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Show Ogden High School Notes September 19, 1930 Miss Edith Merril, former in¬structor in Spanish at the Ogden high school, now teaching in a col¬lege in southern Colorado, was a visitor at high school Thursday. TO SEE SOCCER GAME The Ogden soccer club has ex¬tended an invitation to all high school students to view the game between Ogden and Butte soccer teams Saturday afternoon. Messrs. Smith and Taylor who are sponsor¬ing the game declare this will be the greatest soccer game ever played in Ogden. SINCERE APPRECIATION Through the courtesy of L. D. S. officials and H. H. Shurtliff, tab¬ernacle park caretaker, the football boys were permitted to practice on the tabernacle park last night. It was indeed a great treat for the boys to get on a clean grass field and thus express sincere apprecia¬tion. We shall be privileged to prac¬tice there regularly providing we do not ruin the lawn and we shall sure¬ly do our level best. TREAT COMING On Friday, October 3, Ogden high school students, indeed, all students of the city schools are to have an opportunity of hearing the United States marine band at the city stadium. This is said to be one of the finest if not the very finest band in the world. It is sometimes spoken of as the president's band, as it is sponsored and maintained by the government and functions at all great state affairs. It has had many famous leaders, among whom may be mentioned John Philip Sousa, who was its leader for many years. The band has an interesting history, having originated in a drum corps, "The Spirit of 76," during revolutionary times and has been in existence ever since, improving year by year. It will be a great treat for Ogden students to hear this fa¬mous band. TURNING THE TABLES Edward A. Filene, writing in a current magazine, says: "Giving ad¬vice to the young is an art which has been sadly overworked. It is the young who should advise the old, for the young are in touch with new developments." to help them organize these facts into recognized truths." LOOKING AHEAD No one, of course, can predict what the future may bring; we are sure, however, of one thing—im-provement and progress will mark the future as it has the past. In the commercial world, adding ma-chines, typewriters, bookkeeping ma¬chines, printing and duplicating ma¬chines of many sorts have paved the way of progress. One of the late inventions in this field, and one which we believe will revolutionize present practices is the stenotype machine. This is a simple little ma¬chine somewhat after the order of the typewriter but which instead of printing single letters of the alpha¬bet as does the typewriter, prints combinations of letters—syllables, most frequently used in ordinary speech. With practice and skill it is said that a stenotypist can easily write 200 to 250 words per minute from dictation. This of course is much more rapid than any steno¬graphic method yet devised so one may make a safe guess that in a short time the art of stenography as now practiced will be a dead art. We have an idea that within a year or two Ogden high students will not be registering for stenography and typewriting but rather for stenotyping and typewriting. That sounds pretty good, it's rath¬er paradoxical, you know, and yet we wonder if there are any middle- aged people who haven't received these many years plenty of advice from the young. We think the youngsters are holding their own all right. FOR TEACHERS AND PARENTS Superintendent Hopkins said the other day that he should like to im¬press this paragraph upon the heart and mind of every teacher: "Our function, as I see it, is not to peddle our advice. It is not to tell young people what to do. Above all, it is not to tell them what to think. Our function as I see it, is, rather, to compare notes with the younger generation, to go over with the youngsters the facts which the youngsters find, and to employ our powers of analysis, if we have any, Ogden High School Notes September 23, 1930 "There is not one thing in the world of more grave and urgent importance throughout the whole of life of man than is discipline."— John Milton. The only discipline really worth while is self-discipline. Discipline from without is arbitrary and is usually most ungraciously accepted. But that which arises from within and which directs one toward wholesome ends invigorates and strengthens character. Indeed we doubt whether there really is much character where there is no self-discipline. LOST—SOME BOYS A recent ruling of the board of education requires all boys to take drill or physical education at the high school this year. Yesterday there were 296 boys in drill and 48 in physical education. As there are 436 boys registered in school, the advisors were sent out on a searching party to look for the some 80- odd lost ones. ARGUMENT FOR SCHOOL A certain correspondent argues for school training and preparation for life work through the following sta¬tistics taken from United States government figures: Of every 100 who start