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Show These Stars Win Standard-Examiner Awards GOLD watch winners at Ogden High, Weber College and Weber High school for the 1930-31 athletic year, are pictured below. Competition and plenty of it featured the 1930-31 event at the three local schools. Watches for the outstanding athletes have been offered for several years by J. U. Eldredge, Jr., and A. L. Glasmann, publishers of The Standard-Examiner. Athletic ability and scholastic records are weighed carefully each year before the decisions are finally made. Jack Hilton, Ogden May 11, 1931 bidden her to stay out later tnan 12:30. That's what Holley says. Pete and Benny have proven that they are quite fond of the flag which at present glamorously waves for dear "alma mater" and would not think of letting anyone change it. AUNT JANE'S CORNER Dear Aunt Jane: Why is it that the students don't hold pep assemblies for the track team. The students hold pep as¬semblies for the football team, bas-ketball team. Isn't the track team just as important as the other teams? L. B. Dear L. B.: As we cannot have an assembly this year for the track the seniors of next year promise you one then. AUNT JANE. "U" DAY Let's not forget bur splendid art and music departments. Each de¬partment was very well represented by the very best to be had. About fifteen posters were sent down to th university for the contest. Mr. Hansen took representatives from the boys' and girls' glee clubs and many solo numbers. MARIAN WARNER. Ogden High School Notes may 14, 1931 SAM PEPYS-REINCARNATED Up and to school, wherein I do find an great crowd of people there¬from gone for it seems that the sen¬iors have gone to an great city of Salt Lake wherefore they are hav¬ing an mighty pretty time, I doubt not, whilst we must perforce stay in school and ;chafe for boredom. Methinks I would verily relish to an greater degree the staying at the home on such a day as this, but when methinks again methinks I had better not. An small handful ef us do struggle through the day's classes where we are entertained by the reading of stories and the like until they are finally over. Thence home, where I do think it well to have let us out and not bother with classes on this day. Anon, mine good parent asketh me if I be in concrete that I cannot; bestir myself and help in the getting of work done. Whereupon, I do bestir myself. But Marry! I find that, I liketh it not, and it must be that; I have an bad case of spring fever. —Charles Wood. S. O. S. REPORT Metting was called to order at 3:45 p. m. All members were pres¬ent and in a serious frame of mind, after a good lecture from our noted J president. No special report was given so the time was turned over to a general discussion of the club's future. Mr. Oberhansley came to our assistance when we got too deep in a discussion. Some of our topics con¬sisted of the Army and Navy surplus and finance (pretty deep). Speaking of depth, how deep is the Great Salt lake, and how safe is a leaky boat? Our next party is going to be a wow, it seems as if it were turning out to be, perhaps, the best of the year. No committee was appointed for entertainment so each member has his own good time in a part of the party. Ask the lucky girls after the eventful event. —Arthur Cartwright. CHATTER AND CHAFF Jack Harris: "Isn't the road smooth along here? Gee, but isn't the moon bright?" Marion Stuart: "Yes, but you don't need to drive with both hands." Debutante slang--I suppose as soon as you lap up your gedunk you'll scram. Elma Skelton says, that she's sure of receiving a block "O." (Gedunk! Gedunk!) Famous words (never lost). A paper a day keeps the F's away. Porter seems to be rather light headed. Gordon Lund has decided to grad¬uate from the course of time. The difference between a junior and a senior is: A senior knows what he doesn't know and a junior thinks he knows what fie doesn't know. Paul and Eugene Goddard alter¬nate with their new girl friend, Diana. NEW EDITOR From now on the Notes will be handled each night by a prospective junior who is competing for editor-ship for next year. Everyone should watch for the notes he likes best— especially all Council members. Stu¬dents, help the contestants by dropping some interesting articles in the Notes box: Good luck, juniors! FINAL CANDIDATES As a result of yesterday's elec¬tions, the following students are left in the final race for student body officers: President, Bob Bingham and Russell Stone; vice president, Elaine Evans and Ruth Hawkins; secretary, Bill Kinner and Earl Reeves. Think seriously about these candidates, gang," then vote wisely! AUNT JANE'S CORNER Aunt Jane: Don't you think it would be nice to start school one hour earlier and also be released one hour sooner? How do you suggest we go about getting our wish granted. —The Three Musketeers. Dear Musketeers: When there comes a day that we have no tardies, we'll consider your wish. —Aunt Jane. OUR BLOCK "O" As a final reward for their consci- mtious work, ten graduating- seniors vill be awarded with the most measured pin—the block "O." Any senior is eligible, and his possibility of receiving this honored award from his alma mater will be judged by the work he has offered to the school. Students who have devoted their time to athletics, debating and oratory, dramatic art, the notes and' publications ,and student body of¬fices deserve this precious emblem, and we want the students to boost their prospective candidates. The notes are open for campaign¬ing. Who deserves a block "O"— send in your suggestions. BASEBALL Baseball at the present is occupy¬ing the spotlight. The candidates are trying out daily for the privilege of being on the team that will tangle with Weber. Ogden and the Warriors have clashed in this sport on numerous occasions, with Ogden emerging the victor. This year, however, a contest, and a goo one too, is in the offing. Candidates should see Mr. Simpkins. —Snoopy. GIRLS! GIRLS! Here's your chance. We all have) spring fever—haven't we? We'd all like to get out and roam the beautiful big hills (and wide open spaces; wouldn't we? Again, here's your chance. Sat¬urday morning the girls are all in¬vited to bring a lunch and join the gang for one good time. Be here at 8:00 sharp. We're going to hike up the Indian trail in Ogden canyon. Last year some of us took such a trip, and say, if you know a good thing—well this is it: We'll be seeing you. —Spy CONGRESS REPORT Congress was called to order Mon¬day evening by President Nelson. The program consisted of a debate |