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Show get her lessons and have a good time; because at times she and Doyle are right there with the repartee; because who ever said girls could not debate as well as boys was wrong. BETA ZETA TAU. Well. I suppose you saw some very woe-begone looks on those "lucky" members' faces last week land are wondering what the big idea is. We tried to "grin and bear It" but maybe some of us didn't quite succeed. You know that that lie quite hard to do when you are being mistreated. Anyway, the reason for all of this la that B. Z. T. had their initiation party a week ago last Saturday And say, If you wish to know how much assorted candy you get at Schramm-Johnson's Drug store for a penny, Just ask Janet Parks. She'll be sure to know. Or If anyone would like to know what a so- called "chub" worm tastes like, any one of us will tell you gladly, , but we won't he responsible for what takes place later. But there's always a nice part about It. Have you seen our costumes? If not, you surely have FOUND A purse was found on Twenty- fifth street b; Arleen Sessions. The owner may have purse after having i given salWactory description as to its contents. ARLEEN SESSIONS, Advisory Room 301. Ogden High School Notes November 20, 1930 Ruth Ames, Editor Pro Tem LUCILE SPENCER and RUTH WHITE, Typists If you have knowledge, let others light their randies at it.—Margaret Fuller. THANKSGIVING DANCE Is there by any chance anyone who hnsn't his date for the dance Friday? Well, It's plenty late, but there's still time, If you dash to the telephone right now. It will make mi and the girl happy, for the Thanksgiving dance is always one the gayest of all the year. You're bound to have a lot of fun, so hurry and tell the lucky girl. HALL OF FAME We nominate to the Hall of Fame: Porky Greenwell, because he is more collegiate than anyone who ever went to college. Virginia True, because her smile ranks among the most gracious of Bob Kimball. because he Is one of the let kid... socially, educationally and < very other way, that ever entared the good old institution. Ortel Aadnesen, because she Is om girl w ho could not use a permanent wave; we envy her. Kenneth Williams, because he iq ft youtiR and handsome Junior whq has a weakness for blondes. Varine Felt, bccause she repre¬sents the "Orange and Brown," because high school Is proud of such a sweet and charming girl as she. ASSEMBLY SPEAKER We are pleased to announce that the Rev. Lester P. Fagen will be oui speaker at Friday's assembly. Th assembly will be held at 11:10 an, we Invite our parents and friends tc come In and enjoy our assembly witt us. Mr. Fagen will speak on thi subject of "phenology" and we art all wondering what the reverent gentleman will have to say on tha subject. We arc Just sure of one thing--Mr. Fagen will have some' thinK Interesting to say. GIRLS' VOLLEYBALL Monday at 3:30. the final game in the girls' volleyball tournament was played between the Midgets of the I seventh irlod class and the Nifty of the sixth period. This ex- game was very close, the lending until the last three I mi:.-iv . of play, but during this I time the Midgets spurred ahead. missed plenty, but cheer up, we'll be out in them again before 16ng. Keep your eyes open for the Orange and Brown. Dorothy Moore, Club Reporter. AUNT JANE'S CORNER. Dear Aunt Jane: Will you please tell me how the scrap-book editor is chosen? I would appreciate this information very much. A Senior. Dear Junior: Your letter is indeed timely. We wish to announce that all who are interested in applying for this posi-tion see Mrs. Irwin. The final de¬cision will probably be made by Council after that. We hope many, will be interested and apply. Come again. Aunt Jane. RADIO. For quite some time now we have been enjoying that wonderful in¬vention—the radio. Every morning Mr. Merrill gives his announcements over the radio, thns saving time and making the announcements more in¬teresting. Sometimes we are allowed to listen to good programs and mu¬sic. We appreciate this and the radio and everything about it. But we do wish that we would be allowed to listen to it more often, and espe¬cially during our study periods. Per¬haps we could study better; at any j rate that is the opinion of the stu¬dents. finishing with a score of 29-27, and emerging with the title of school champions. The members of the teams are as