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Show 364 Yumi Adachi (1997) - Associate Professor of Foreign Languages. MA., University of Iowa, 1989; PhD., Purdue University, 1996. Lynn E. Adams - Instructor Specialist/Automotive Service Technology. H. Lon Addams (1982) - Professor of Management. B.S., M.B.A., University of Utah, 1969,1970; EdD., Brigham Young University, 1978. Ingrid L. Allen (1999) - Assistant Professor of Manufacturing and Mechanical Engineering Technology. B.S., Weber State University, 1994; M.S., Purdue University, 2002. William Thomas Allison (1999) - Associate Professor of History. BA., Texas A&M University at Commerce, 1989; M.A., Texas A&M University at Commerce, 1991; PhD., Bowling Green State University, 1995. Alice Allred (2000) - Lecturer of Mathematics. B.S., M.Ed., Weber State University, 1989,1995. Anthony Allred (1998) -Associate Professor Business Administration. B.G.S., Weber State University, 1984; Ph.D., Oklahoma State University, 1997. Gordon T. Allred (1963) - Professor of English. B.S., M.S., PhD., University of Utah, 1957,1958,1972. Keith Allred (1978) - Associate Professor of Design Graphics Engineering Technology. B.S., M.I.E., Utah State University, 1967,1980. Richard M. Alston (1969) - Professor of Economics. BA., University of Utah, 1966; M.A., Ph.D., Cornell University, 1968,1970. Farhang Amiri (1984) - Professor of Physics. B.S., Tehran University, 1971; M.S., Pars College, 1973; PhD., Florida State University, 1981. Eric Amsel (1994) - Professor of Psychology. B.A, McGill University-Montreal Canada, 1979; M.Ed, Harvard Graduate-Cambridge, 1980; Ph.D., Columbia University, 1986. Charles Anderson (2004) - Medical Director, Respiratory Therapy. B.S., M.D., University of Utah, 1981; 1988. Nicole A. Anderson (2004) - Assistant Professor of Computer Science. B.S., M.S., University of Iowa, 1998,2000; Ph.D., University of Utah, 2005. Greg Anderson (2001) - Department Chair and Assistant Professor of Computer Science. B.A., Weber State University, 1989; M.B.A., University of Colorado at Colorado Springs, 2002. Laura S. Anderson (1991) - Instructor Specialist of Telecommunications and Business Education. B A., University of Arizona, 1980; B.S., University of Wyoming, 1987; M.S., Utah State University, 1998. Nicole Anderson (2003) - Instructor of Computer Science. B.S., M.S., University of Iowa, 1998,2000. Wayne Andrews (1969) - Associate Professor of Electronics Engineering Technology. B.S., Weber State College, 1966; M.S., University of Southern California, 1969. Julianne K. Arbuckle (1993) - Department Chair and Professor of Psychology. B.A., Weber State College, 1980; M.Ed., PhD., Brigham Young University, 1983,1993. Elaine Archuletta (2004) - Assistant Professor of Nursing. B.S.N., Weber State University, 1993; M.S.N., Westminster College 2002. Brooke S. Arkush (1990) - Professor of Anthropology. B A., Humboldt State University, 1983; MA., Ph.D., University of California, Riverside, 1987,1989. John Armstrong (2003) - Assistant Professor of Physics. B.S., University of Iowa, 1998; M.S., PhD., University of Washington, 2001,2003. Michelle L. Arnold (2002) - Assistant Professor of Physics. B.S., University of Winnipeg, 1996; PhD., McMaster University, 2000. B Lee W. Badger (1981) - Professor of Mathematics. A.B., University of Missouri, 1968; M.A., PhD., University of Colorado, 1970,1975. ArLynn Baker (2004) - Assistant Professor of Nursing. A.S.N., B.S.N., Weber State University, 1983,1989; M.S.N., University of Utah, 2002. Loyal Baker (2002) - Lecturer of Mathematics. B.S., M.S., Brigham Young University, 1970,1973. Suzanne Ballingham (2004) - Assistant Professor of Nursing. L.P.N., Utah Technical College, 1978; A.D.N., Weber State University, 1988; B.S.N., University of Phoenix, 1996; M.S.N., Westminster College, 2001. Norris R. Bancroft (1969) - Professor of Psychology. BA., M.A., PhD., University of South Dakota, 1964,1966,1968. Naseem