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Show 590 CONTRACTORS ROPE TENTS Ogden Tent Co Modern Tent Builders 421-427 23d St. Bell Tel. 233 N.O. OGDEN CO. CLOTHIERS TO MEN WHO CARE Ladies’ and Gentlemen’s SHOES 236 25th St. FLO R.L. POLK & CO’S FUR FLOURING MILLS.—Cont. Riverdale Flour Mill, Riverdale. Riverside Milling Co, 1790 Washing¬ton av. FOUNDERS AND MACHINISTS. Brown's Iron & Brass Works, 136 21st. Pearce Wm & Son, 2651 Washington. Western Foundry & Machine Co, rear 2263 Lincoln av. FRUIT CANNERS. See Canning Companies. *FRUIT EXPRESS COS. Pacific Fruit Express Co, 2480 Grant av. FRUIT GROWERS AND SHIP¬PERS. Cragun Bros, 2246 Washington av. Maple Grove Orchard & Vineyard Co, 2468 Washington. Pioneer Fruit Co, 369 24th. *FRUIT PACKERS' SUPPLIES. Brown J R, 2263 Washington av. FRUITS—WHOLESALE. Griffin H L Co, 2364 Wall av. Ogden Commission Co, 153 24th. FRUITS—RETAIL. Cole A L, 2267 Washington av. Korb Harry, 2474 Grant av. Onello Samuel, 2428 Grant av. *FUEL DEALERS. (See also Coal and Wood.) Cole & Butts, 328 1/2 25th. Farr John Coal Co, 2069 Washington av. Gillette Coal Co, 153 W 27th. Lewis R B, 2234 Wall av. Ogden Transfer & Storage Co, 2459 Grant av. Richardson P C, 2430 Grant av Shurtliff & Co, 318 Eccles Bldg U P Coal Yard, 2236 Wall av. *FUNERAL DIRECTORS. Larkin George W & Sons, 466 24th. Lindquist C J A. 2620 Washington av Richey A F, 2552 Washington av. FURNISHED ROOMS. (See also Boarding Houses; also Hotels.) Abel A B, 2525 Lincoln av. Ahlgren Annie, 2468 Grant av. Allen House, 2510 Lincoln av. Avondet Louis, 146 1/2 25th. Baker H E, 368 24th. Balzhauser Jacob, 330 24th. Bath Theodore, 208 1/2 25th. Bee Hive Rooming House, 217 25th Belmont The, 208 1/2 25th. Black E C, 427 24th. Butterfield Mary, 2613 Washington av. Candish G Y, 2518 Washington av. Carlyle The, 238 25th. Central Hotel, 222 25th. Chamberlain A J, 155 25th. Chapman House, 150 25th. Chicago House, 330 24th. Clenny Kate, 336 24th. Colonial The, 362 24th. Cottage Hotel, 2518 Lincoln av. Denver Rooming House, 169 25th. Deru Joseph, 222 25th. Dora M A, 371 E 22d. El Dora House, 304 25th. Ellsworth E F, 150 25th. Empire Rooming House, 204 25th Erickson Josephine, 427 25th. Eureka House, 133 25th. European Hotel. 242 25th. Evans Marie, 2506 Lincoln av. Gasberg Kate, 362 24th. Gavros Harry. 115 25th. Greiner J J, 128 25th. Harness Margaret, 134 25th. Hotel Ogden, 179 25th. Iowa Rooms, 2346 Washington av. CALVIN STUART Contractor and Builder Shop and Residence, 2952 Wall Ave. Estimates Furnished on Ap¬plication. First-class Repair Work of all Kinds a Specialty- All Work Guaranteed. 591 THE ECCLES LUMBER CO WHOLESALE AND RETAIL LUMBER, DOORS, SASH AND ALL KINDS OF BUILDING MATERIAL AND MILL WORK 156 TO 164 24TH ST. BADCON PHARMACY A.R. McINTYRE Propr. Post Office Station No. 2 2421 WASHINGTON AVE. U.S. Weather Bureau FUR OGDEN BUSINESS DIRECTORY 1910. FUR Labrum Amy, 2419 Grant av. Langevin Anna, 204 25th. Laucirica Joseph, 2548 Wall av. Lawrence The, 2613 Washington av. Lee C E, 321 24th. Lundberg M B, 202 23d. MacAlpine J E, 437 Herrick av. Malloy Sarah, Bennett Blk. Marshall Christine, 2409 Lincoln av. Montana House, 160 1/2 25th. Myers Jennie, 304 25th. Orpheum Apartments, 2518 Washing¬ton av. Otis George, 217 25th. Paris The, 2548 Wall av. Peterson Jennie, 238 25th. Pickerel Lillie, 284 1/2 25th. Roach Seldy, 2245 Washington av. Salvation Army Hotel, 257 25th. Seppich Mollie, 2346 Washington av. Smith A D, 2214 Washington av . Smith J H, 2518 25th Speak Margaret, 381 22d. Spendlove S F, 2272 Washington av. Thompson Jennie, 2315 Washington av. Topham D B, 250, 268 1/2 and 276 25th. Toponce K A, 2422 Adams av. Washington House, 2272 Washington av. Whipple G A, 329 1/2 24th. Wingrove Ada, 2354 Grant av. Woodmansee The, 368 24th. FURNITURE DEALERS. Wholesale. Boyle Furniture Co, 2331-2335 Wash¬ington av. Ogden Furniture & Carpet Co, 2422- 2434 Washington av. Retail. Alvord & Anything, 2416 Grant av. Boyle Furniture Co, 2331-2335 Wash¬ington av. Reliable Goods, Superior Values, Lib¬eral Methods and a Splendid Credit Plan are the features of our business that have been instrumental in building our busi¬ness to its present large proportions, and in making it the most popular and best furniture store in this locality. BOYLE FURNITURE CO. 2331-2333 Washington Ave. OGDEN PLANING MILLS CO. SASH, DOORS, TURNING, STAIR WORK 2160-2170 WASHINGTON AVE. ALL KINDS OF MILL WORK PHONE 666 IND. 40 |