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Show Continuing Students Scholarships are based upon the cumulative GPA. A minimum of 12 semester credit hours at Weber State University is required for this category. A maximum of 8 semesters is allowed. Scholarships include High Honors and Honors. Wildcat Activity Award Categories General Requirements • Must maintain a minimum 2.50 cumulative GPA • Must be registered full time (12 credit hours). Activity scholarships are one-year awards waiving up to full tuition, and are based on the student's abilities or outstanding achievements. Activity scholarships (with the exception of leadership scholarships) may be renewed when the student meets the selection criteria established by the awarding department. A maximum of 10 semesters is allowed. Scholarships for Specific Activities With the exception of leadership, students are required to contact the activity area to get information about specific requirements and auditions. Scholarships are available in the following areas: Performing Arts - Band, Orchestra, Dance, Theatre Arts, Piano. Advise contact prior to January 15, audition only, call 801-626-6437. Debate - contact WSU Communication Department, 801-626-6426. Cheerleaders and Pro/Mo Dancers - audition only, contact WSU Athletics, 801-626-6500. Rodeo - write to Rodeo Club, c/o Roger Johnson, WSU 3002 University Circle, Ogden, UT 84408-3002. Signpost - Student newspaper. Contact WSU Communication Department, 801-626-6426. KWCR Radio - Contact WSU Communication Department, 801-626-6426. Visual Arts - Contact WSU Visual Arts Department, 801-626-6455. Women's Soft Pitch - Contact 801-626-6005. 15 Leadership Scholarships These scholarships are available only to graduating high school seniors and transfer students. Students need not be student body officers to be considered. In addition to the scholarship application, students applying for a leadership scholarship must submit the following: 1. A one-page resume of high school and community extracurricular activities/experiences. Emphasis on leadership responsibilities. 2. Two signatures of recommendation from counselors and/or teachers. 3. A one page essay regarding a leadership challenge faced by the applicant. Deadline is February 1 for all students. Donor Sponsored Departmental and Special Consideration Scholarships (Privately Funded) Privately funded scholarships are awarded according to the donor's specifications, which can be major-specific (often referred to as departmental scholarships), need based or special conditions. General Requirements • Maintain the minimum GPA specified by the scholarship (varies between 2.0 and 3.7) • Register for the minimum number of credit hours specified by the scholarship (most scholarships require 12 credit hours) Scholarships for Out-of-State Students Non-resident students are eligible for scholarships in the categories outlined above. Established policies and procedures are the same for resident and non-resident scholarships. In terna tional Stud en ts International students who have completed 12 credit hours at WSU or another accredited U.S. university may apply for any nonresident scholarships. Donor specified selection criteria are the only limitations imposed upon international students for sponsor scholarship competitions. Scholarship Index TEST SCORE Enhanced SAT GPA ACT 4.0 3.9 3.8 3.7 3.6 3.5 3.4 3.3 3.2 3.1 3.0 2.9 2.8 2.7 2.6 2.5 2.4 2.3 2.2 2.1 2.0 1.9 1.8 1.7 1.6 1.5 1.4 1.3 1.2 1.1 3b 1600 \A± 140 139 137 13b 133 X'i'l 1 Ju 1^ 12b 124 tl'i \'1\ 11si 11/ 11b 114 M'l 110 •I US 10/ tub •lui 101 luu ys yb 94 yi Si1 35 1550 140 138 13/ 135 133 131 130 128 12b 124 122 121 ny 11/ 115 114 112 11U 1U8 lUb 1U5 1U3 1U1 yy ys yb y4 y2 y\ sy 34 1520 138 136 135 133 131 129 128 126 124 122 120 ny 11/ 115 113 