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Show munity activity that is awaiting adoption by the service clubs. Attetnion was called to the fact that the Ogden High school com¬mencement exerciess must be held in a downtown theatre because the school lacks auditorium accommodations. He pointed to the fact that the R. O. T. C. unit must drill on the public streets, that there are no grounds for athletics and the build-ing is inadequate properly to care for the education of the students. He said the auditorium is unsightly and, only a man with a "bull voice" can make himself heard in it. In urging the construction of a better high school building, Mr. Mulcahy called attention to present eco¬nomic conditions which make pos¬sible the building of the structure at from 25 to 30 per cent less than it could have been provided in the past or in the future and that it would help the employment situation. At the conclusion of the address by Mr. Mulcahy, attention was call¬ed by Alfred Gladwell, secretary of the club, to the fine high scnooi building provided by the taxpayers, of Weber county and he thought Ogden city should not delay action in giving to the young men and wo¬men of Ogden an institution of; which they are worthy. Members of the club then voted unanimously for the appointment of a committee to make further inves¬tigations. President W, J. Critchlow, Jr., will name the committee next week. Eric Ackerlind, manager of the Kress company store, was elected; president of the Lions' club. He succeeds W. J. Critchlow, Jr., who now becomes first vice president. Other officers elected are E. R. Buckner, second vice president; Al¬fred Gladwell, secretary; R. E. Mitchell, treasurer; Mr. White, tail-twister; R. C. Glasmann, lion tam¬er; song leader, Kelly Goddard; or-ganist, Gene Halliday; directors, two-year term, R. T. Mairs, Joseph Chez, John Houstan. Utah High School News. OGDEN, March 14.—Mrs. Royal Eccles of Ogden presented sixteen volumes of history to the Ogden high library. CHOOSE THREE ORATORS. Meyer Lutzker, Russell Stone ana Preston Mulchay were chose-n as the three contestants for the school in a tryout Thursday and will en¬ter the S. A. R. oratorical contest. March 20. Teacher Shows Art. Le Conte Stewart, of the art de¬partment of Ogden high, has an art exhibit of eighteen of his own paintings at the Central junior high school this week. The Girl's association of Ogden high has on exhibition at their own school this week. a collection of etchings from the Printmakers' So¬ciety of California. R. O. T. C. Feted. Sponsors of Ogden high schoot gave- a dinner dance to officers of the R. O. T. C. at Dick's cafef and the Berthana, March 2, M the officers, the followinCH were present: Mr. and Mrs. Merrill, Mr. and Mrs. Irwin, Captain and Mrs. Sparks, Lieutenant and Mrs. Halloway and Mr. and Mrs. Glen Hansen. Mr. Merril and Captain Sparks responded to toasts. Normandy Chimes Ring The music department of Ogden high school will present "The Chimes of Normandy," April 10 and 1 the Weber county high school. After a long series of tryouts following students have btgM in leading roles: Maurine Cornea, Yvonne Pierce, Kay Moyes, Helen Chugg, Alice Caldwell, Harriett, Robison, Ma Lou Dobbs, Imogene Locke, Gilbert Tolhurst, Glenn Judd, Raymond Raty, Walker Low, Dell Tower, Ivan Brunett and Edward Olsen. The chorus will be made up of 100 voices and the orchestra of 25 musicians. Speaking For O. H. S. Graduating Class Presented here are four of the principal students on the commencement program of Ogden High school, to be held Thursday morning. At top are Miss Dorothy Nelson, who will give the introductory speech, and Robert Kimball, an oration. Below, at left, is Raymond Raty, who will give a reading and at right is Doyle Jensen, who will also deliver an oration. Photos by Link Tiffany |