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Show MUCH TALENT lte 1931 class offers an abundance of musical talent available for commencement programs. Glen Hansen is now sifting the material and will have an announcement soon. DATES ANNOUNCED The commencement address will be given in the Orpheum theatre today morning, May 31, at 10:30 o'clock commencement exercises will be beld at the same place on , tenda morning, June 4, at 10 o'clock. FOR NOTES EDITOR Juniors: It you wish to try out for Notes editor for next year, Km make It known by dropping some interesting articles into the j i to with your name signed Mriad an indication that you Ik compete. This is absolute¬ly tk iut week for tryouts. ASSEMBLY REPORT We were honored and pleased to have as our guest at the special assembly Monday morning, Attorney J. H. DeVine. Mr. DeVine gave us reasons to be proud that we live in Ogden, proud of our county, city, state and school. Through his talk on the indus¬tries of Ogden as applied to us he impressed upon our minds the re-sponsibility we will, soon be facing. His plea was to apply ourselves to make industries and life bigger— to grasp every available opportunity. READER'S GUIDE Did you ever stop to think what a wonderful help the Reader's Guide to Periodical Literature is? If you had to search through several hun¬dred issues of magazines to find an article on a given subject you would appreciate its service. The guide is an index to maga¬zine articles. Magazines are dif¬ferent from books. They are issued at regular intervals, as monthly, weekly, etc. One number contains many different types of literature, as stories, poems, essays, all writ¬ten by different authors. The guide is a periodical itself. It is issued monthly. In the front of each issue is to be found a list of high class magazines which are in¬dexed. The arrangement is alphabetical, by subject, title and author. If you know the author of a subject, poem or story, you can find it under his name, or knowing the title of a poem or story and not the author you can find it indexed by the ti¬tle. If you are looking for mate¬rial on a given subject look it up in the alphabetical place under that subject. By using the guide once you will realize what a vast amount of cur¬rent material is made accessible for quick and easy reference. RAY. LOYALTY Loyalty is our emblem this week. Students, it's up to you to show Ogden that we are worth a new high school—worth even the school we hav now. Let's go—not only show loyalty, but pep, enthusiasm. Let people know we exist. Let's not be beaten by juniors or Weber. Let's be the best. OWL. JUNIOR PROM It's all over and congratulations are in order. Juniors, you certain¬ly entertained us seniors royally and we feel proua u uave sucn a capable group of successors. Every moment was delightful, the grand march was beautiful, the programs were nifty; we sincerely enjoyed it all/We congratulate u again. May your junior class ' ext year entertain you just as spledidly. CHATTER AND CHAFF Elaine Wilcox feels quite thank¬ful that birthdays come only once a year. Paul Goddard was mistaken for a j little girl the other day. Some people have funny ideas about what girls should look like. The reason Bob Kimball went stag to the prom was because after being turned down by the fifty-fifth girl he gave up all hope. David Morrell went stag because his one and only was taken. Florence Cave got sorta mixed up the other night. We're still speak¬ing of the prom. We were quite surprised at the unusual support of the senior class at the junior prom. Well, why not? Outstanding Ogden Athletes In Regional Meet TRACK and field stars of 12 northern Utah high schools will gather at Logan Friday for competition in the annual regional championship. discus and shot put |