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Show And after a while they dic surmount this terrible peak and I did go on my way through the wilderness of this world. —Charles Wood. LATEST INVENTIONS Have you heard about the new eye protector? Especially designed to protect mascara. Now, instead of concentrating and hoping for the best, grapefruit cannot get in one's eye. It is somewhat like a wind-shield, attached to an adjustable band to go around the forehead. An automatic windshield wiper that works on the same principle as that on an automobile — only it works, is another winning item. The only trouble is they are not obtain¬able. Another invention is a highway with only "benefit" curves. CONGRESS Maybe it's because we have just one social function a year that that party is such an event. At the be-ginning of the year each Congress member looks forward to the banquet, and when the year nears its end, each member looks back with contentment at the banquet and ahead with anticipation for the next orie. And what a perfect night it was! The long table in the Spanish room was decorated to represent an old- fashioned garden, and all the toasts conformed to this idea. The toast- mistress, Dorothy Nelson, introduced those who gave toasts: Helen Mc¬Kay, Alice Dunn, Mary Haynie, Margaret Thomas, and Ruth Ames. The remainder of the program con¬sisted of a piano solo by Kiyoko Oda, speeches by the alumnae, our advisor, Mrs. Chambers, and our guest, Mrs. Irwin. The officers for next year were announced. They are: Virginia Hunter, president; Alice Dunn, vice-pesident; Kiyoko Oda, secretary, and Helen Lindquist, reporter. With such lovely and ca¬pable girls as these for officers, Congress is assured of another suc¬cessful year. CHATTER AND CHAFF Bea Brown: I played poker last, night and broke even. Betty Goddard: Who is he? John Cawley must have been born under a lucky star. He was challenged to a duel at sunrise Wed- nesday morning, and the sun failed to appear. Harriet Robison overlooked one slight item when she extracted the keys from the Victoria. Next time —push the button. You know, like on lights. You spend your money to buy and buy, and bye and "bye there's another guy. Ohhh! There ought to be a law against Paynes. Don't you agree, Sheldon? AUNT JANE'S CORNER My dear Aunt Jane: Is it permissible for Junior girls to attend the Senior reception if they have a date with a Senior fel¬low? Anxiously awaiting, —Puzzled. Dear Puzzled: Mr. Corry informs us that Juniors are not invited but will prob¬ably not be ousted. —Aunt Jane. Ogden High School Notes May 29, 1931 Virginia Hunter, Editor Pro Tem TO THE JUNIORS. Though most of our parting sen¬timents have been given to the seniors, we must not forget the staunch and loyal juniors. In the fall we Will again have a new group of green and timid jun¬iors, who won't understand what it is all about and must be guided by the example of the big, protecting seniors. These seniors will be none other than the juniors of this year. Under the guidance of our very capable student body officers we ex¬pect the juniors to carry on where our graduating students are leaving off and to make Ogden High even bigger and better than ever . PARENTS' DAY. Friday is our annual Parents' day. This is practically the climax to the year's work. All projects will be on display and the parents are given the privilege of viewing tne fruits of our labors. At 8:30 o'clock in the morning the regular assembly will be held for the presentation of awards. In the afternoon at 2 o'clock another assembly will be held for parents, teachers and stu¬dents. At 3 o'clock there will be a reception and refreshments for the parents. Friday night at 8 o'clock the physical education exhibition and the fashion show will be given. Students, invite your parents and we guarantee them an interesting and enjoyable time. FOR OBLIVION. We nominate for Oblivion: All spring projects. Ogden High's present building. All radiators and their mag¬netism. The priceless friendship of Con¬gress and Forum. All wrong stairway users. YEAR BOOKS DELAYED. It is regrettable that our year¬books could not be ready when we | expected them, but they will be here by next Monday, which will allow us sufficient time to have them autographed. A hearty vote of thanks should be given to the mem¬bers of the faculty and the stu¬dents who have spent so much time and thought on this year's edition. A year-book is something one always regards with sentiment and treas¬ures for its memories of school days. We are expecting ours this year to hold many fond memories for us in those future years, when! we are looking over it. However, we can only guess at the treasures this Indian edition is hiding, and we must wait impatiently until they are finally distributed. CHATTER AND CHAFF. We imagine that U. S. constitu¬tion and parliamentary procedure will take the place of the usual; mystery thrillers in