A. Banerji (1993) - Associate Professor of Art History. B.A., B.Ed., MA, University of Calcutta, 1968,1970,1981; Ph.D. University of Iowa, 1993. Laurel Barlow (2002) - Instructor of English. B.S., Weber State University, 1989; M.S, Utah State University, 1992; Ph.D., Indiana University of Pennsylvania, 2000. Susan Barratt (2001) - Instructor of Visual Arts. B.S., Westminster College, 1983; M.FA., University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee, 1994. Mark R. Baugh (2004) - Assistant Professor of Manufacturing and Mechanical Engineering Technology. B.S., University of Utah, 1990; M.S., Utah State University, 1996. Roy A. Bautista (1998) - Military Science Instructor. Gill Beamson (2004) Assistant Professor of Computer and Electronics Engineering Technology. B.S., M.E., Ph.D., University of Utah, 1986,1988, 2001. Daniel Bedford (2002) - Assistant Professor of Geography. B.A., University of Oxford, 1990; M.S., Ph.D., University of Colorado, 1992,1997. Autumn Behringer (2004) - Assistant Professor of Sociology. BA., Miami University, 1997; M.S., PhD., Purdue University, 1999,2004. Cynthia Belnap (1984) - Instructor of Emergency Care and Rescue. B.S., Weber State College, 1983. Craig Bergeson (1999) - Associate Professor of Foreign Language. BA., Weber State University, 1991; M.A., University of Nevada, 1993; Ph.D., University of Colorado, 1998. Heniy Laine Berghout (2000) - Associate Professor of Chemistry. A A., B.S., Weber State University, 1991,1992; Ph.D., University of Wisconsin-Madison, 1998. Diego Bemal (2002) - Assistant Professor of Zoology. B.S., University of Baja California, 1995; M.S., Ph.D., University of California, San Diego, 2001,2002. Pamela Beverly (2002) - Assistant Professor of Visual Arts. A.A., Foothill Jr. College, 1987; B.FA., M.FA, University of Colorado-Boulder, 1993,1996. Jewell Qudy) Bezoski (1985) - Instructor Specialist, Teacher Education. B.S., Weber State College, 1972; M.S., Utah State University, 1980. Mark A. Biddle (1981) - Department Chair and Professor of Visual Arts. B.FA., M.FA., Indiana State, 1977,1981. Mark 0. Bigler (1999) - Department Chair of Social Work & Gerontology and Associate Professor of Social Work. B.A., M.S.W., University of Utah, 1985, 1987; PhD., New York University, 1992. Georgine Bills (1987) - Professor of Respiratory Therapy. B.S., Weber State College, 1985; M.B.A., University of Utah, 1991; Registered Respiratory Therapist (R.R.T.). James A. Bird (1978) - Professor of Child and Family Studies. B.S., M.S., Brigham Young University, 1969,1975; Ph.D., University of Utah, 1987. Dixilee M. Blackinton (1986) - Instructor Specialist of Mathematics. BA, Brigham Young University, 1972. M.Ed., Weber State University, 1990. Wendy Boren (1999) - Assistant Professor and Campus DATC Nursing Coordinator. B.S., A.D., B.S., Brigham Young University, 1983,1984,1988; M.S., University of Utah, 1992. Jeny H. Borup (1969) - Professor of Gerontology. B.S., M.S., Brigham Young University, 1961,1962; PhD., Mississippi State University, 1969. Stephanie J. Bossenberger-James (1992) - Department Chair and Professor of Dental Hygiene. B.S., Weber State University, 1980; M.S., University of Utah, 1987. Eugene G. Bozniak (1969) - Department Chair and Professor of Botany. B.S., M.S., University of Alberta, 1963,1966; Ph.D., Washington University, 1969. Sharen Brady (1995) - Associate Professor of Nursing. B.S.N., University of Washington, 1971; M.S.N., University of Utah, 1994. Delroy Brinkerhoff (1996) - Associate Professor of Computer Science. B.S., Brigham Young University, 1984; M.S., Utah State University, 1996. Karen Brookens (2001) - Associate Professor of Performing Arts. B.M., M.FA., University of Utah, 1985,1990; D.MA, Arizona State University, 1997. Drex Brooks (1988) - Professor of Visual Arts. B.FA., Oregon State University, 1976; M.FA, Rhode Island School of Design, 1980. Weber State University 2005-2006 Catalog |