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Show 272 CONTINENTAL SUPPLY CO. DEALERS IN AND IMPORTERS OF JAPANESE PROVISIONS and GENERAL MERCHANDISE Branches: Sparks, Nev., Cheyenne, Wyo. Phone: Bell 1047, P. O. Box 88. OGDEN, UTAH Allen's Baggage, Hack and Bus Line Office, 412 25th St. Both Telephones 22 R.L. POLK & CO’S HUB CLEANING & DYE WORKS, W B Baker Mgr French Dry, Steam Cleaning and Dyeing, Hats Cleaned and Blocked, 369 23d, Bell Tel 929-Y, Ind 3795-A. Hubbs Mary H(wid Wm), r 2040 Douglas av. Hubenthal Lucretia C, nurse, b 1026 24th. Hubenthal Rachael M, nurse, b 1026 24th. Hudman Alvin J, farmer, r Slaterville. Hudman Ellis, farmer, b Slaterville. Hudman Hazel, student, b 2045 Adams av. Hudman Henry H, treas Blackman & Griffin Co, r 2227 Jef¬ferson av. Hudman Howard, student, b 2227 Jefferson av. Hudman John, farmer, b Slaterville. Hudman Mabel, stenog Blackman & Griffin Co, b 2227 Jef¬ferson av. Hudson, see also Hodson. Hudson Amos, timekpr S P Co, r 233 E Patterson av. Hudson Benjamin, farmer, b Plain City. Hudson Elizabeth, b Plain City. Hudson James, hlpr S P Co, b 233 E Patterson av. Hudson Jedediah, farmer, b Plain City. Hudson John (Lowe Bros), r 2641 Wall av. Hudson John, farmer, r Plain City. Hudson Sherratt, oiler S P Co, r 224 31st. Hudspeth James H, shoemkr, 121 25th, rms same. Huether Henry J, trav agt, rms 2468 Grant av. Huff George W, lab, r 135 23d. Huffman, see Hoffman. Hufstetler Florence, opr R M Bell Tel Co, b 358 E 11th. Hufstetler Hazel A, b 358 E 11th. Hufstetler Helen, clk N M Hufstetler, b 358 E 11th. HUFSTETLER NANNIE M (wid Robert E), Dry Goods. Notions, Groceries, etc, Washington av n e cor 12th, Bell Tel 294-K, Ind 916, r 358 E 11th, Bell Tel 574-Z. Hufstetler Robert E, died Aug 17, '09, age 57. Huggins, see also Higgins. Huggins Clara, student, b 2469 Van Buren av. Huggins Lyman N, saloon, r 2469 Van Buren av. Hughes, see also Hewes. J.C. GALE GRADING AND EXCAVATING CONTRACTOR Drayage and all kinds of TeamWork. 715 28th St., Bell Tel. 1036-Y 273 P. A. ISAKSON CONTRACTOR and BUILDER Buildings Furnished Complete. Estimates Furnished REAR 247-251 TWENTY-SECOND STREET FALSTAFF CAFÉ Wines, Liquors and Cigars Dining Rooms for Ladies “A Little Better Than Good Enough” C.M. Leedom, Propr. 2425 Washington Ave. OGDEN CITY DIRECTORY 1910. Hughes Emma L, clk Reese Howeel & Sons, b 2035 Washing¬ton av. Hughes Flavia, student, b 120 W 30th. Hughes George, porter D A Smyth, rms European Hotel. Hughes John H, miner, r 2035 Washington av. Hughes M F, eng S P Co, rms 2518 Lincoln av. Hughes Mrs Nora, r 574 31st. Hughes Nora A, opr R M Bell Tell Co, b 574 31st. Hughes Thomas, lab, r 469 4th. Hughes Wm A, messr, b 574 31st. Hulaniski Edmund T, lawyer, 407 First Nat Bank Bldg, r 2523 Jefferson av. Hulbert Frank, clk, r 2860 Grant av. Hulet Hope, student, b 2020 Washington av. Hull Eleanor, stenog, b 6 M E av. Hull Richard H, butcher, r 2001 Washington av. Hul Thomas, brklyr, r Harrisville rd 1/4 mile n of Five Points. Hulmston Thomas, cond, r 2766 Wall av. Hultgren, see Halgren and Holtgren. Hume Charles A, mess W F & Co Exp, r 2824 Madison av. Hume H Leon, b 2824 Madison av. HUME RICHARD T, Mgr Western Brokerage Co, 223 Eccles Bldg, Both Tels 534, r 557 25th,Bell Tel 533-X. Humphrey Lucius A, agt U S Quartermaster's Dept, 415 24th, r 857 26th. Humphrey Margaret (wid John), b 463 26th. Humphreys Bertha, student, b 270 Washington av. Humphreys Edwin, farmer, r View. Humphreys George E, student, b View. HUMPHRIS CHARLES J, General Contractor, Lumber, Lath, Sash, Doors, Blinds and Planing Mill, 202 21st, Ind Tel 250, r 202 23d., Ind Tel 699. Hunsworth, see Unsworth. Hunt Frederick L, farmer, r Plain City. Hunt George A, farmer, r Plain City, Hunt James, farmer, r Plain City, Hunt James J, moved to Baker City, Ore. Hunt James W, brkman S P Co, r 2922 Childs av. Hunt Joseph farmer, b Plain City. Hunt Raymond, student b 2922 Childs av. Closely Connected with Tanners and Pullers both East and West. Bell Phone 781 Ind. Phone 355 O.M. RUNYAN DEALER IN Hides, Pelts, Tallow, Beeswax & Furs Always in the Market at top market prices. Reference: Com’l Nat. Bank, Ogden, Utah Office and Warehouse 2263-2269 Wall Ave. |