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Show PHI LAMBDA TAU "Meeting will please conic to orde —Wanda!-Secretary will read the minutes and call the roll." "Madam Chairman." cough, cougt ( "last meeting we discussed a mos interesting topic—sports In France which was successfully given by my self, Nora Hawkins." Cough—ahem "Another important discussion wal' on one grand dinner-party we re go¬ing to have, with Council's permiston. We finally decided to takt pity on th minor sex. and give them a feed, lucky boys—they don't hav to pay for It. It's going to be u wonderful affair for there will be about forty hungry people. So, if you Arc the t:a> colors of red and black floating over a beautifully idecorated table In a prominent eatIng pine. In the near future, you'll know It s Just another social event! displaying Phi Lambda Tau's social) activity.—Reporter Virginia James. AUNT JANES CORNER Dear Aunt Jane: Is there any possible chance for the students to near the plays that are put on by the National Guild over the National Broadcasting com¬pany evrry Friday at 2 o'clock? I think every student who would be able to hear thev would receive something educational. -A JUNIOR. Dear Junior: The sixth period dramatic art class has the privilege of listening to these wonderful dramatic produc-tions given by the National Guild. I agree with you that any student would receive a great deal of in-formation as well as pleasure if he were allowed to listen to these plays. However. It would be Impossible to dismiss school to that extent. If you have a study hour at that time it might be possible to arrange it with your study hall teacher. Last week. most of the study halls and several English classes tuned in and enjoys the plays. Your very truly. -AUNT JANE. CONGRESS In a debate Monday evening Mr. Kassius adjudged Congress winner. but we do not feel at all as if it , were a one-sided argument. Forum I put up a splendid fight and de¬bated belter than we have ever heard them. We wish to congratu¬late them for their splendid spirit, even in defeat, and the intense research which their presentation of the case showed. Congress looks for¬ward to many more such interesting encounters. The Congress alumni are covering thrmsdtes with glory in other fields besides that of debating. Leah Farr, a member of is.s' year, recently won the Heber J. Grant contest at Weber College. We congratulate her and hope that all former members of Congress will in a like manner carry on the spirit of the club. "THE GREATEST GIFT" On Friday, December 19, the high school music department under the direction of Mr. Glen Hansen, will present the musical cantata, "The Greatest Gift," as an appropriate Christmas offering. Mr. Hansen is so pleased with the work the stu¬dents are doing on the musical ot¬tering, that he is endeavoring to arrange to have a public perform¬ance in the Ogden tabernacle the Sunday previous to Christmas, i. e., on December 21. We hope this publie hearing may be arranged as we ; are sure that the theme is fitting, f ' THE SCHOOL PLAY ll The time is drawing near when O H. S. students, parents and friends will have the opportunity of witnessing the annual dramatic performancc of the school . Miss Woolley, the instructor is now working hard with a very capable cast and wc may be sure of a real treat on the evenings of December 11 and 12. The presentation will be at Washington Junior High school. FAMOUS FIRST WORDS Miss Stephenson—Notebooks ready for writing. Mrs. Newcomb—Work for tomorrow. Mrs. Franke—We will have drill today. Mr. "Dave" Wangsgard — Any questions? Mr. Hansen—We will have a little individual singing now. Miss Schofield—Class fall in! Mr. Simpkin — Attention to roll call. Mr. Merrill—Attention, students! I will now read the list of absent students who will please report at the office. THE HALL OF FAME We nominate to this exclusive or¬ganization, the Hall of Fame: Ellis Cragun because he seems tc use Doyle's crutches more thar.. Doyle himself. Philip Bartholomew because his name is broadcast over the radio i oftener than anyone else's. All of Forum boys because they can run Congress a close race when it comes to debating. MR. KASIUS TALKS At Monday's faculty meeting. Wil¬liam Kasius gave a most interesting and timely talk on "The Evils of the American Political System, and Some Suggested Remedies." Mr Kasius maintains that it is the duty of the schools of today to tram fen a righteous, upstanding citizenship of tomorrow. He insists, and we think rightly, that men should be specifically trained for civic lead¬ership and that men should hold of-fice because of their training, their ability, their efficiency, and integ¬rity. He insists also that competent men should be retained in office and thrown nnt. after a. fpw short Ogden High School Notes December 4, 1930 Ruth Greaves, Editor Ruth White and Lucille