out at 25 years the story of the following four decades is: At 35, 5 are dead, 38 are strug¬gling, 37 are making a living, 10 are well off, 10 are rich, At 45, 16 are dead, 15 are in pov¬erty. 65 are not getting anywhere, and 4 are wealthy. At 55, 20 are dead, 30 are de¬pendent on charity, 46 are spend¬ing all they can make, 4 are wealthy. At 65, 36 are either dead or phy¬sical wrecks, 54 are financial wrecks A SIGNIFICANT SIGN Students entfering the high school are greeted by an interesting slogan on the bulletin board: "Play your way through school; join the band." This was put up by Glen Hansen, instructor in music. It had some effect, evidently, for 50 students have joined the band. They are begin¬ning with enthusiasm, too, and are intent on giving the high school a better band than we have had here¬tofore. MANY MUSIC PUPILS Mr. Hansen is much delighted with the registration in music this year. One hundred seventy-nine pupils have already enrolled in this de¬partment. In the boys' chorus there are 40 boys and in the girls' chorus there are 51 girls. The mixed choruses are not so large. This seems to justify the assumption that each sex prefers to be by itself. CONCERNING LOCKERS For several years the high school has endeavored to assist pupils in caring for their books, hats, coats, etc., without danger of their being stolen. When steel lockers were first obtained it was thought the prob¬lem was solved. We found, however, that the problem was only half solved, for keys were lost, sometimes a key would open other lockers than the one intended and again, master pass keys were made that would fit any locker. This rendered most un¬satisfactory results as no one's per¬sonal belongings were safe. Then students were asked to fur¬nish their own padlocks. This plan also was unsatisfactory for practical-ly the same reasons as above. Last year much progress was made in furnishing each locker with a dial four-turn combination padlock. These are now used in hundreds of schools and colleges and are guar¬anteed by the company making them. It is quite as impossible to open these padlocks without knowing the combination, as it is to open an ordinary safe or vault. One's prop¬erty in a high school locker is safe if the student will observe the fol¬lowing directions: (1) Never leave the padlock open. (2) Always lock by giving a complete turn of dial after closing. (3) Never divulge your combination to anyone. Ogden High School Notes September 22, 1930 Here we are on the air again at the beginning of the second week of school. Last Friday the cards showed an actual registration of 897 pupils. We have three or four names sent in from classes that do not appear on the cards so we may safely say we have 900 students in attendance. HALL CROWDED At Friday's assembly the hall was so crowded that one would guess there were about fifteen hundred present. At any rate, the registration is the heaviest this year it has been since the withdrawal of the Weber county students. Remember, too, this registration is of the eleventh and twelfth grades only. The build¬ing is crowded to the limit and as everybody knows, we need a new building or at least an enlargement of the present one. ATTENTION OF PARENTS We respectfully ask that parents form the habit of looking over the high school notes that are publish-ed daily. We admit that consider¬able chaff is found in our effusions but occasionally parents might find a grain of wheat. Assuredly at some time there will be mentioned some item of interest. OUR "FIRST ASSEMBLY The first assembly of the year was marked by several interesting fea¬tures. First, an exceptionally large crowd and an orderly one, one-half the students being seated on the comfortable new chairs provided by the board of education, while the other half were seated on the bleachers. It was recommended that the bleachers be occupied next as¬sembly by those who enjoyed the chairs at the last assembly. Secondly, there was some excep¬tionally good music interspersed among the talks. This consisted of cornet solos, "To an Evening Star" (Wagner), and "Because," by our popular girl cornetist, Miss Fay Seager Vocal solos, "Three for Jack" and "In an Old-fashioned Garden," by our talented basso, Walker Law. A violin solo, "Sou¬venir" (Drdla) artically rendered by Miss Audrey Clayton. Thirdly, short addresses were made by Stuedtn Body President Rowland Corey, Vice President Mar¬ian Ensign, Secretary Raymond Raty, Captain Roy Sparks and Principal Merrill. The chief address was given by Attorney James H. DeVine. Mr. DeVine spoke on citizen¬ship in an interesting, earnest man¬ner, that held the students spell¬bound. We feel that every student must have gathered encourage¬ment and inspiration from Mr. De- Vine's splendid address. We extend cur hearty thanks for his visit. GREETINGS FROM ALAMEDA The high school received a pleasant visit Friday from Emil M. Broduson, city councilman of Alameda, California, who brought us greetings from Alameda high school and sug¬gested that an exchange of courte¬sies among the