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Show Thank you again for your splendid cooperation, girls, we appreciate it. NELLIE JUNIOR. CHATTER AND CHAFF Ila McKell has taken to housework, but this time the "Broome" happens to be an Elmer. Holly Arthur has suffered broken ribs. Now maybe she'll stay away from those big strong silent men. Have you noticed a slight swelling, under Miss Schofield's ears? It so, beware. Mumps is very con-tagious. Evidently many people are indebt¬ed to Margaret Thomas. All she can say is "Owe me." Keep it up, Margaret, they must get the idea soon. Annual shoe removing contest is now on. Ray Raty is in the lead with fifteen shoes to his credit. (Ed Olsen's toe was swollen or Ray would have had sixteen). Clyde Hunter is running him a close second with fourteen shoes. Who will win, folks? NELLIE JUNIOR. Hoot mon! When is Gilbert Tol¬hurst going to wear his knickers again? O. H. S. debutante slang, "And say, fems! Did you lamp the sor- row in his eyelids when we ordered two more gedunks?" Paul Goddard has become a Dorothy Dix enthusiast. Ho, hum! NEW TROPHIES Our trophy case is decorated to¬day by three new trophies, the American Legion cup, the Para¬mount Publix theatres cup and the relay carnival plaque won at Provo recently. Surely we shall need an¬other trophy case soon. CONCERNING ELECTION We are quickly reaching the cli¬max of the present school year and though it may seem a bit early, we should be thinking about next year when our present juniors are going to carry on just as last year's ju-niors have so ably done this year. Every student has his share in gov¬erning the student body, but out of necessity this must be done through the three officers who are your choice. Be careful in your selec¬tion. See that your men, or ladies, are representative students and fully capable of carrying the busi¬ness of student governing on their shoulders. Even though we regret the loss of our seniors and capable officers of this past school year, we are confident that there is excel¬lent material in the juniors. PRAISE GAINED BY CADETS AT ANNUAL REVIEW Kanzler Cup Awarded To Company B, Captain Eldon Lowham Company B of the Ogden High school R. O. T. C. unit, under the captaincy of Eldon Lowham, won the Kanzler cup for being the best drilled company at the annual in¬spection in Ogden stadium Wednes¬day afternoon. Competition between the com¬panies for the Kanzler cup and platoons for the Paramount-Orpheum cup was held after the formal inspection by Lieutenant Colonel Jerome G. Pillow, Ninth corp R. O. T. C. officer, from California. The first platoon of company B, under Lieutenant David Morrell, was adjudged the best drilled platoon and awarded the Paramount-Orpheum cup. Judges of the drill were Second Lieutenants Ross T. Samp-son, formerly of Ogden, and Bruce Easely, Jr., both of the Thirty- eighth infantry, Fort Douglas. Company A, under the captaincy of Grant Judd, and company C, un¬der the captaincy of Ernest Steinle, also competed for the Kanzler cup. The. American Legion cup was presented to the Ogden High school band for efficiency, attendance and appearance. A large crowd gathered at the stadium to watch the maneuvers of the cadets. Colonel Pillow expressed himself as being very well pleased with the showing of the unit and complimented Captain Roy Sparks and Sergeant Ed. Halloway. Captain Sparks today stated that the Ogden High school stands a good chance among the 46 schools in the Ninth corps area of being an honor school. LEWIS TROPHY NOW PROPERTY OF WEBER HIGH Robert E. Jones Receives Award As Individual Orator The annual Lewis oratorical contest for senior high schools, was held Wednesday evening in the auditorium of the Weber County High school. The team winning the honors represented Weber County High school and consisted of Robert E. Jones and Woodruff Deem. This is the third consecutive year that Weber has won the trophy given by J. S. Lewis of Ogden, and it now becomes the permanent pos¬session of that school. The individual prize in oratory was won by Robert E. Jones of Weber and he was awarded a gold watch, also given by Mr. Lewis. His subject was "Democracy." Roy Critchlow of Ogden High school won second in this event and was a close contender, the judges report¬ed. Critchlow spoke on the subject of "The Menace of Mexican Immigration." The schools contesting