Spencer, Typists If there Is one friendly and sweet soul in the world who believes in you your life has not been lived in SCHOOL PLAY Just to remind you. dear students, that the school play. "The Arrival of Kitty.'' is well under way and will I be ready lo present to you next I Thursday ana Friday nights in the Washington Junior High school. The least has been putting forth many I hours of diligent work and we as¬sure you that you will have an evenlng of entertainment never to be forgotten Don't do all your Christmas shopping early! Put aside enough cash to gain entrance to this —the play of all plays! GIRLS' GLEE CLUB It has been lame time since you've htard from the Girls' Glee club, but by no means bsve we been Idle. In tact, we are busier than ever now practicing our Christmas By ihc way. hate you hearu of the bfc Christinas party the two glee clubs (boys' and girls') are sponsor¬ing for December 18 In our own fjnn? By all Indications this is go¬ne to be a gnat affair and we are our. loo irry lhat everyone doesn't belong to the glee clubs. CHATTER AND CHAFF Was It Emily Post who told us never to break our crackers or roll in our soup? Gordon Lund says, "I might be better if I would, but it's awfully tonwnme being good" Than It suddenly dawned on Fera Young as the sun came up. The Ogden High school football team is the greatest in the country and could probably have beat Logan blindfolded, that is, if Logan were blindfolded. A fool and his money are some party! "IF" FOR YOUTH If you can live as youth today is living And keep your feet at such a dizzy uplace; If you can greet life's subtleties with candor And turn toward all its care a smiling face; If you can feel the pulse of youthful vigor Beat in your veins and yourself subdue; If you can see untruth knee-deep about you And still to God and home and self be true; If you can cross the brimming flood of folly, And not dip from the stream to i quench your thirst, If you can note life's changing scales of values, And still in your own life keep first things first; If you can leave untouched the fruit forbidden, And daily learn in virtue's humble school; If you can play the game of life with honor, And losing, be inspired to strive the more; If you can teach men how to live life better, The world will beat a footpath to your door. TEN YEARS HENCE A tragedy in two acts. Act I—A courtroom. Judge Morris—Your name, sir? Prisoner—Dave Wangsgard. Judge Morris (aside)—My old history teacher! (Curtain.) Act II—Same courtroom. Judge Morris—My decision! Dave W—Y-y-yes? Judge Morris—You may have your choice of taking the quiz you gave me ten years ago, or ten years on the rock pile! Choose! Dave W.—Ten years! (Swoons.) (Asbestos.) MALE QUARTET The Ogden High school male quartet has been chosen for the school year, 1930-1931. The mem¬bers are: First tenor, Max Hooper; second tenor, Max Clark; baritone, Max Penton, and bass, Frank Grastiet. In other words, the three Maxs and Frank will compose what promises to be Ogden High's most notable male quartet. Some thirty boys engaged in tryouts before the above named were finally chosen. COUNCIL MEETING Regular council was called to order by President Corry. The min¬utes were read and corrected. Miss Walker reported that the Hamilton club's constitution had been handed in and accepted. Mr. Raty reported mat at a later date another type¬writer could be obtained for the stu¬dent body room. This report was accepted. The election of the high school notes editor and the editor of the Scrapbook was called for, and it was moved and seconded that the candidates for editor of the notes leave the room during the election. This motion was passed. It was moved and seconded that the vote be taken by secret ballot. The mo¬tion was passed. Ruth Greaves was elected as the editor of the notes. It was moved and seconded that F. Foley be excused to play basketball. The motion was passed. It was moved and seconded that either a junior or senior could be chosen as Scrapbook editor. Ruth Ames was elected. Mr. Kimball was excused to attend to some business. The prices for the school play were giv¬en. It was moved and seconded that these prices be accepted. The mo¬tion was passed. I-Wannon-O was given permission to have an initia¬tion December 6, Joie Francais a party the twentieth, Phi Lambau Tau the sixth, and Tau Eta Nu the thirteenth. Council then adjourned —Raymond Raty, secertary. Ogden High School Notes December 5, 1930 Ruth Greaves, Editor Lucille Spencer and Ruth White, Typists CHRISTMAS CANTATA On December 19, in the regular as¬sembly hour, the vocal students of the music department will present the Christmas cantata, "The Great¬est Gift," by H. W. Petree. The combined glee clubs and mixed chorus classes, totaling 130 singers, are working diligently to make this beautiful cantata one long to be re¬membered in the minds of the