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Show MED 6240. Foundations of Teaching for Cultural and Language Differences (2) This course will address the nature of pluralism in American Sodety including but not limited to exploration of multiculturalism, bilin- gualism, first and second language acquisition and instructional strategies. Establishes the core foundations for valuing diversity. MED 6250. Second Language Acquisition: Theories and Implementation (3) This course explores second language acquisition processes, current theories, and effedive strategies as a knowledge base in planning appropriate curriculum and instruction for English language learners. MED 6270. Literacy Strategies for Teaching English Language Learners (3) Teaching strategies for English language development and content area instrudion. MED 6280. Family and Community Involvement in Education (2) Examination of methods which would facilitate the interaction between the parent/community and the teacher/school through redprocal communication, home-based involvement, school-based involvement and decision making. Spedal emphasis will be given to the importance of parental involvement in the education of second language learners. MED 6300. Conducting Qualitative Research (3) Designed as an introduction to the philosophy, theory, and methodology of qualitative research. This course is a companion course to MED 6080, Conduding Educational Research. Spedal emphasis is placed on designing qualitative research proposals for master's degree projects. MED 6310. Content Instruction in the Elementary School: (Science, or Mathematics, or Social Studies) (2) Explores new concepts in curriculum and methods of instruction in the elementary schools. When this number is used it will be accompanied by a brief and specific descriptive title. The spedfic title with the credit authorized for the particular offering will appear on the student transcript. MED 6320. Content Area Literacy Instruction (3) Use of reading as an effective means to help students comprehend thdr course material. Explores how to incorporate these skills into the curriculum of the content areas. MED 6330. Using Children's Literature and Informational Text in the Classroom (2) This course will provide a broad basis for using children's literature for instructional purposes in dementary classrooms to enhance literacy development. MED 6340. Reading Assessment & Instructional Interventions (3) Assessment of reading problems and corredive procedures for remediation in elementary classrooms. MED 6350. Reading Comprehension Instruction (3) An exploration of current research theories and their pedagogical implications related to teaching vocabulary, reading comprehension, and metacognition. This course is required for the Level 1 Reading Endorsement. MED 6352. Early Literacy Instruction (K-6) (2) The purpose of this course is to focus on the research on emergent and early literacy development so that teachers may construct well-designed, appropriate literacy learning environments and experiences for young language learners. Because this is an advanced course, students will be expected to have a reading 195 background in early literacy. This course is required for the Level 1 Reading Endorsement. MED 6353. Understanding and Supporting Reading Development (grades 6-12) (3) This course is to help practicing secondary teachers acquire skills and strategies to support struggling readers. Spedfically, this course will provide teachers with a systematic and ongoing approach to classroom intervention to prevent continued failure in reading. Required for the Levd 1 Basic Secondary Reading Endorsement. MED 6354. Supervision & Staff Development in Reading Instruction (2) This course is designed to increase understanding of the administration and supervision of school literacy programs. Major topics will include: professional development, school/community relations, mentoring partnerships, student diversity, curriculum evaluation and development, and assessment. This course is required for the Reading Specialist Endorsement. Prerequisite: Basic Reading Endorsement. MED 6355. Research in Reading (3) This course will engage students in studying and understanding primary research documents in reading. Students will be guided to explore both classical and contemporary reading research studies. Students will also be instruded in basic research techniques in reading. This course is required for the Reading Specialist Endorsement. Prerequisite: Level 1 Basic Reading Endorsement. MED 6356. Reading Specialist Internship (2) This course is a field-based experience designed to give students an opportunity to work with curriculum and school leaders for improving reading instruction on a district or school level. This course is required for the Reading Spedalist Endorsement. Prerequisites: Basic Reading Endorsement, Theories of Supervision of Literacy Programs (MED 6354), and Research in Reading (MED 6355). The course is graded Credit/No Credit. MED 6360. Foundations of Literacy (3) An exploration of current reading, oral and written language theories, and their applications for the improvement of literacy practices in schools. MED 6380. Values Education (3) Designed for teachers, administrators, parents and community leaders. Examines the developmental processes of sodalization and moral development. Four separate approaches of values education are evaluated. MED 6420. Foundations of Education of the Gifted (2) An overview of education for the gifted and talented: historical and philosophical background; charaderistics, needs, and devdopmen- tal patterns of the gifted; issues in identification, differentiating curriculum, and educational program options; spedal populations of gifted students. MED 6450. Creativity and Applied Imagination (2) Exploration and development of readily available personal and community resources to encourage creative tMnking/reasoning, classroom involvement, and transfer of learning. MED 6470. Teaching for Thinking (2) Theory and practice for teaching thinking skills in elementary, middle, and high school dassrooms. Prerequisite: Classroom Teacher/Administrator. MED 6480. Differentiated Curriculum for the Gifted (3) Curriculum theories and educational strategies for educating gifted and talented students. A pradical course, with special attention to Genera/ PROFILE ENROLLMENT STUDENT AFFAIRS ACADEMIC INFO DEGREE REQ GENED Interdisciplinary FYE HNRS BIS LIBS INTRD MINORS Applied Science 8 Technology AUSV/ATTC CEET CS MFET/MET CMT DGET ENGR IDT SST TBE Arts 8 Humanities MENG COMM ENGL FL DANC MUSC THEA ART/ARTH Business S Econ MBA MACC/ACTG BSAD FIN MGMT MKTG SCM ECON/QUAN 1ST Education MED CHF ATHL/AT HLTH/NUTR PE/PEP/REC EDUC Heaifh Professions MHA CLS DENT PAR HTHS HAS/HIM NRSG RADT DMS/NUCM RATH REST Science BTNY CHEM GEO MATH/MTHE MICR PHYS ZOOL Social S Behavioral Sciences MCJ/CJ ECON GEOG HIST POLS PHIL PSY SW GERT SOC ANTH AERO MILS NAVS Continuing Ed Davis Campus Weber State University 2007 - 2008 Catalog |