high schools of the west would be a most excellent way of creating a spirit of friendliness and helpfulness among the prom¬ising youth of today, the citizens of tomorrow. Mr. Broduson is just completing a rather extensive good¬will tour in the west. We sincerely thank him for his visit, his greet¬ings and in return the Ogden high school students greet him and all his good friends in Alameda, espe¬cially the student body of Alameda high school. Let us see you again, Mr. Broduson. THE WHY OF IT Each year a few people ask why we have a student body fee. For¬mer patrons know but it is well that we explain also to our new patrons. The high school is a very im¬portant civic organization, whicfl aside from giving the benefit of class instruction in all school subjects, gives opportunity for students to mix socially, to attend games, parties, school entertainments, school plays, operas, to publish a quarterly maga¬zine, a year book, etc. By collecting a small fee at the beginning of the year the student body officers can go ahead and plan the year's ac¬tivities and at much less expense than if they charged for all the splendid things that go to make a wholesome social atmosphere at school. The custom prevails pretty much throughout the country, and has been found a most satisfactory method of carrying on all desirable activities. This is why the student body has a fee and we hope it meets the endorsement of every school patron. PROGRESSIVE TEACHER Ogden has many progressive teachers. Today we'll tell you about just one. Several years ago a pop ular young graduate of Ogden High school was engaged as building clerk or office secretary. The young lady functioned so efficiently that Superintendent Hopkins suggested to her that she get some normal training and prepare for teaching work. The young lady did this and was made assistant in a first grade class. The next year she was given a first grade class to teach. In succeeding years she has taught second grade, third grade, fourth grade, going from grade to grade, year by year, largely as a result of importunities of parents who ask that this par¬ticular teacher have their children for another year. What greater thing can any to teacher do than to be sc efficient that "mothers demand her." It is indeed a fine compliment and we extend our congratulations. Ogden High School Notes September 24, 1930 "The ideals which have always shone before me and filled me with the joy of living are goodness, beauty and truth. To make a goal of comfort or happiness has never appealed to me: a system of ethics built on this basis would be suffi¬cient only for a herd of cattle"—Al¬bert Einstein. OUR FIRST GAME On Friday of this week our foot¬ball boys—we haven't a team yet— journey to Kaysville for the first practice game of the season. They will play Davis High. This will be our only game with Davis this year, as that school, unfor¬tunately, we tnink, has been chang¬ed to the Salt Lake division. TOO LITTLE TIME Our regular league schedule games begin early in October. Too early, it seems to us, as the boys have scarcely time to learn a little about the game of football before they en¬ter the league schedule. No won¬der then not our boys alone—every¬body's—sometimes run to the wrong goal post witn the ball. OUR SCHEDULE Our league schedule in football is as follows: October 10—South Cache at Hyrum. October 16—Bear River at Bear River. October 24—Weber at Ogden. October 31—Box Elder at Ogden. NOT JOHN COOLIDGE At Pocatello last week, Lieutenant and Mrs. G. W. Coolidge, newly-weds, stopped at the Bannock ho-tel at Pocatello. Here they were strenuously interviewed by a newspaper representative who labored under the delusion that he was interviewing the son of ex-President Calvin Coolidge and his bride. Lieutenant Coolidge, as most everyone about here knows, is a graduate of Ogden High and West Point, and is the son of Mrs. Gertrude C. Irwin, vice principal and dean of girls. Mrs. Coolidge, nee Geraldine Leonard, is also a popu¬lar graduate of Ogden High school. The young pair left yesterday for Monterey, where Lieutenant Coolidge is assigned by the United States government. PLAIN TALK Albert Einstein stands for deep and profound thinking in the minds of people generally. But few peo-ple pretend to follow him in his abstract thinking. And yet when he writes on "What I Believe" in a popular magazine, he writes in simple language and more under¬standable terms than any other of the dozen or more philosophers who have written upon the same theme. Altogether too he is very reason¬able and sane as witnessed by the following excerpts: ON SERVING OTHERS "From the standpoint of daily life there is one thing we do know; that man is here for the sake of other men—above all for those upon whose smile and well-being our own happiness depends, and also for the countless unknown souls with whose fate we are connected by a bond of sympathy. ON THE SIMPLE LIFE "Ever since childhood I have scorned the commonplace limits often set upon human ambition. Possessions, outward success, |