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Show is now that we long for the beauty of Cleopatra, the sex appeal of John Smith, and the intelligence of Solomon. But there is another important thing which spring always brings—the renewal of sports. Carpe went roller skating last Wednesday; just think, before long we will be swimming and hiking! Good old spring, we are so close to nature that we try to live as Emerson suggests, "He is great who is what he is from Nature, and who never reminds us of others." —Lorna Malan. SPONSORS' BANQUET A great discovery! Mr. Merrill has been deceiving us, students, he real¬ly has a sense of humor. "Where wis this discovery made? At the Spon¬sors' banquet last Saturday evening at Dick's Cafe. It was really a delightful dinner and we were enter¬tained afterwards with speeches from Mrs. Irwin, Mr. Merrill and several of the officers. Besides the officers of the R. O. T. C. were in¬vited Mr. and Mrs. Merrill, Mr. and Mrs. Irwin, Captain and Mrs. Sparks, Lieutenant and Mrs. Hallo- way, and Mr. and Mrs. Hansen. Dancing at the Berthana followed the dinner. BETA ZETA TAU ART EXHIBIT Have you seen the Art Exhibit? What exhibit? Why the big Art Ogden High School Notes March 11, 1931 We are none of us really down and out until we admit it to our¬selves. OUR VICTORY We have always maintained (and other folks, too) that victory once tasted is too sweet to relinquish. Such being the case, the Tigers having once drunk form the victory cup wanted another taste; conse-quently Monday night they dug in, scratched, fought and bruised the Warriors 'til they relinquished their claims on the cup and modestly re¬tired to permit us to enjoy its con¬tents to the utmost. While the game did not have the terrific sus¬pense that was at the previous con¬test, there was much more sensa¬tional play. The tremendous crowd was thrilled time and again by spectacular plays that were engin¬eered by both teams. The Tigers obtained the lead from the first and never relinquished it. At the half we were leading, 19-11. The de¬termined Weberites came back and staged a rally that almost put them even, but "the Streaks'" steady play gradually put them ahead and at the whistle—gun or whatever it was —the score stood 39-27, our favor. Mr. Kapple and the team certainly deserve congratulatoins! We con¬gratulate the boys for their splen¬did fight and sportsmanship. We have a team that's going to make things plenty hot for the con¬testants at the tourney. Good luck, gang! We're betting on you! And, say, Weber, we wish to congratulate you for the splendid team you have, and for the fine sportsmanship you have shown us! We wish the best of luck in your game with Ran¬dolph. Let's go down to the tour¬ney and show them that the Ogden division has some real basketball teams and real lively student bodies. Yea bo! WHO? A queen of a girl for a queen! What say you? Aye is heard from many directions. All right then, if you want a queen of a girl for a queen, who shall it be? Prom all corners and nooks of the school comes back the one unanimous an¬swer—Ila Smith! Aye, aye, sir. Ila for queen!—C. O. D. (Political advertisement—unpaid.) "CHIMES OF NORMANDY" The principal characters of the opera "Chimes of Normandy" have been chosen and are announced as follows: Serpolette, the Good for Nothing, Maurine Cornia; Germaine, the Lost Marchioness, Yvonne Pierce; Ger¬trude, Kay Moyes; Jeanne, Helen Chugg; Manette, Alice Caldwell; Suzanne, Harriet Robinson; Julie, Ma Lou Dobbs; Fantine, Imogene Locke; Henry, Marquis of Comeville, Gilbert Tolhurst; Grenicheux, a Fisherman, Glen Judd; Gaspard, a Miser, Raymond Raty; The Bailli, Walker Low; Notary, Dell Tower; Assessor, Ivan Burnett; Registrar, Edward Olson. The four major roles of Serpolette, Germaine, Henry and Grenicheux will all have "under studies" who will learn the parts and be ready to assume the role in the event of any need of the same. The four "under studies" are: Serpolette, Alice Cald¬well; Henry, Dell Towers; Grenich¬eux, Max Hooper. The understudy for Germaine will be announced later. Cast and chorus are beginning work in real earnest now, to be ready by April 10 and 11. Morning practices are to be held daily. William Kasius will head the management of the opera. Student managers will be chosen for stage, advertising, etc. CONTEST WAGES The contest of the R. O. T. C. for the legion cup continues strong. The standing of the companies on March 10, is: Band, first; company C, second; company D, third; company B, fourth. CHATTER AND CHAFF Project time is drawing near. How about yours, have you started it yet? If not, we will do it at rea-sonable prices. See Fish & Fish, Incorpalated. Sheldon is off to China—he claims—he claims that the cost of loving is cheaper there. Wonder if he's going alone. CLASSICALIA COMMITTEES The Classicalia committees have been appointed and are into the spirit of the thing most enthusias-tically. Let's do our share to make it a