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Show 242 developed to lead organizations in finding solutions to their information management problems. Prerequisite: HIM 3050 and HAS 3260. HIM 4990. Baccalaureate Thesis and Presentation (3) F Senior health information management students complete a research project and thesis in partial fulfillment of program requirements. By the completion of the course, the senior student will be able to specify a thesis topic, specify individual thesis learning objectives, specify individual thesis learning activities, develop a thesis project time-line, implement the thesis project, write the thesis, and present it to the Health Information Management faculty and students. Topics are chosen by the student but require approval by the Program Coordinator. DEPARTMENT Nursing Department Chair: Debra Huber, PhD, APRN Location: Marriott Allied Health Building, Rm 437 Telephone: (801) 626-6142 Program Outreach Coordinator Pam Hugie, MSN, RN Telephone Contact: Aiko Flowers (801) 626-6134 PN/ADN Level Coordinator: Pam Rice, MSN, RN Telephone Contact: Marguerite Simmons (801) 626-7416 BSN Level Coordinator: Evelyn N. Draper, MA, RN Telephone Contact: Ericka Turner (801) 626-6122 Manager, Nursing Student Affairs: Robert Holt, MS Telephone Contact: (801) 626-7774 OGDEN CAMPUS FACULTY- Professor Emerita: Evelyn Draper; Professor: Debra Huber; Associate Professors: Sharen Brady, Kathy Culliton, Linda Forest, Pam Hugie, Diane Leggett, Pam Molen, Judith Pratt, Pam Rice, Susan Thornock, Deanna Williams; Assistant Professors: Elaine Archuletta, ArLynn Baker, Suzanne Balhhgham, Tamara Chase, Marilyn Cox, Jill Daly, London Draper, Allen Hanberg, Linda Hofmann, Lu Ann Jacobs- Peters on, Deborah Judd, Julie Ktllebrew, Laura Mahler, Kathleen Sitzman, Chad Speth, Kristiann Williams; Instructor: Carol Welninski USU CAMPUS FACULTY-Assistant Professors:Charlotte Harris, Lori Hart, Jonny Kelly, Julie O'Brien, Linda Richards, Kelly Shoell rounded in 1953, nursing at Weber State University offers students career progression from Practical Nursing (PN) to Associate of Science (AS) or Associate of Applied Science Degree Nursing (AAS) to Baccalaureate Nursing (BSN) via a ladder curriculum. The curriculum model enables student progression through various preparation levels in accordance with individual ability, aspirations, career goals and changing life circumstances. The program ensures entry level practitioners by providing a foundation from the physical, biological, behavioral and nursing sciences for application in caring for clients in a variety of nursing environments. The nursing program embraces three levels of preparation for nursing practice: PN, Associate Degree Nursing (ADN) and BSN Educational offerings provide distinctive purposes and expectations for each level of nursing preparation while recognizing common areas of achievement within each level. Competency standards define graduate characteristics at each preparation level. Three entry options are available for students. Two of these lead to licensure by examination at the PN and AS/AAS levels. The third option leads to a baccalaureate degree in nursing. Entry Options Practical Nursing: The first year of the nursing program constitutes the practical nursing curriculum. Students selecting this option are awarded an Institutional Certificate by WSU following one year of study. For licensure as a practical nurse, graduates are required to successfully pass the National Council of Licensure Examination (NCLEX-PN). AS: Two years are required for students entering this option.* Students selecting this option must complete nursing maj or credits plus fulfill university general education credits required for graduation with an associate of science degree. Students selected for an associate of science degree in nursing may take the NCLEX-PN through the equivalency clause in the Utah Nurse Practice Act at completion of the first year. An additional year of course work entities graduates to take the National Examination for licensure as a registered nurse (NCLEX-RN). AAS: Two years are required for students entering this option.* Students selected for an associate of applied science degree nursing may take the NCLEX-PN through equivalency clause in the Utah Nurse Practice Act at completion of the first year. An additional year of course work entitles graduates to take the National Examination for licensure as a registered nurse (NCLEX-RN). Practical Nurse (PN) to AS/AAS (PN to RN): This entry option is open only to PNs.* Entering students enroll for the second year of the AA/AAS nursing program. Graduates take the NCLEX-RN at completion of this curricular year. *A2 + 2 BSN Option is available to PN-to-RN and AS/AAS nursing students that deste uninterrupted progression through the AS/AAS Degree to the RN-to-BSN Program level. PN-to-RN and AS/AAS Nursing Program applicants must declare the 2+2 BSN program option at the time of application. RN-to-BSN: Three entry options exist for achieving the baccalaureate degree in nursing. A four semester upper division curriculum rounds out the nursing program at this level. A three semester accelerated option is available for students able to take an increased credit load. First: The 2+2 BSN Option is available to WSU nursing students admitted to either the PN-to-RN or the AS/AAS Nursing Programs. The 2+2 BSN option must be declared upon entry to these programs. 2+2 BSN students are guaranteed uninterrupted progression to the RN-to-BSN Program. However, uninterrupted program progression is contingent upon the student meeting RN-to-BSN admission criteria upon completion of the PN-to-RN or AS/AAS nursing programs & passing score on RN-NCLEX predictor exam. Additionally, in order to progress beyond the 1st semester of the RN-to-BSN curriculum, the 2+2 BSN student must successfully pass the RN-NCLEX exam. Failure to do so will result in an academic leave-of-absence until successful completion of the RN-NCLEX exam can be documented. Second: This option to the RN-to-BSN Program provides access to WSU AS/AAS Nursing graduates who are not previously declared a 2+2 BSN student, but desire immediate progress to the RN-to-BSN Program level. These students may request uninterrupted progression during the final semester of their AS/AAS Program of study. However, uninterrupted program progression is contingent upon the student meeting RN-to-BSN admission criteria upon completion of the PN-to-RN or AS/AAS nursing programs & passing score on RN-NCLEX predictor exam. Additionally, in order to progress beyond the 1st semester of the RN-to-BSN curriculum, the 2+2 BSN student must successfully pass the RN-NCLEX exam. Failure to do so will result in an Weber State University 2005-2006 Catalog |