lis¬teners. The cantata consists of five im¬pressive chorus numbers, a duet for soprano and contralto, a trio for so-prano, tenor and baritone, a mixed quartet, and solos for soprano, tenor and bass voices. The soloists are: Edna Williams, Yvonne Peirce, Alice Caldwell, and Hazel Schenck, so¬pranos; Arleen Sessions, Dorothy Knowldon contraltos; Gilbert Tolhurst, Glenn Judd, Max Clark and Max Hooper, tenors; Walker Low, baritone, and Frank Grastiet, Carl Manzell, basses, together with sever¬al to be named. Every effort is being made to make this a most worthy rendition. Negotiations are underway for pre-senting "The Greatest Gift" in the Ogden tabernacle Sunday evening, December 21, for the general pub¬lic. AUNT JANE'S CORNER Dear Aunt Jane: I've heard rumors that we have to come to school between Christmas and New Year's. Is this so? I can see no reason why we should have to go to school during the precious holidays. They are supposed to be holidays, so why not have them hol¬idays? A good many of the stu¬dents, and teachers, too, will want to leave town then, and so many things are always planned that it would be a crime to make us go to school. This outrageous plan has never been presented to students of for¬mer years, so why do we have to get all the tough breaks? In Salt Lake City the students got up a petition and the full holiday season was granted them. We are only human ,too, you know. Sincerely.—The sentiments of the O. H. S. Students. Dear Student: Ogden High school has nothing to do with the holiday arrangement. It is decided entirely by the board of education. We are excused from December 19 to 29. We come back to school Monday, the twenty-ninth, and all that week excepting Jan¬uary 1, New Year's day. Sorry, students, but we know I you'd rather come to school this time of the year than a week later in June. Then again we do not have to come to school Christmas week. Isn't a day before Christmas worth two after Christmas? We think so. Come again.—Aunt Jane. ZETA PHI ZI We hope you feel as full of pep as we do after our long vacation. The holidays seemed to give us more strength and vigor, and now, we're sailing along at full speed. No cold weather can stop us! You're going to hear from Zeta Phi Zi real soon now. Watch!— Vella Phillips, reporter. CHATTER AND CHAFF Eloise Brewer says her father is like a crossword puzzle because she hates to give him up 'till she's worked him. They say that bread contains al¬cohol, so let's drink a little toast. David Shorten says there's an in¬vention on the market that will make a woman's kiss taste like an orange, but he's waiting for the man who will make an orange taste like a woman's kiss. "This makes me soar," said the balloonist as the winds came up. "It's the little things in life that tell," cried Helen Tanner as she yanked her kid brother from under the sofa. MUSIC PARTY In connection with the presenta¬tion of the cantata, the vocal students are planning a Christmas par ty to be held in the high school auditorium, Thursday evening, De¬cember 18. The party ,in cabaret style, will consist of dancing, stunts, refresh¬ments, decoratoins, and a renditionn of several numbers of the cantata. Superintendent Hopkins, Music Su¬pervisor Robinson, Principal Merrill and the faculty of the high school are to be special guests of the music students at this party. Preparations are now under way to make this the most unique and enjoyable party of the school year. TELEPHONE CONVERSATION Jack Hilton (on telephone)—Is this Hazel? Hazel—Yes. J. H.—This is Jack. May I call tonight? Hazel—Sure. Where will we go? Jack—Well—I'm busted. Hazel—You have the wrong num¬ber. This isn't Hazel. "AND HER NAME WAS KITTY" Students, it won't be long now! Every night a few selected Jrs. and Srs. are working tediously to put over ,in a big way, the annual school play. So as not to create any further confusion we will tell you that there are no special leads, but that they are all leading parts. Watch the Sunday papers for fur¬ther announcements. FOULGER RE-ELECTED A. B. Foulger was re-elected to the board of education on Tuesday. We congratulate Mr. Foulger as it gives evidence that his five years of service has been eminently sat¬isfactory to his constituents. From our point of view he has been a good member, interested in all of Ogden schools and a loyal friend to the high school. The only thing we have against him is that he hasn't given us a new high school yet, but we confidently believe that one of the distinctive achievements of the next five years will be the construc¬tion of that long-needed, much needed Improvement. In the contest Mr. Foulger had three good men as opponents. The defeated ones need not feel that the vote was one of popularity, but sim¬ply an indication that the majority of the people feel that Mr. Foulger has served them well and should be continued in office. |