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Show 5. Nutrition NUTRLS1020 NUTR 2320 NUTR/HLTH 3320 NUTR/HLTH 3420 Foundations in Nutrition (3) Food Values, Diet & Health (3) Health & Nutrition in the Older Adult (3) Multicultural Health & Nutrition (3) Suggested Course Sequence Please refer to this program in the online catalog (weber.edu/catalog) and/or contact the department for a suggested course sequence. GERONTOLOGY DEPARTMENTAL HONORS » Program Prerequisites: Enroll in the General Honors Program and complete 10 hours of General Honors courses (see the Honors Program on page 45). » Grade Requirements: Maintain an overall GPA of 3.3. » Credit Hour Requirements: Fulfill the requirements for the Gerontology major, of which at least 20 credit hours must be completed on an Honors basis. A student may recdve Departmental Honors credit in any upper division Gerontology course with the exception of 4860, 4861, or 4862. In addition, complete the Gerontology Honors senior projed of 2 credit hours. Permission from the department chair must be sought before registering in a course for Honors credit. A written agreement will be reached with the appropriate professor regarding the work expected for Honors credit (see the Honors Program on page 45). GERONTOLOGY MINOR, BIS EMPHASIS AND NON-DEGREE CERTIFICATION » Grade Requirements: A grade of "C" or better in courses used toward the minor/emphasis (a grade of "C-" is not acceptable). » Credit Hour Requirements: Minimum of 17 credit hours. Course Requirements for Minor/ BIS Emphasis/Non-Degree Certification Gerontology Courses Required (11 credit hours) GERT SS1010 Intro to Gerontology (3) GERT DV3320 Ethnicity & Older Women in America (3) GERT 3500 Gerontological Development & Policy (3) GERT 4860 Fidd Practicum (2) Gerontology Electives (6 credit hours) Select two courses from the following 5 courses GERT 2220 Intro to Sodal Gerontology (3) GERT 3000 Death & Dying (3) GERT 3120 Aging: Adaptation & Behavior (3) GERT 4220 Societal Responses to Aging (3) GERT 4650 Retirement: Adjustment / Planning (3) GERONTOLOGY COURSES - GERT GERT SS1010. Introduction to Gerontology (3) A study of physical, psychological, sodal-psychological, and social dimensions of aging and the application of principles and strategies to facilitate adaptation to aging. Emphasis is placed on methods of gathering knowledge, the current knowledge base, and strategies for adaptation in the later stages of life cycle. GERT 2220. Introduction to Social Gerontology (3) S A sdentific study of social and psychological aging and the application of principles and strategies to fadlitate adaptation to aging. The focus is on methods and systems for gathering data, demography of aging, social theoretical perspectives, psychological effects of aging, aging and the economy, and government and the politics of aging. 355 GERT 2900. Current Topics on Aging (2-4) A study on age related topics of current interest. Specific title will appear on student's transcript along with authorized credit. GERT 2920. Short Courses, Workshops, Institutes and Special Programs (1-4) Consult the semester dass schedule for the current offering under this number. The specific title and credit authorized will appear on the student transcript. GERT 3000. Death and Dying (3) 5 An in-depth study of death, death-rdated issues and sodal institutions and pradices dealing with death in American society, with special emphasis on the sodal processes surrounding death and constructive responses to death and dying. GERT 3120. Aging: Adaptation and Behavior (3) F An examination of the physical and psychological processes of aging. The emphasis is upon behavioral and social adaptation to these processes. GERT DV3320. Ethnicity and Older Women in the American Society (3) F The importance of spedal populations (ethnic, radal and women) as they relate to the aging process. GERT SI3400. Methods of Research: Social and Behavioral Research (4) Focus on acquiring knowledge, developing skills, and conduding social and behavioral scientific research, utilizing single system design that includes visual and statistical assessment. The course will include both qualitative methodologies (evaluative research, historical methods, case studies, field research, ethnography studies, and grounded theory) and quantitative methodologies (experimental and survey with a special emphasis on survey). It is recommended to take a Statistics course before Research. GERT 3500. Social Welfare & Gerontological Policy Development and Service (3) The history, mission, philosophy and human service aspects used in the development of social work/gerontology as a profession will be covered. Examples of social, public and social welfare policy will be identified and studied. Knowledge of local, state, and federal legislation, professional organizations, and membership organizations will assist in review of lobby, funding and implementation pradices used in meeting human service needs. Methods for the political and organizational analysis of processes and policy will be covered. Prerequisite: SW SSI010 or GERT SSI010. (SW/GERT 3500 must be completed before entering Field Practice). GERT SI3600. Social Statistics (3) Introduction to analysis and presentation of data. Prerequisite: Meet WSU Quantitative Literacy requirement. GERT 4220. Societal Responses to Aging (3) F This course is designed to cover aspects of retirement relating to job change or discontinuance. The processes, events, sodal roles, and phases of life will presented. GERT 4650. Retirement: Adjustment/Planning (3) 5 This course is designed to cover aspects of retirement relating to job change or discontinuance. The processes, events, sodal roles, and phases of life will presented. GERT 4830. Readings and/or Projects (2-4) Individual readings and/or projects for the senior Gerontology major (with the approval of the instructor) with a maximum of four (4) credit hours possible. General PROFILE ENROLLMENT STUDENT AFFAIRS ACADEMIC INFO DEGREE REQ GENED Interdisciplinary FYE HNRS BIS LIBS INTRD MINORS Applied Science 8 Technology AUSV/ATTC CEET CS MFET/MET CMT DGET ENGR IDT SST TBE Arts 8 Humanities MENG COMM ENGL FL DANC MUSC THEA ART/ARTH Business SEcon MBA MACC/ACTG BSAD FIN MGMT MKTG SCM ECON/QUAN 1ST Education MED CHF ATHL/AT HLTH/NUTR PE/PEP/REC EDUC Health Professions MHA CLS DENT PAR HTHS HAS/HIM NRSG RADT DMS/NUCM RATH REST Science BTNY CHEM GEO MATH/MTHE MICR PHYS ZOOL Social & Behavioral Sciences MCJ/CJ ECON GEOG HIST POLS PHIL PSY SW GERT SOC ANTH MILS NAVS Continuing Ed Davis Campus Weber State University 2007 - 2008 Catalog |