in this forensic art were Box Elder High school of Brigham City, Davis High school of Kaysville Ogden High school and Weber High school. Leonard Christiansen acted as chair¬man of the meeting and these judges rendered the decisions: Professor Leland Monson, Miss Marian Read and Professor J. Q. Blaylock of Weber college faculty. Eight speakers in all gave address¬es in this order, Miss Helen Tiller, speaking on "The Symbol of Ameri-ca"; Robert E. Jones, "Democracy"; Woodruff Deem, "American Oppor¬tunity"; Roy Critchlow, "The Men¬ace of Mexican Immigration"; Rex Skidmore, "Plan or Perish"; Miss Dorothy Harris, "Impossible Is Unamerican"; George Thatcher, "Peace, an Answer to Flanders' Field"; Calvin Rampton, "A Plea for Universal Peace." A good sized audience from the four schools listened to the efforts of the contestants. Ogden High School Notes May 8 An unusually fine assembly as presented Thursday by the Music department under the direction of Mr. Hanson. After Mr. Corry had introduced the candidates for stu¬dent body officers the boys' glee club presented two delightful songs Next Bill Allen gave us a clarinei solo and Lee Richards gave us French horn solo. Dorothy Knowl¬den favored us with one of he: songs, "When Thou Art Mine" anc Max Clark sang "Lovely Night.' Next Dorothy Crawford entertained us with a piano solo and ther Yvonne Peirce sang "The Lark Nov Leaves Its Lovely Nest." Drew Peterson played "Youthfulness" on th saxaphone. Marion Terry sang foi us "Birds of Eventide" and last bui not least the Girls' Glee club gave us a song. These were all contest numbers and were indeed splendid. —Alice Dunn. SOON TO TANGLE The Forum-Congress debate, sec¬ond only in importance to the school debates, will be held May 18. The subject for discussion is—Resolved: That the nations of the world should should adopt a policy of free trade. The debaters who will represent congress are Helen McKay and Dorothy Nelson. The boys who carry the Forum colors are Doyle Jensen and Andy Brunetti. This year Mr. John A. Hendricks will pre¬sent a cup to the winning team as well as individual medals to the vic¬torious boys or giHs. Interest over these debates is at high pitch and something tells us that a fine debate is in the offing. You are cordial¬ly invited to come and listen. —Snoopy. ANNOUNCEMENTS OFF! They're off! But this time it happens to be the order for the an¬nouncement cards. One thousand one hundred twenty-three cards! The cards will be back here ready to distribute in about two weeks. How-ever, watch for further notice. It will not be possible to buy any more announcements. The song is ended —but it is still possible to purchase the calling cards that you enclose within your announcement card. Dear patrons, the announcement cards do not have your name print¬ed on them. It is necessary for you to arrange to have your name en¬closed. The calling cards are two dozen for sixty cents, 50 for $1.00, and 100 for $2.00. Anyone desiring to purchase these calling cards should see John Cawley or Andy Brunetti immediately. —Snoopy. SAM PEPYS REINCARNATED Up and to school betimes with no great amount of delay. Thence to drill where I find that we are to engage in a cleaning of all the guns for our inspection which is coming. Methinks I should have done better anon to have gone to divers places until mine good fellows did, have them spic and span. We must eens clean out each speck of dirt for the fear that an officious inspector must look in them to see if we have. Anon, in the evening, to see a picture which moveth which was called "Trader Horn." Methinks it an great farce as another "Ingagi" and methought there was no great education in it though I may be wrong for I have no great taste for pictures of this kind. Home in an vehicle which is in¬deed very ancient. Methinks that I had seen it in the seventeenth cen-tury when I was writing mine diary before. It was called an Model T Ford. It haveth an great time on the hill but finally after much chugging it maketh it. —Charles Wood. CHATTER AND CHAFF Wouldn't it be wonderful if we all; had: The hair of Helen Tanner. The eyes of Elaine Evans. The teeth of Virginia Hunter. The face of Anna Fox. The disposition of Virginia True And the scholastic ability of Dorothy Nelson. Great names are found in quee: c places. If you don't believe it, lool j on the stump of the fallen tree