112 11U 1U8 lUb 1U4 1U3 1U1 yy y/ yb y4 y2 yu sy 8/ 33 1470 136 134 133 131 129 12/ 126 124 122 12U 118 11/ 115 113 111 11U 1U8 lUb 1U4 1U2 1U1 yy y/ yb y4 y2 yu 88 8/ 85 32 1420 134 132 131 129 12/ 125 124 122 12U 118 lib 115 113 111 iuy 1U8 lUb 1U4 1U2 1UU yy y/ yb y3 y2 yu 88 Sb 85 S3 31 1380 133 131 130 128 136 124 123 121 ny 11/ 115 114 112 11U 1U8 1U/ 1U5 1U3 1U1 yy ys yb y4 y2 yi sy 8/ Sb 84 82 30 1340 131 129 128 126 124 122 121 11.9 11/ 115 113 112 11U 1U8 lUb 1U5 1U3 1U1 yy y/ yb y4 y2 yu sy 8/ 85 S3 82 SU 29 1300 129 12/ 126 124 122 120 119 11/ 115 113 111 11U 1U8 lUb 1U4 1U3 1U1 yy y/ y5 y4 y2 yu 88 8/ Sb S3 81 SU /S 28 1260 12/ 125 124 122 120 118 11/ 115 113 111 iuy 1U8 lUb 1U4 1U2 1U1 yy y/ y5 y3 y2 yu 88 Sb 85 S3 81 /y /S lb 27 1220 126 124 123 121 119 11 / 116 114 112 11U 1U8 1U/ 1U5 1U3 1U1 1UU y8 yb y4 y2 yi sy ci / Sb 84 82 SU /« / / lb 26 1180 124 \'1'1 \±\ 11s) 11/ 11b 114 \\-i 110 lUS lUb 10b lUi 101 yy y8 yb y4 yl yu sy 8/ tib Hi Wl SU /8^ lb /b I'i 25 1140 122 120 119 11/ 115 113 112 11U 1U8 10b 1U4 103 1U1 yy y/ yb y4 y2 yu SS 8/ 85 S3 81 su /s lb IA li l'\ 24 1110 120 118 11/ 115 113 111 110 1U8 lUb 1U4 1U2 1U1 yy y/ y5 y4 y2 yu 88 Sb 85 S3 81 /y /s lb IA u l'\ by 23 10/0 11a 116 11b 113 111 luy lUS lUb 1o4 1021 •luu yy 97 i& yi SW yu 88 8b 84 Hi ;*1 /y // lb IA I'I /u by bl 22 1030 11/ 115 114 112 110 108 10/ 1U5 1U3 1U1 yy y8 yb y4 yt yi 8y 8/ 85 S3 82 su /s /b lb li l'\ by bS bb 21 990 115 113 112 110 108 106 105 1U3 1U1 yy y/ yb y4 y2 yu 8y 8/ 85 83 81 su /s /b IA IA l'\ by bl bb bA 20 950 113 111 110 108 106 104 103 1U1 yy y/ y5 y4 y2 yo 88 8/ 85 83 81 /y /s /b /4 u l'\ by bl bb bA b2 19 910 111 109 108 106 104 102 101 yy y/ y5 y3 y2 yu 88 8b 85 83 81 /y // /b IA 12 /u by bl bb b3 b2 bU 18 870 11 j a 10/ 106 104 102 100 99 y/ y5 y3 yi yu 88 8b 84 83 81 /y / / /5 /4 12 /U bS bl bb b3 bl bU 58 17 830 106 105 103 101 9y 98 yb y4 y2 yu 8y 8/ 85 83 82 8U /8 /b IA /3 l'\ by b/ bb b4 b2 bU by b/ 16 /90 lUb 104 •lui 1o1 t)9 97 9b 94 sW yu 88 87 tfb 83 ri1 8U Iti /b IA I'I /1 by b/ bb bA bl bU b8^ b/ bb 15 740 104 102 101 99 9/ y5 94 y2 yu 88 8b 85 83 81 /y /8 lb /4 12 /u by b/ bb b3 b2 bU 58 bb 55 53 14 690 1 U2 100 99 9/ y5 y3 92 yu 88 8b 84 83 81 /y / / /b IA 11 /u bS b/ bb b3 bl bU bS bb 54 b3 51 13 640 loo 98 97 S)b 93 &\ yo 88 8b 84 ii'2 a1 w // lb /4 I'I /o b8 bb bb bi b1 bSi b8^ bb 54 bl b1 4si 12 590 99 9/ 96 94 92 90 8y 8/ 85 83 81 8U /8 /b IA /3 l'\ by b/ b5 b4 b2 bU 58 b/ 55 b3 51 5U 48 11 550 9/ 95 94 92 yo 88 8/ 85 83 81 /y /8 /b /4 // /I by b/ b5 b3 b2 bU bS bb bb 53 bl 4y 48 4b 10 500 95 93 92 90 88 86 85 83 81 /y / / /b /4 12 /u by til b5 b3 bl bU 58 bb b4 53 51 4y AI 4b 44 9 450 93 91 90 88 86 84 83 81 /y // /5 /4 n /u b8 til bb b3 bl 5y 58 5b b4 b2 bl 4y 4/ 4b 44 42 8 400 92 90 89 8/ 85 83 82 8U /8 /b /4 I'i /i by b/ bb HA b2 bU 58 bl 55 b3 bl 5U 48 4b 44 43 41 7 400 90 88 8/ 85 83 81 80 /8 /b /4 It /I by b/ b5 b4 b2 bU 58 5b 55 53 bl 4y 48 4b 44 42 41 3y 6 400 88 86 85 83 81 /9 /8 /b /4 12 /U by b/ b5 b3 b2 bU 58 5b 54 53 51 4y 4/ 4b 44 42 4U 3y 3/ 5 400 86 84 83 81 /u / / /6 /4 u /u b8 b/ b5 b3 bl bU 58 5b 54 52 51 4y 4/ 4b 44 42 4U 38 3/ 3b General PROFILE ENROLLMENT- STUDENT AFFAIRS ACADEMIC INFO DEGREE REQ GENED Interdisciplinary FYE HNRS BIS / BAT LIBS INTRD MINORS Applied Science & Technology CEET CS MFET/MET CMT DGET ENGR AUSV/ATTC IDT SST TBE Arts « Humanities COMM ENGL FL DANC MUSC THEA ART/ARTH Business * ECON MBA MACC/ACTG BSAD FIN LOM MGMT MKTG ECON/QUAN 1ST Education MED CHF ATHL/AT HLTH/NUTR PE/REC EDUC Heaifh Professions CLS DENT PAR HTHS HAS/HIM NRSG RADT DMS NUCM RATH REST Science BTNY CHEM GEO MATH/MTHE MICR PHYS ZOOL Social & Behavioral Sciences MCJ/CJ ECON GEOG HIST POLS PHIL PSY SW GERT SOC ANTH AERO MILS NAVS Continuing Ed Daws Campus Weber State University 20 05 - 2006 Catalog |