follows: MIDGETS—Captain Nora Hawk¬ins, Emma Higgenson, Erma Sum¬merill, Marval Middleton, Burnett Dabul, Ruth Hawkins, Ruth Lind¬say, Barbara Jenkins, Fern Billings, Jessie Berrett and Eva Grover. NIFTY NINES—Captain Dorothy Broome, Georgia Layton, Mildred Drake, Eva Hansen, Jennie D. Boa, Lucille Raw, Holly Arthur, Betty Goddard, Isabel Tucher, Isabel Wadley and Ila McKell. NEW HIGH SCHOOL Back in 1926, David Camp, one of Ogden's famous alumnus, wrote for our school Classicum: "December 1, 1800—Someone pre¬dicts that in five more years we will need a new high school. Gen-erally agreed to be true. "May, 1999—School board promises that in five more years we will have a new high school." Now it was generally agreed that Dave was a writer, but it is we of i later years who will give him the title of prophet. But, after all, though the building helps, it is not really that which makes a high school. It is the people within this building. And they have done a good job of it. We are proud of our R. O. T. C., our band, our sponsors, our orchestra, our glee clubs, our school publications, our student officials, our clubs, our ath¬letes, our debaters, orators, actors, faculty, principal, vice principal, board and everything else that is part of Ogden High. We think that all these make our school something to remember, something we will hate to leave behind. Everyone should feel his responsibility towards up¬holding its morale and traditions and making it a truly democratic school. And think of the little children who will say tonight: "When my great-great-grandchildren reach high school age, there will be a new high school," and be comforted. ZETA PHI ZI Did any of you notice how pale our new members were Monday morning? They had hardly recu-perated from their breath-taking ex¬perience of the Saturday previous. Yes, of course, youve guessed it. It was initiation night! What did we do to them? It would take much less time to tell you what we didn't do! But now that the tests are all passed, our pledges are members and are already planning revenge on the next group of unfortunate juniors. Careful juniors! You're next! VELLA PHILLIPS, Reporter. Thanksgiving Celebrated. OGDEN, Nov. 28.—A Thanksgiving assembly was hold at Ogden high school Wednesday. The speaker was the Rev. A. Hanson of Ogden, who took lils text from Prest. Hoover's Thanksgiving proclamation. Literature Takes Flight. OGDEN, Nov. 29.—The Ogden high "Classicum," quarterly liter¬ary journal, was issued Wednesday. It is called the "Air-Minded" issue. CADET OFFICER PLACES FILLED Commandant of Ogden High School Unit An¬nounces List Captain Roy Sparks, professor of military science and tactics at the Ogden High school, has announced his appointments for the school year in the reserve officers' training corps unit. The cadet officers are: Color sergeants — Frank Todd, Robert Prout. First sergeants — Clyde Hunter, Preston Mulcahy, Lee Shifflet. Platoon sergeants—James Wilson, Clarence Dinsdale, Virgil James, Herbert Tarran, Boyd Budge, Avard Hoggan. Sergeant guides, section leaders— Charles Morby, Floyd Pell, Mark Brim, Frank Wooley, Carl Casperson, George Ballinger, Ed Dermody, Arthur Cartwright, Dave Crockett, Ivan Neilson, Herman Hart, John Cawley. Corporals, section guides — Dee Wansgard, Joe Fowler, Edward Pratt, Louis Peery, John Schoonmaker, Eugene Lynch, Kenneth Boyle, Walter Fowler, Paul Sugar, John Hopkins, Edward Tracy. Corporals, squad leaders—Thomas Condie, Marvin Gealta, Lynn Chap¬pie, Randall Barker, Lloyd Baxter, John Evans, Norman Devereau, Grant Fernelius, Robert Kimball, Harry Sunniville, Fred Van Woerkom, Charles Salt, Ward Jessop, Don Wilkinson, Ray Roberts, June Donneville, Wayne Harbertson, Edward Saunders, Earl Reeves, Carl Manzel, Owen Croxford, Jack Carr, Robert Rushmere, Paul Jensen, Robert Junk. Staff sergeant—Ray Thomas. Modern Life Topics. OGDEN, Oct. 8.