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Show December 17, 1930 Ogden High School Notes Ruth Greaves, Editor Ruth White and Lucille Spencer, Typists A hint to the wise is sufficient. Boys! Here's an idea. Take a girl to the Christmas dance and you are sure of a date for the Girls' Accolade next month. Fair enough? CHRISTMAS DANCE. Students, you are the subjects of a most astounding occurrence. In this period of depression everyone is striving to aid his neighbor. The movement to help one another is world-wide and the struggle for prosperity during the Merry Christ¬mas of 1930 is supported by everyone. This universal feeling of good-will has spread not only to each class room at high school but also to each individual student. The atmos¬phere of progress is so marked, that we have decided to follow these principles by admitting all high school students to our annual Holly Hop at the Berthana this Friday on their student-body tickets. The senior class has striven to further good-will and cordially invites you to attend our Christmas dance. Re¬member that admittance for those without student body tickets will be 75 cents per couple. "THE GREATEST GIFT." Maybe you haven't heard yet— shall we tell you? The music department is going to treat the student body in Friday's assembly. Mr. Hansen and the students have been working untiringly to make the cantata a success. Don't miss the assembly Friday. This is a Christmas present that will live in your memory forever. —Elma Skelton. AUNT JANE'S CORNER. Dear Aunt Jane: If a fellow has taken a girl out for about two months but not steady, is it proper to send her a Christmas gift? If so, are flowers appropriate for the occasion? Sincerely, MR. A. WHOOSIS. Dear Mr. Whoosis: Christmas gifts are given to those whom we consider very dear close friends and those of whom we are very fond. If this particular girl is a very good friend to you, it is left to your judgment as to giving her a gift. I think it's a lovely idea to send flowers, as flowers and candy are the most appropriate things a boy could give to a girl. Gifts from boys to girls of high school age should be inexpensive. AUNT JANE. Dear Aunt Jane: What are we going to do with all these boys who think they are too good to take dates to one of the best dances of the year—the Christmas dance? Boys can go stag, but girls can't, very well, so they have to stay at home unless they get a date. Then, too, don't the boys realize that great occasion, the Girls' Ac¬colade is coming soon? If the boys don't take dates to any of the dances how can they expect to go to the Accolade? The Accolade is going to be a great dance and I know every boy wants to go. They'd better get busy before it's too late. DISGUSTED. Dear Disgusted: I can think of no better answer than to print your article and if the boys don't take the hint, it's their hard luck for, as you say, the Acco¬lade is going to be a great dance, and unlucky is the fellow who doesn't get a date. Come on, boys. Get that date you've been thinking of for so long. There's plenty of time left! AUNT JANE. HALL OF FAME. We nominate to our hall of fame: Vego Chrisman: Because he has such a winning way with girls. Lorna Malan: Because when she's ice-skating and comes to the con¬clusion that the ice is cracked, she jumps at conclusions. Elias Negus: Because he's a won¬der at drill (wonders what's it's all about). Because he's too interested (in what?) And because he knows his women. QUARTERLY. It won't be long now. In just a few days you'll receive from the Quarterly staff a little book clev¬erly composed, beautiful in subject matter and chuck full of the best writings in the school. We await ex-pectantly for this little manuscript. BOYS' GYM WORK. Had your eye-opener? Yah! And how! To the innocent bystander it would seem as if the two boys were dis¬cussing some intoxicating beverage. Though it isn't an intoxicating bev¬erage, it's an eye-opener of the first degree. What is more exhilarating than a swift game of ball and then a brisk shower to stimulate the brain and help to shift it into high for a strenuous day. This is the advan¬tage that the gym boys have when they go to the Weber gym in the morning. The boys are quick to take advantage and have already planned with the supervision of Mr. Simkins to have an intra-mural basketball and swimming tournament. Things are progressing rapidly and before long you can expect to hear good news