success—financially as well as socially. The committees are: Fac-ulty members—Ernest Wangsgard, chairman; Mr. Connell, Miss Wool- ley, Miss Schofield. General com¬mittee—Doyle Jensen, chairman; Bob Kimball, Raymond Raty. Pageant committee — Dorothy Knowldon, chairman; Lorna Malan, Andrew Brunetti. Contest committee—Preston Mulcahy, chairman; Marion Ensign, Lowell Alvord. Con¬struction committee—Phillip Weeks. TAU ETA NU "Oh! Oh! I'm so sorry about these notes. I really didn't mean to have them late. Honest I didn't." "Well, we will excuse you this time, but do not let it happen again What about the party we gave Feb-ruary 27?" "Oh, that party was marvelous, it was just grand and we all want to thank Virginia and Florence for giving us such a wonderful time." "What about the prizes; who got those?" "I beg your pardon, I meant to tell you. Elpha Morse and Margaret Thomas received the prizes, which were beautiful handkerchiefs." "Why, who is Margaret Thomas? I don't know her." "She is the new pledge we just took in our club, don't you think you will like her?" "Oh, I'm sure I will, and so will everyone else. This is enough cross examining now so you may go. Goodby." "Goodby. I'll be seeing you subsiquently." WHO'LL BE MEDICINE MAN? Talk of inconsistencies. Some one has had the "noive" to suggest June Harrison for Medicine Man. Well, we'll take a chance. What! No more nominations? Ah! Think a while of George Thatcher, High's intellectual genius. The one and only. If anyone sees Jeanne V. with a butcher knife, warn me. She's on the war path and after my "sculp." The "Frigidaire" is all hot and both¬ered now. Bring on your wild "Injuns." We can use them. Remember 9 a. m. to¬morrow morning closes the nomina¬tions. Yeow. The Indians are com¬ing. S. A. R. The S. A. R. contest will be held Thursday night after school. Mrs. McKey looks for a real contest. A number of boys are really interested. The orations will undoubtedly be exceptionally well done.—Owl. Ogden High School Notes March 12, 1931 MEDICINE MEN Nominations are now closed. Think over the candidates. They are far from satisfactory but considering the poor material that you had to nick from, thev are fair. The latest objects of derision are: "Pansie" Oscar B. "Big Ears" Madson. Give the women a break— yeah, and don't choose him; Andy Brunetti, the Artful Dodger, is up, no, he's down, no, up, well to con tinue he'd be great with a big grin, and a rattle. Look out! Such men are dangerous; lastly, Charles Pet-erson, the long, lanky Swede with the winning smile. Give him a break and don't hit him too hard. The winner will be announced in a few days. Tickets for the Clasiscalia go on sale Monday. One vote to a ticket- one vote to a student! Only students with tickets may vote. ADVANCED DOPE The tickets for the Classicalia will be on sale Monday as we have said before. They will not be tickets to admit couples, but will be good for only one admittance and will cost fifty cents. The tickets will be perforated into four parts, the bot¬tom section good for tag day, the second good for one vote for queen and. maid of honor, the third section good for one vote for the queen dur¬ing the last week before the Classi¬calia, and the last section good for admittance to the dance. No more than one ticket will be sold per per¬son and no one outside of school may vote with one. A different ticket will be sold to non-students of Ogden High school. Also, it should be an act of chivalry for the boys with dates to buy their wom¬en a ticket. All tickets should be worn on tag day, Thursday, March 19, as everyone who hasn't bought a ticket or isn't wearing one during the day on his person will be vul¬nerable prey for all ticket sales¬men. Students, buy your tickets now so that you may vote on the next bal¬lot! ON ANNOUNCEMENTS We must not forget that there is such a thing as graduation day. Even though this event does seem hazy and far distant, there are a few students who anticipate the ar¬rival of it. At least a committee on announcements is functioning prop¬erly under the chairman, Andrew Brunetti, and his two committeemen, Nathalie Layton, and Joe Foley. Don't lose hope, students. The pos¬sibility of graduating is not as vague as you are led to believe. On the other hand it is as near as you make it. Your destiny is in your hands —have faith. CHATTER AND CHAFF Seen Marvel Middleton's finger? Wonder who sat on it. When asked why it was that he received such low grades in all his tests in chemis¬try, Fera Young replied that he Was saving his brain power for the big final. ADVANCED NEWS Wednesday, from what we hear, our Tigers play Minersville in the first tourney game. The time is not decided but if it's late enough to permit us to go down, let's do so! Mooch a ride off of somebody and when you're down there try to get together and give 'em ah-ah-e-o! More later. S. A. R. After several weeks of hard work the following boys have prepared orations for the S. A. R. oratorical contest: