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Show MUSC *3753. Jazz Ensemble (1) Membership by audition or consent of instructor. Fulfills the chamber ensemble requirement for music majors. MUSC *3754. Percussion Ensemble (1) Membership by audition or consent of instructor. Fulfills the chamber ensemble requirement for music majors. MUSC *3755. Instrumental Chamber Ensemble (1) Training in instrumental chamber ensembles such as trios, quartets, quintets, and sextets. Fulfills the chamber ensemble requirement for music majors. MUSC *3756. Pep Band (1) Plays at athletic functions using contemporary jazz, rock, and popular music. By audition. Does not fulfill any ensemble requirement for music majors or minors. MUSC *3760. Weber State Symphony Orchestra (1) Membership by audition or consent of instructor. Full symphony orchestra instrumentation. Fulfills the major ensemble requirement for music maj ors and minors. MUSC *3761. Chamber Orchestra (1) Membership by audition or consent of instructor. Fulfills the chamber ensemble requirement for music majors. MUSC *3762. Theatre Orchestra (1-2) Membership by audition or consent of instructor. Instrumentation determined by the music production being presented. Does not fulfill any ensemble requirement for music majors or minors. MUSC *3763. Guitar Ensemble (1) Membership by audition or consent of instructor. Fulfills the major ensemble requirement for music majors and minors. MUSC 3822, 3823. Instrumental Conducting I-II (2 each) ** Basic conducting technique and advanced techniques for conducting instrumental ensembles. Prerequisites: MUSC 1120 and 1140. MUSC 3824. Music for Elementary Teachers (4) Methods and materials for teaching elementary school music (grades K-6) including skill development on selected elementary classroom instruments. MUSC 3840. Form and Analysis (2) ** A study of basic musical form with particular emphasis on the most important contrapuntal and homophonic styles from the Baroque Period forward. The course coordinates the study of the forms of individual genres with their history and role in the continuous development of music. Prerequisites: MUSC 2120 and 2140. MUSC 3842. Producing the School Musical (2) ** A detailed study of musical theatre and the practical application of skills, techniques, and materials necessary for production in secondary schools. MUSC 3872, 3882. Choral Conducting I-II (2 each) ** Basic conducting technique and advanced techniques for techniques for conducting choral ensembles. Prerequisites: MUSC 1120 and 1140. MUSC 3991. Junior Recital (1) ** Applied instruction in preparation for and public performance of a 30 minute recital. Prerequisite: Piano proficiency. MUSC 4302, 4312. Keyboard Pedagogy I-II (2 each) ** Comprehensive study of performance pedagogy. 139 MUSC 4402, 4412. Vocal Pedagogy I II (2 each) ** Comprehensive study of the principles, rules and procedures pertaining to the development, exercise, and practice of the art of singing and the science of teaching singing. MUSC *4610. Applied Keyboard: Piano (1) ** MUSC *4611. Applied Keyboard: Organ (1) ** MUSC *4620. Applied Voice (1) ** MUSC *4630. Applied Woodwinds: Flute (1) ** MUSC *4631. Applied Woodwinds: Oboe (1) ** MUSC *4632. Applied Woodwinds: Clarinet (1) ** MUSC *4633. Applied Woodwinds: Saxophone (1) ** MUSC *4634. Applied Woodwinds: Bassoon (1) ** MUSC *4640. Applied Brass: Trumpet (1) ** MUSC *4641. Applied Brass: French Horn (1) ** MUSC *4642. Applied Brass: Trombone (1) ** MUSC *4643. Applied Brass: Euphonium/Tuba (1) ** MUSC *4650. Applied Strings: Violin (1) ** MUSC *4651. Applied Strings: Viola (1) ** MUSC '4652. Applied Strings: Violoncello (1) ** MUSC *4653. Applied Strings: String Bass (1) ** MUSC *4654. Applied Strings: Guitar (1) ** MUSC *4655. Applied Strings: Harp (1) ** MUSC '4660. Applied Percussion (1) ** MUSC *4673. Private Instruction (2) ** All performance areas. Two hours instmction/week. Minimum of 18 hrs/wk practice required. One-half hour special assignment. By consent of inshuctor only. May be taken for credit up to three times in any area of specialization. MUSC 4822. Junior High/ Middle School Music Methods (2) ** Methods of instruction, organization and presentation of appropriate content and musical literature in junior high/middle school music classes. Prerequisite: Piano proficiency MUSC 4830. Directed Readings (1-3) ** To be arranged. May be taken for a maximum of 7 hours of credit. MUSC 4842. High School Music Methods (2) ** Methods of instruction, organization and presentation of appropriate content and musical literature in high school music classes. Emphasis is placed on the administration of the school music program. Prerequisite: Piano proficiency and MUSC 4822. MUSC 4860. Internship in Music (1-3) ** Practical synthesis and application of knowledge and skills gained in pedagogy and methods courses. Students plan and implement lessons, document progress, and evaluate their teaching assignments in group or private settings. May be repeated for a maximum of 12 credits. MUSC 4890. Cooperative Work Experience (1-6) ** A continuation of MUSC 2890. Open to all students. May be repeated to a maximum of 6 credits. MUSC 4910. Opera Production (2) Preparation of operatic scenes and music. Music and staging rehearsal venue for the preparation of fully staged opera productions. General PROFILE ENROLLMENT STUDENT AFFAIRS ACADEMIC INFO DEGREE REQ GENED Jnterdisciplinary FYE HNRS BIS / BAT LIBS INTRD MINORS Applied Science & Technology CEET CS MFET/MET CMT DGET ENGR AUSV/ATTC IDT SST TBE Arts& Humanities COMM ENGL FL DANC MUSC THEA ART/ARTH Business & ECON MBA MACC/ACTG BSAD FIN LOM MGMT MKTG ECON/QUAN 1ST Education MED CHF ATHL/AT HLTH/NUTR PE/REC EDUC Health Professions CLS DENT PAR HTHS HAS/HIM NRSG REST Science BTNY CHEM GEO MATH/MTHE MICR PHYS ZOOL Social & Behavioral Sciences MCJ/CJ ECON GEOG HIST POLS PHIL PSY SW GERT SOC ANTH MILS NAVS Continuing Ed Davis Campus Weber State University 2005 - 2006 Catalog |