concerning these tournaments. More later. SNOOPY. December 18, 1930 Ogden High School Notes Ruth Greaves, Editor Ruth White and Lucille Spencer, Typists Grab that phone! It isn't too late to make that date yet. If you miss the Christmas dance you'll miss the biggest time of your life. LETTER OF APPRECIATION Dear Class of 1931: We thank you for the flowers sent to your class¬mate, Emerson. His father was a member of the class of 1900—his mother of 1905—we had both an¬ticipated singing the O. H. S. song with him next year. May your school year be happy for all mem¬bers. MR. AND MRS. M. S. STONE. "HOLLY HOP" NEWS Students, tomorrow night is our long-awaited Christmas dance. As the school feels prosperous and has the real Christmas spirit, it has been decided to let you make use of your student-body tickets, which will admit you to the dance. There is no reason now why everyone shouldn't be present to have a jolly good time. Girls, have your tickets by the front room door and don't forget them on your way out. Those who have already purchased then tickets may return them to the of¬fice and have their money refunded General admission fpr those who dc not possess a student-body card is 75 cents a couple. By all means, don't miss the Holly Hop! MUSIC PARTY Tonight is the night (for some lucky students). Don't miss the big¬gest party of the year, Glee club students! All be there tonight at 8:30. See you later. ELMA SKELTON. CONGRESS Monday night the names of the new senators were announced. They are: Kiyoko Oda, Alice Dunn, Vir-ginia Hunter, Ruth White, Mary Haynie, Edna Williams, Helen Lindquist and Margaret Thomas. After this an excellent debate was given by Marion Ensign, affirmative, and Ruth Ames and Mickey Wedell, neg¬ative, on the subject, "Resolved: That compulsory unemployment insurance should be made obligatory by an act of legislature." Through the inability of one debator to give her debate no decision was rendered. Two junior members, Alice Dunn and Virginia Hunter, were selected to debate Forum and the question of the 13-month year was decided upon. Congress is to have the affirmative side of this debate, which will be held January 12, 1931. We wish it understood that all girls interested in debating, whether members or not, are welcome to the Congress meetings. CHATTER AND CHAFF This is the kind of weather we will be longing for when we have the kind of weather we're longing for now. Dorothea H.: I'll be right down as soon as I can find something to slip on. Paul G.: Here's a banana skin. A girl who can be read like a book is often left on the shelf. Joe Foley will be at the Christ¬mas dance. Yes, and Jim Riley, too. In fact, many dignitaries will be there—even Santa Claus and Porky Greenwell! Mr. Hetzel: What does this 60 on your report card mean, son? Bob: Oh, that's just the tempera¬ture of the room, father. To a certain "bored" senior: If you don't like these jokes And their dryness makes you groan, Just call around occasionally, With some good ones of your own. ORIGIN OF YULETIDE The history of the word Yuletide is dimmed a little by the mists of time. We know that its medieval English form was "yol," from still older Anglo-Saxon "geol," and that lis akin to Icelandic "jol," the raid- winter feast (going back to heathen times). This word "jol" may also be the ancestor of "jolly." So Yuletide from the beginning, perhaps meant "a jolly time," as it still does (although now in its special Christmas significance. December 19, 1930 Ogden High School Notes Ruth Greaves, Editor Ruth White and Lucille Spencer, Typists Time—9:00. Place—Berthana ball¬room. Occasion—Holly Hop! Start the holiday season out right. GIRLS' ASSEMBLY A very interesting girls' assembly was held Wednesday afternoon un¬der the sponsorship of the social ser¬vice department. Miss Nathalie Lay- ton and Miss Hermese Broadbent were in charge. The program in¬cluded a delightful cornet solo by F Seager, accompanied at the pi¬ano by Virginia Sanders, and a talk by Mrs. Peckinpaugh, president of the Chidlren's Aid society, in which she told us of the wonderful work the society is doing. We are only too glad to aid them in helping oth¬er people to have an enjoyable Christmas this year. Yvonne Peirce favored us with a vocal solo and Andy Brunetti read for us the beau¬tiful story, "A Fool's Daughter," written by our own Mrs. McKey. We congratulate Mrs. McKey again, and also Andy, for the splendid way in which