ou in front. Why the hectic flush, Coach Simkins, or is it "athlete's heart?" Mary Walker (on day of Loyalty parade): "Hey, you back there witfi the orange tie, cut out the racket." And there was the who wrote Aunt Jane and she might wear the fairy costume she wore in "Rose-red and Snow-white" for the graduating exercises. Jane, you jolly clown, freckle crop blooming thii i or did the freezing freckle dll q blight their growth? Famous last words (with apologies to Ted Cook): "And William Walker--that will be all for now." HALL OF FAME We nominate to the Hall of Fame Mr. Merrill—because he Is our very competent principal—because if he were to give up being our principal he could double for Graham McNamee or Floyd Gibbons--because he let us girls off to see the R. O. T. C. boys' inspection --and just because. Mrs. Irwin—because she's Mrs. Irwin—because she is alw and willing to help—became fl girls love her—and also justb Miss Chesney—because tej has spent a lot of time —because she can keep a caanvfl orderly with fewer words other five people we knot. Dad Beeson—because we drifl most the things we arei lose—because he is an enri 5 the rule that fine things e small packages—because he's right. RETROSPECT Seniors are now fondly about and taking a lasting mm brance of what is soon to be t alma mater. It is not with itnjfl that they review and recouo places and happenings of theftp two years, for they have been e ful ones. The years of youth H r golden, and each hour is as in one's memory. Indeed thoii various gems, both sad ouI cheerful, yet combined they a bountiful collection ,ladene the fruits of industry and thl rof friendship and association i is only through the eyes of that the scene of departure Isaft more vivid and their token of ptfffl tude makes lustrous and moredl their regret to leave that where the fond hopes of votnjj jits future have been nurtilliafl inspired. However the psychology of ture is such that when we something slipping from us weiffl ish it the more. Ogden High school's faculty and student are deeply indebted to their Mtife for they have proven not ip wholesome and energetic, but t scholastic and have set i standard for others to follow. Ogden High school lifts its head with to bid the seniors of 1931 farewell and although it might retire to have their friendly counteniaoatafl .its midst always, progression mons them on to higher and niifl endeavors. —Betty Goddard. OGDEN SCHOOL'S GRADUATE LIST SETS NEW MARK THE largest class in the history of Ogden High school will be graduated this spring, Principal A. M, Merrill reports with 376 receiving their diplomas. The Sunday baccelaureate service will be held May 31 at 11:30 o'clock in the Orpheum theatre and the graduation exercises will be held the following Thursday morning, A 10 o'clock in the same theatre. Commercial course graduates are: William Erskine Allen, Blanche Lucille Allison, Joe Anderson, Eila L. Anderson. Julia Berghout, Paul Edward Berglund, Melba Blair, Betty H. Blakeley, Mildred Blaylock, Naoma Blaylock, Jack E. Boyle, Marian Brown, Edna Helen Burton, Viola Butler. Harriett Louise Campbell, Margaret Code, Maurine Cornia. Burnett Dabell, Norma R. Dana, Vera Drabble. Evelyn M. Farr, John C. Fairweather, Elva Cecelia Felt, Varine Felt, Frances Fish, Lynn Emery Foley, Julia Folland. Maxine Lucille Gait, Flora God¬dard, Florence Grix. Rae Hadley, Arleen Hampton, Emily Hancock, Helen Irene Han¬sen, Catharine Hardy, Eva Mae Harris, Helen E. Harrison, Leonard Hart, Nora Delia Hawkins, Albert Herrick, Aretta Higham, Harold Henry Hudson, Dorothy Hunsaker, Reta I. Hunter. Mary E. Islaub. Ella Jeffs. Sadie Kemsley, Ruth Knight, Dorothy Loraine Knowlden. Rosella Larson, Wayne Larson, Ella June Leavitt, Walker Francis Low. Maxine Malan, Marval May Middleton, Charles Alwyn Morby, Hazel E. Mumford, Madge Elizabeth McAlister, Lorraine McEntee, Mary Louise McFarland, Agnes Martin McPhie. Elias William Negus, Verna Nelson, Ethel Pearl Nelson, Maurine Newcomb, Emma Jane Newey, Allen Layne Newey. Virginia Oborn, Nona Owen. Janet Parke, Olive Perterson, Charles Peterson, Carol Louise Pfisterer, Thelma Purrington. Martha Ramsay, Raymond Raty, Elaine Revell, Beulah Romans, Elaine Russell. Carl H. Schoonmaker, Maria Ethel Schuenman, Earl F. Seager. Charlene Clara Sherman, Helen Simpson, Elma Marie Skelton, Phyllis Smuin, Jeanne Burns Sneddon. |