the summer reading of many of the future pres¬idents of school activities. Elaine Evans says the chance, business ought to have a quick! turn-over this summer. One of Stellae's new pledges— "How do astronomers know when fthere is going to be an eclipse?" Ray Raty—"Can't they read the papers as well as the rest of us?" Helen Madsen says no one can say a high school girl has no class. Whether or not a girl picks up what a hair-dresser broadcasts, de- .pends upon her wave length. QUARTERLY CLASSICUM. Last week we received our last Quarterly for this school year. Without a doubt this, of all the very excellent ones, deserves the highest of praise. In respect to its artistic- ness and literary contents, it has reached the very apex of perfection. During the rather dull school months these periodicals are issued to cheer us up and show exactly what the students themselves are accomplishing. This year they have been exceptionally well done un¬der the careful supervision of the , staff. ZETA PHI XI. Meeting was called to order by President Osborn. Business was dis¬cussed and our last party pretend-ing to sports was planned. Ellis Cragun played a series of popular pieces for us on his saxophone, ac¬ companied by Ruth LaVin Cragun. The new officers each talked up on their services to the club. Meeting then adjourned. —Harriet Robison, Reporter. CONGRESS. Just one more meeting this year! How could we debate, or give cur¬rent events or speeches? Well, as a matter of fact, we couldn't. But we decided we ought to spend our time in some way more worthy than just talking, so we went up to the gym to the graduation exercises of the Americanization school. Among other interesting numbers of the program we heard Andy read as only he can, and the Boys' Glee club sing in their exceptionally fine manner. The program was interesting and worth-while; we were glad we attended it. Ruth Ames— AUNT JANE'S CORNER. Dear Aunt Jane: I would like to know why the clubs choose their members from the children of wealthy parents. I am a junior this year and will be a senior next year, and I have always wanted to belong to a club. I should ilke to know the reason for this un¬fair choosing of members. I know that they can not be chosen ac-cording to their marks, because I know of several boys whose marks are not as good as mine that belong to two clubs. Please give me the reason for this. —Anxious Junior. Dear Junior: Evidently you have a great mis¬understanding of our clubs. Their j memberships are not chosen ac-cording to financial standing, while all of the clubs demand a very high scholastic ability, you must carran full program satisfactorily to belong. If you are eager to join a club, you will find that if you are willing to put forth enough effort and prove yourelf worthv either Congress, Forum, or D. A. C. wiliweta^B into their midst. I believe it is on the whole leadership and activity lol student affairs that leads to a bidl to a club. -Aunt Jane. Ogden High School Notes May 28, 1931 RUTH HAWKINS Editor Pro Tem NEWS FROM THE FRONT—1950; Word has been received by the president of the United States, Robert Corry, that Admiral Robert Kimball has joined forces with General John Hopkins. The forces made a terrific charge 'upon Ray Raty and his "Rats," who have taken shelter and refuge in that famous old shell which still stands as a remnant of the "good old days," the Ogden High school. After a fierce contact the combined forces of the army and navy re¬tired to "John's" for an ice cream soda. During this leave of absence the admiral and the general held ,a conference. (Yes, they did!) While peace reigned for a few minutes, Master Mind Brunetti got; to work. He called in a piper, Ellis Cragun, and his music. Braving the fusillade of the Rat's gunfire, courageous Ellis Cragun brought forth his trusty s. xophone. He played as , he had never played before, and the , "Rats" slunk forth from their , haunts and followed the music mak er high up into the wilds of Hunts- . ville. Here a rival gang was waiting for them. The "Rats" weref mowed down by the machine guns of the dangerous Preston Mulcahyites, who have control of Huntsville. Ogden was freed of the "vermin," but that menace to public safety, the Ogden High school, still men-aces. AWARD DAY Tomorrow morning at 8:30 o'colckj the long awaited award assembly! i will be held. Students worthy of awards will be given the "Block O," which is real¬ly the highest"honor this school can bestow. Who will be the ten lucky and worthy students? Have patience, gentle friends, it is not meet that you should know —until tomorrow. EXHIBIT OF ANGELS Friday, which is tomorrow, in case you have no calendar, the noble parents of these little angels are cordially invited to enter the portals of dear old "Alma Mater," or "Pater," and view the excellent pro-gram prepared by their little dar¬lings. The bee-oo-tiful work of the j cherubs will also be on exhibition