margaret Ander¬son, Alice Barker and Guinivere Wooley. How do you like them? We think they are fine and are very glad to have them in the club. Be prepared to hear a lot from Joie Francais this year. "Au revoir " —Eloise Brewer, reporter. RADIO For the first time this year we heard the radio Monday morning. It really turned the usual "blue" Monday into one of brightness. Teachers, didn't you notice how well we did our lessons the rest of the day? Let's have more—there's no reason why we shouldn't. OGDEN VS. BOX ELDER Well, we were stung by the Bees— but what's a bee sting in our young lives? 32-0 Is something it is mighty hard to swallow, but it could have been worse and the fighting Tigers will never lose hope. We must compliment Box Elder High school on their first class team and the splendid co-operation of their student body. We wish them to know that we are only waiting for another chance to play with them (there might be a hidden meaning in that sentence). Don't forget, Tigers, we're with you to the end and we're yelling for Orange and Black. GIRLS. On Thursday, November 6, the Girls' association will have a wienie roast which will cost each girl the small sum of 15 cents. Meet at high school at 4 p. m. We will go to the foothills above the reservoir, build a bonfire, play games, have a program and stunts ,and cook wienies. Every girl is invited to come and bring her friends. STRANGE SIGHTS November 10, 1930 Something exciting happen? 2. Ogden high win the basketball tournament? Elaine Wilcox when she was a shy, retiring, modest young lady? A play put on entirely by the faculty? Florence Cave with her hair marcelled? Virginia True not cheerful? More pep at our games? Sheldon Winkler ten years from now? A dance and two assemblies a week? Hermese Broadbent get an¬gry? Louise Peterson fall hard for some boy? The seniors Tut Jack Carr on the drinking fountain? Mr. Merrill walking to school? Helen Madson and Blanche Allison not on speaking terms? Jim Riley speak to someone without being spoken to first? Elma Skelton not smiling? VOLLEY BALL The volley ball tournament is al¬most completed. The intra-class tournament between the winners will begin Monday after school. Period 2—Hermese Broadbent. W. L. T. Pet. Snakes 3 0 0 1.000 Hawks 1 2 0 .333 Wolves 1 2 0 .333 B. T.'s 1 2 0 .333 Period 3—Alice Longstroth. W. L. T. Pet. Gorillas 4 1 0 .800 Green Dragons 2 2 1 .500 We Fighters 2 2 1 .500 Hyenas 0 3 0 .000 Period 4—Ruth Knight. W. L. T. Pet. Lucky 13 3 0 0 1.000 Dirty Dozen 2 1 0 .600 Orange Streaks 1 2 0 .333 T. N. T 0 3 0 .000 Period 5—Ruth Knight. W. L. T. Pet. Grizzlies 3 0 0 1.000 Racketeers 2 1 0 .666 Bunkies 1 2 .0 .000 Toreadors 0 3 0 .000 Period 6—Dorothy Broome. W. L. T. Pet. Nifty 9's 3 1 0 .750 Paprikas .3 2 0 .750 Dragons 2 2 0 .500 Fireflies 2 2 0 .500 Sans Souse 1 3 0 .250 Bears 1 3 0 .250 FIRST IMPRESSIONS A junior student's first imprestar of Stellae is a group of serial minded students with deep whclMa and long, flowing, white beards;:lmi robes with stars and moons asM signs, and high peaked astronoM hats; living in a globe-shaped bwing full of strange appliances anivl instruments, and study in the staa and stellar bodies.—Ken Boyle. Dear Dumb Junior: You are right but wrong. true that we are all serious mindeil H but we have no deep wrinkles not in long, flowing, white beards. Weart, fo as most other clubs at high school a group of students studying sow tc certain subject. We study the stars., Sorry you were so misled, but things a like this occur often during the life of a junior.—A Star-Gazer. BETA ZETA TAU Well, gang, here we are again! H Our colors are chosen and we'll soonli be ready to fly them high. And, Oh! did you see the happy smiles and some of the junior girls jfti faces last Tuesday! The reason tsR none other than that they have! been the lucky six who were chosen its as members into our club. These honored girls are the Misses Isabelle Wadley, Lulu Hodgeson, Ruth Cleve, Ruth Hawkins, Helen Smith, and Ua P McKell. But that isn't all; there were also four lucky seniors chosen for members. These are the Misses Ila Smith, June Leavitt, Janet Parks and Dorothy Moore. Look out—it won't be long now.- 3 Dorothy Moore, reporter. GREGG ARTISTS The Gregg Artists club was founded last year by a group of girls who wanted to promote efficiency in shorthand. They made a very good start, but we girls who were elected as members are striving to make our club even better than it has been. We meet every Monday at 3:30 in Miss Stephenson's room, and anyone who wishes to visit our meetings is perfectly welcome to do so. At present, our discussions concern our future uniforms, which are to be much different than they were last year. Although we have not definitely decided on our style yet, we are soon going to exhibit them in the halls, and we know you will like them. Our aim is to make Ogden High a better high school, and to make!, her proud of us.—Mary Islaub. re Midgets 3" o" o'1.000, Red Devils 2 1 0 .666 P Blue Streaks 1 2 0 .333 J Gold Bugs 0 3 0 .0001J CARPE DIEM Train a pledge in the way he should go and he will never depart _ therefrom. We, the most honorable Carpel Diem members, do solemnly promise to install on that, the 15th day of P November, in each and every mind of four senior pledges that they must enjoy that day—that is, the next day—by means of contrast. As r it is we can see the truth in the phrase, "Unless one tastes the bitter, he cannot enjoy the sweet," so tl we will use the third degree method. We are sorry pledges; it hurts us more than it does you. LORNA MALAN. NO SCHOOL There'll be no school tomorrow!! Those who can't stand this holiday 1 are welcome to come up to high j school and sit on the steps. Thisi is not our Christmas holiday though, 1 so don't forget to come back Wed¬nesday promptly at 8:30. BACK AGAIN Well, students, here we are start¬ing the ninth glorious week of school. Did everyone remember their Monday morning smile? Now keep it up all week long and just notice what a wonderful place this grand old world is, after all, and how fast the days roll by. Have your lessons perfectly done every day, and don't forget to brush your teeth. EVENLY MATCHED In the neighborhood of 500 rookies including our splendid band went to Logan on Friday to witness that' most interesting of all the season's football games, Logan vs. Ogden. Logan scored early, but after that the teams proved so evenly matched > that neither side scored so the final stood 6 to 0 against us. Our boys fought like real tigers and won the approbation of all spectators. Yes, we're proud of our team. Likewise we are proud of our school which supported the team as royally. It was a wonderful day, a wonderful game, a wonderful crowd, and so k despite the defeat we all had a wonderful time. Next year we'll meet Logan here at Ogden and we promise them another battle royal. |