Donald Miller, Preston Mulcahy, Curtis Bybee, Meyer Lutzker, Wilbur Montheirtl, Russel Stone, Paul Gilgen and Ivan Niel¬sen. Preliminary eliminations will be held and then the student body will have the privilege of listen¬ing to the orations in a weekly as¬sembly. S. P. Dobbs will present the winner with a beautiful medal. Work hard, boys. That medal can belong to you as well as anybody else. —Snoopy. O. H. S. BROADCASTING This is Spy broadcasting. All good things must end—and so the girls' tournament has come to acan elusion. Every girl who participialed enjoyed herself, gained sont more knowledge, and learned to be a better sport. Tuesday night after school the two highest teams played the finall game. The Question Marks and the Racketeers certainly played some classy basketball. The Question Marks ended with a lead ofl 11-5. Members of the winning team are Irene Wheelock, captain, center; Olvidia Miller, running center; Ernal Summerill, forward; Beth Lusty; forward; Marolyn Stanford. forward; Erma Higginson, guard; Fern Billingson, guard. Members of the losing team ait: Nathalie Layton, captain, forward; Micky Wedell, forward; Naomi Teuscher, center; Clela Gibson, ruaning center; Thora Hutchinson ; guard; Maurine Taylor, guard. Congratulations, girls, and Miss Schofield. The boys are not tte only ones who play good basketball. This is Spy signing off. Goodbye. ART EXHIBIT Please don't forget the art exhibit in room 202. Why put off until tomorrow what you can do todar. Remember, you only have until Friday. ADDITIONAL LITERATURE The Ogden High school is indeed grateful to Mrs. Royal Eccles contributed the following books to our school library: Six volumes Roosevelt's "Winning of the West," two volumes of the "French Revolution," by Carlyle, four volunw "Guidebook of Western United States," four volumes of Patton's "History and Government of the United States." This is all Nm valuable material and we asntl Mrs. Eccles that we will make good! use of it. "CHIMES OF NORMANDY" The opera students are practidbfl diligently every morning at 7:30 o'clock in order to make the opera as great a success as possible. Dflrtl worry—you'll not be disappotdhlH in "Chimes of Normandy." COUNCIL MEETING Council was called to order tvH President Corry. The minutes mM read and approved. Miss Ensign minded club presidents of haninH in the names of all their new fl members. Messrs. Jensen and Kimball asked for all clubs deslruf page in the year book to get pictures in immediately. Thejita announced the ticket campaign, fc ticket tag day, and that lardil the Classicalia booths would be auctioned off in assembly. This report was accepted and the committee given a vote of thanks. CUtfl granted parties were: S. O. S. March 13, Joie Francaise and Beta Zeta Tau both the 14th, Mr. Brunetti reported for the Classicalia pageant committee. This repil was accepted and the committee given a vote of thanks. It afl moved and seconded Council ail April 3 to be the date for tiaft dent body to vote by ballot a m amendment to the constitute dl ing with representation. Thj tion was passed. It was moved a seconded the chair arrange lor aB assembly to debate on this propo amendment. The motion was patB Article 13 of the constitution read. Council then adjourned. —Raymond Raty, Secretary. Ogden High School Notes March 13, 1931 NEW HIGH SCHOOL "Morning, Mom, breakfast ready ?it If Bill stops on his way south, hold hi here. Couldn't have him meetL me at school and glimpse our anti-L quated buildings after bragging to him years back 'bout that 'New High' we were going to build. Whose > fault? Not mine! "Yeah, my coat's lost. Don't look sarcastic—overcrowded conditions at school to blame. "Want to know what I did to my shoes, huh? Why, they're turned up at the toes? Why such a flivering question? Reason's plain—floors old, gradually worn to a neat saucer shape under the desks and around tables. All or students' feet look alike, like sailboats, teachers' too. : Yeah, even Principal Merrill's show that distinction. "After all, I sort'a like old High. 'Looks good in summer with green grass 'n' big trees leafed out; but' when we start school in the fall ev¬ery leaf drops off the trees, ashamed 'of the old buildings too. UMthat's why they flop, face the ground. "Gee! See that fire truttjH by! Glad it ain't going my wa we ever have a fire at Hign jexpect me to walk home. stairs! Ladies first! We cca all be saved. S'long. —Charles Wonder THIS IMPERFECT WORLD That this world of ours some improvements was week by some of our biolog dents who wrote upon the eriH nious title, "Some Biological Suggestions for the Amelioration of Mankind." Among the many gestions offered we mention: The earth should be mote form with an equable climatft lar products and one homoget race. This would make for peace and happiness. The human race should the plant world with respeability to convert inorganic rial into food, and ability to food within the body. This would |