and the doting mammas and papas will be able to gaze through devoted eyes at the visible, painstaking hours of effort put forth by the darling little dears. Come Mamma. Come Papa. CHATTER AND CHAFF Ruth Greaves—Isn't Roger a; naughty dog, mother? He ate my; white glove. Mother—Yes, darling, he ought to be punished. : Ruth—I did punish him. I went straight to the kennel and drank his milk. Teacher—If a number of cattle is l called a herd and a number of sheep is called a flock, what would a number of camels be called? ; Bert Black—A carton. And there, son, you have the story of your dad and the great war. Joe. Fowler—Yes, Dad, but why did they need all the other soldiers? Bob Bingham was in court charged with exceeding the auto! speed limit. "What's the matter with you," ; asked the judge. "Didn't you read the signs along the road?" i "Sure," replied Bob, "they read "Fine for Speeding." Mary Walker—I can't see you to- day; come back Friday." Salesman—I won't be in town Friday. Mary—Neither will I. Clyde Bassett—This book will do half your work. Myer Lutzker—Good, I'll take two/ CLASSICUM STAFF Council has elected the efficient Clyde Bassett to be editor of the year book for the class of 1932. Mr. Bassett will be ably assisted by Charles Wood, assistant editor, and William Allen, business manager. Helen Lindquist will publish the . quarterly, aided by Arleen Sessions, assistant editor; Myer Lutzker. business manager, and Burton Benowitz, assistant business mufl We are now assured of exct* literature for next year. TO OUR "DAD" Students of Ogden High, doM realize that, with thepassingjn school year, one of ov best Wart teachers will take his last curtwB call as a member of ourfsciiltrl Do you know that next year tain desk in our building will bnM a new face behind it? Do you wfl ize that this is "Dad" Beeson's last year at Ogden High? Only the teachers who hMj worked with him for many yeinB can even partially realize whit tM breach he will leave behind M Only they know how impotuffl will be to fill it up. He is as an* a part of Ogden High as the canerstone. He is the "Grand Old Man" of Ogden High. To "Dad" Ogden High oitllj greater debt than can ever b pttl He has spent the better pan of life helping our school to grow. Though we do not begruoge his well earned vacation, n bttB to think of his going; we hall think of an Ogden High wlfa "Dad" Beeson; we hate to MM that he will no longer info that we can't read, we can't tlffllfl and we can't study, So, "Dad," when you are Mn a good time next year and ml slaving our heads off, think a w and remember that we miss jtt "We, the students of OgdeiHnfl extend to you our very bestwi and we wish you all the harta in the world for the years toc May you enjoy a long vacatk. —One Who Will Miss You the Most. STELLAE Stellae's initiation took place Saturday night at "Star'' Malan's home in Ogden Canyon. ThtnftB rotten egg of Stellae was presented co all pledges. Ask MaLou was like. The luck" ones chjarry on the club's glorious Marie Louise Dobbs, Anita Van Dyke, Louise Peterson, Harriet Robison, Elaine Stevens, Helen Tanner, Elaine Evans, Dale Andersen, Russell Farr, Russell Hoffman, O. B. Madson, Robert O'Neil, Russell Stone and Gene Goddard. The ceremonies being coop the election of officers toot (Those elected for next year Russell Farr, resident; Dale Anderson, vice president; Anita Van Dyke, secretary, and Marie Louise Dobbs, reporter. After that came the eats udbftfl During the course of the (ia festivities, Elaine (You know, Joe's girl) read a delightful paper Seeing Stars." It appears bt The big stars wish the nnflH I ers all tire luck in the vodR year. Shine on. "ON SEEING STARS" Stars are more and more ing an important factor inoii lives. Not only are they I ifl of livelihood for astrologers u^H fortune tellers, but poets school students (especially fel spring) are almost completependent upon stars for the material of their so-called i^H or ballads. There are many ways in rtftjH see stars which shall be reM IB order of their importance. First those stars seen rrjthfl quently by pugilists, bandit atfl cent bystanders and hc-Mfcfl husbands, due to the very Mtffl contact of head and fist, chfcffl or rolling pin. Second, those which sprl&kltjfl vaulted blue at eight. The^tiH seen at one tim8 oi* another eryone (excluding New York ment dwellers) are most apfl^H ed and viewed by the youq^H eration, at certain seasontl^H year. In our vicinity these nH satisfactorily viewed from to^H thana Roman Gardens (jiH dancing with your head M down is not conducive to daj^M Patio springs, and almost aaiS porch or hammock. Third, the class of stari meditatively at by scientiSM trologers, for the benefit 2 weather bureau of the DM zette, and the 25 cent Science Magazines at John's Drug stotffl stars are in reality the class No. 2, but being lookeSH only business and profesSM terest, they take on a coldH culating aspect, and sh |