—E. P. Mills, ad¬dressed an assembly at Ogden high school Friday, explaining some of the differences between modern. American and European life. Honored guests were Supt. Karl Hopkins, Asst. Supt. Mrs. Fitzsimmons, and Asst. Supt. Wiggins. Civic Pride Urged. Principal A. M. Merrill this week urged his teachers to inspire their students with a feeling of civic pride in their school, that this feeling might carry over into thein community lives. Radio Operated. Tire school radio has been func¬tioning all this week. Principal Merrill addressed all of the students in their respective class rooms, giv¬ing advice, general instructions, and making individual calls to stu¬dents without interfering with class work. Girls Roast Wienies. The Girls' association held a wienie roast at the foothills east of Ogden recently. Games were played around an immense bonfire. Attend Game. Friday school closed at noon to enable the faculty and students to attend a football game at Logan. Club Elects. Jonie Francais, popular club of Ogden high, this week elected the following new members: Seniors—Ortel Aadrreson, Marion Brown, Phyllis Smuin and Eloise Brewer; juniors, Elaine Riwer, Jean Dan vers, Elpha Morse, Mar¬garet Anderson, Alice Barker and Guinivere Wooley. Beta Zeta Tau elected the fol¬lowing students: Seniors — Ila Smith. June Leavett, Janet Parks and Dorothy Moore; iuniors—lsabelle Wadley, Lulu Hodgeson, Ruth Hawkins, Helen Smith and Ila McKell. STAGE MANAGER CHOSEN. OGDEN, Nov. 22.—At a council meeting at Ogden high held Tues¬day Calvert Bowman was chosen stage manager for the school play. ARTISTS PLEDGED. At a. Dramatic Art club meeting Thursday, oU students were pledged for memberships. R. O. T. C. Appoints. OGDEN, Nov. 26.—Appointments for the school year, in the reserve, officers' training corps at the Og-den senior high school are an¬nounced by Capt. Roy Sparks, pro¬fessor of military science and tac¬tics at the school. The cadet officers are: Color Sergeants—Frank Todd, Robert Prout. First Sergeants—Clyde Hunter, Preston Mulcahy, Lee Shifflet. Platoon Sergeants—James Wil¬son, Clarence Dinsdale, Virgil James, Herbert Tarran, Boyd Budge and Avard Hoggan. Sergeant Guides—Section Leaders, Charles Morby, Floyd Pell. Mark Brim, Frank Vooley, Carl Casperson, George Ballinger, Ed Dermody, Arthur Cartwright. Dave Crockett, Ivan Neilson, Herman Hart, John Cawley. Corporals, Section Guides—Dee Wangsgard, Joe Fowler, Edward Pratt. Louis Peery, John Schoonmaker, Eugene Lynch, Kenneth Boyle Walter Fowler, Paul Sugar, John Hopkins, Edward Tracy. Corporals, Squad Leaders—Thom¬as Condie, Marvin Gealta, Lynn Chapple. Randall Barkers Lloyd Baxter, John Evans, Norman Devereau, Grant Fernelius, Robert Kimball, Harry Sunniville, Fred Van Woerkom, Charles Salt, Ward Jessop. Don Wilkinson, Ray Roberts, June Donneville, Wayne Har-bertson, Edward Saunders, Earl Reeves, Carl Manzel, Owen Crox¬ford, Jack Carr, Robert Rushmere, Paul Jensen, Robert Junk. Staff sergeant, Ray Thomas. Social Club Assemblies. OGDEN, Dec. 9.—Zata Phi Zi, girls' social club at Ogden high school, were sponsors for the stu¬dent body assembly Friday. Eight girls of the club presented a short one-act play, Ruth Ogden gave a reading, and Ruth Hampton sang two solos. News Reporter Chosen. Friday Andrew Brunetti, senior, was appointed editor of the Ogden high school notes for The Deseret News. An assistant will be chosen later. "Max" Singers Organize. The male quartette for this school year at Ogden high school, announces Glenn Hansen, director, is as follows: Tenor, Max Hooper; second tenor, Max Clark; baritone, Max Penton; bass, Frank Grasteit. It is the first time the school has assembled into one quartette so many "Maxes." Teacher's Story Honored. OGDEN, Dec. 4.—Mrs. Blanche Kendall McKey, teacher of speech and English in Ogden high school, received an autographed book from Prest. Heber J. Grant as a token of his appreciation for her story "The Daughter of a Fool," publish¬ed in the December Improvement Era. Cantata Planned By Ogden High Cache County Schools Prepare For Holi¬days. OGDEN, Dec. 6.—The music de¬partment of Ogden high school, un¬der the direction of Mr. Glenn Han-sen, will present a Christmas can¬tata, "The Greatest Gift," Dec. 19 The school play, "The Arrival of Kitty," has been set for Dec. 11 and 12. The pay wi be given in the Washington junior auditorium. State High School News. OGDEN, Dec. 18—The Girls' asso¬ciation of Ogden high school held an assembly Wednesday in which Mrs. Dou Pecinkpaugh gave a talk on child welfare. Andrew Brunetti read a story by Mrs. McKey, "The Daughter of a Fool." Music was furnished by Fay Seeger and Yvonne Pierce. OGDEN, Dec. 8.—A full two weeks' holiday for the Christmas and New Year's celebrations will be given to children attending Og¬den city schools, it is announced by Supt. W. Karl Hopkins. The schools will close Dec. 19 and reopen Jan. 5. |