he presented it. LETTER TO BOB dear bob elviraz ben persterin me to go to yer hi skool holey hop thet cumz of thiz here fridey she wantz to go with sum skool sheek shez crazie abowt she sez thez guys got a car andz goina cum an git her soz she wont hav to walk in the snow she seb thet therz gina be a kene tim and a mess of people r goina bee thear and ther goina be saprizes fer everbude i dont know whethir she can go er not cuz they aint paid me fer the carritiz. she sez "that i gota let her go cuz its won of the best of the yeer. hep sed that itz alright but i undirstand thez noo fangled dansz whear everbodi has sech a gul tim she sez thet everthin is goina be kene an if she dont tak this wo nshe wont get anuther chance cuz everbode is tooked. wel so long i gota milk the coaws. YER PAW. AUNT JANE'S CORNER Dear Aunt Jane: When I went to junior high I was in several plays and things and I got the "swell head"; now that I am in senior high I know that that kind of stuff doesn't go. Will you please give me a few points on how to break this habit? HOPING JUNIOR. Dear Hoping Junior: In senior high school we like to think of such activities as you men¬tion, as services freely given to the school. If you will look around for things to do for others, if you will try to consider others first, giving your best at all times without thought of honor or reward, you will soon find yourself busy and happv in it. AUNT JANE. CHATTER AND CHAFF Charles Peterson wishes to ut few lines in this column to votti everyone a "Merry Christmas," that he'll not have to buy Christmas cards. Harriet Robison has been trying tl look like a famous movie star thtj last few days. Can you guess who the "star" is? Let us remind you once more off our Christmas dance tonight, Tell your parents to come ,too. They inl special guests, so, of course are idmitted free. The thing "Tough" Wheelwright loves to do worst is to get up in the mornings. Yvonne Peirce is already debating upon that question, "Who shall I take to the Accolade?" Fellows, here's your chance. Glen Judd says he isn't built Icrl speed—he's built for comfort. GENUINE CHRISTMAS CHEER We are certainly glad to say thttl we have caught the Christmas spir. All of our classes are endeavoring tot help make some needy familv ham by preparing baskets for them. -AESOP II. CABARET SPECIAL Who would ever imagine our gym made the affair an overwhelming success. —ELMA SKELTON. R. O. T. C. The second series of speechAM sented to the cadets by Captain Sparks ended with a test lastM day morning. The subject ifl review was map reading andfl construction. The material watfl oughly absorbed by every cadfl the progress of the inside drdtf season is not only exceptiond also beneficial. The cadet com making unequaled strides in knowledge of military operatka we expect excelLnt returns it annual inspection this spring that phase of the high school riculum. BETA ZETA TAU Once more the eve of Christmas vacation is here and with it comes many good times--espeically for B.Z.T. How about it gang? December 31 is the night--you know the time and place, so--remember. Orange and Brown and don't forget the P.Js. Merry Christmas, O.H.S. and adios until next year. --DOROTHY MOORE, Reporter. "MERRY CHRISTMAS" The notes staff exteneds to all the same old wish in the same old way--Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year! HOLLY HOP IS GREAT SUCCESS The annual holly hop of the Og- high school took place Friday eve¬ning, December 19. It proved to be one of the happiest occasions in Ogden high school history. The Berthana hall was crowded to its capacity and everyone seemed to join in with the spirit of the occa¬sion. A large Christmas tree touching the ceiling of the Berthana hall stood in the center of the room, its soft light in harmony with the rest of the hall that had been so perfectly decorated by the manage¬ment. During intermission the crowd of boys and girls were treated by a visit from Santa Claus. This pop¬ular person bounded into the room with his bells tingling and to set off the occasion the whiskered gen-tleman gave presents to various people in the hall. The presents were clever and appropriate. The ticket sale was ably handled by John Cawley, Doyle Jensen and Bob Kimball. The trees and other decorations were attended to by Nathalie Dayton, Edwin Zimmer¬man, Ellis Cragun and Calvert Bow-man. Andrew Brunetti and Dorothry Knowlden had charge of the gifts. |