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Show 357 SOC DV3010 Social Stratification (3) SOC 3110 Sociology of Family (3) SOC DV3120 Sex/Gender Roles: Past, Present, Future (3) SOC 3250 Deviance and Sodal Control (3) SOC 3260 Juvenile Delinquency (3) SOC 3270 Criminology (3) SOC 3300 Environment and Society (3) SOC 3400 Social Change and Sodal Movements (3) SOC 3410 Sociology of Religion (3) SOC 3420 Sociology of Education (3) SOC 3430 Medicine and Healthcare in Society (3) SOC 3540 Small Groups and Leadership (3) SOC 3550 Organizations in Society (3) SOC 3840 Cities and Urban Life (3) SOC DV3850 American Minorities in Urban Settings (3) SOC 4120 Socialization over the Life Course (3) SOC 4270 Sociology of Law (3) SOC DV4410 Comparative Political Sociology (3) SOC DV4550 Sociology of Work (3) SOC 4830 Readings and/or Proj ects (1-3) SOC 4890 Internship (1-6) SOC 4990 Seminar in Sodology (3) Deviance and Criminology Emphasis If a student desires to have an emphasis of deviance and criminology within the sociology major, the student must take three courses (9 elective credit hours) from the following courses: SOC 3250 Deviance and Sodal Control (3) SOC 3260 Juvenile Delinquency (3) SOC 3270 Criminology (3) SOC 4270 Sociology of Law (3) Sociology Teaching Majors are also required to take SOC 3420, HIST 4500, and COMM HU 1020 in addition to the courses required by the Teacher Education Program. Suggested Course Sequence Please refer to this program in the online catalog (weber.edu/catalog) and/or contact the department for a suggested course sequence. Sociology departmental honors » Program Prerequisite: Enroll in the General Honors Program and complete 6 hours of General Honors courses (see the Honors Program on page 45). » Grade Requirements: Maintain an overall GPA of 3.3. » Credit Hour Requirements: Fulfill the requirements for the Sodology major or the Sociology Teaching major, of which at least 12 hours must be completed on an Honors basis. A student may receive Honors credit in any upper division Sociology course with the exception of SOC 4830 and SOC 4890.* In addition, complete the Sodology Honors Senior Project of 3 hours. * Permission from the Sociology coordinator should be sought before registering in a course for Honors credit. A written agreement should be reached with the appropriate instructor regarding the work expected for Honors credit. (See the Honors Program on page 45.) SOCIOLOGY MINOR OR TEACHING MINOR AND BIS EMPHASIS » Grade Requirements: A minimum grade of "C" in courses counted toward the minor (a grade of "C-" is not acceptable). » Credit Hour Requirements: Minimum of 18 credit hours. Transferring students with a Sociology Minor can transfer 9 hours of credit from an acceptable Sociology program. Students who select the Sociology Teaching Minor must satisfy the Teacher Education admission and licensure requirements (see Teacher Education Department). Course Requirements for Minor Sociology Courses Required (9 credit hours) SOC SS/DV1010 Introduction to Sociology (3) SOC 3030 Sociological Theory - Classical (3) SOC SI3660 Sociological Research (3) Sociology Electives (select three courses, 9 credit hours, only one of which can be lower division) SOC SS/DV1020 Social Problems (3) SOC SSI030 American Social Institutions: Past, Present, & Future (3) SOC 1110 Courtship and Marriage (3) SOC 3000 Social Psychology (3) SOC 3010 Social Stratification (3) SOC 3110 Sociology of Family (3) SOC DV3120 Sex/Gender Roles: Past, Present, Future (3) SOC 3250 Deviance and Sodal Control (3) SOC 3260 Juvenile Delinquency (3) SOC 3270 Criminology (3) SOC 3300 Environment and Society (3) SOC 3400 Social Change and Sodal Movements (3) SOC 3410 Sociology of Religion (3) SOC 3420 Sociology of Education (3) SOC 3430 Medicine and Healthcare in Society (3) SOC 3540 Small Groups and Leadership (3) SOC 3550 Organizations in Society (3) SOC SI3600 Social Statistics (3) SOC 3840 Cities and Urban Life (3) SOC DV3850 American Minorities in Urban Settings (3) SOC 4120 Socialization over the Life Course (3) SOC 4270 Sociology of Law (3) SOC DV4410 Comparative Political Sociology (3) SOCDV4550 Sociology of Work (3) SOC 4830 Readings and/or Proj eds (1-3) SOC 4890 Internship (1-6) SOC 4990 Seminar in Sodology (3) Deviance and Criminology Emphasis If a student desires to have an emphasis of Deviance and Criminology within the sociology minor/BIS, the student must take two courses (6 elective credit hours) from the following courses: SOC 3250 Deviance and Sodal Control (3) SOC 3260 Juvenile Delinquency (3) SOC 3270 Criminology (3) SOC 4270 Sociology of Law (3) Sociology Teaching Minors are also 4500, and COMMHU1020 in Teacher Education Program. to take SOC 3420, HIST to the courses required by the INTERDISCIPLINARY MINORS The Sociology Program participates in the Asian Studies, Ethnic Studies, European Studies, Legal Studies and Women's Studies Minor Programs and the Urban and Regional Planning Emphasis Program. Students who wish to enroll in one of these programs should indicate thdr desire to do so with the program coordinator who will help them work out a proper combination of courses to fit their particular needs. (See the Interdisciplinary Programs section of this catalog.) General PROFILE ENROLLMENT STUDENT AFFAIRS ACADEMIC INFO DEGREE REQ GENED InteraVsciplinary FYE HNRS BIS LIBS INTRD MINORS Applied Science 8 Technology AUSV/ATTC CEET CS MFET/MET CMT DGET ENGR IDT SST TBE Arts 8 Humanities MENG COMM ENGL FL DANC MUSC THEA ART/ARTH Business SEcon MBA MACC/ACTG BSAD FIN MGMT MKTG SCM ECON/QUAN 1ST Education MED CHF ATHL/AT HLTH/NUTR PE/PEP/REC EDUC Health Professions MHA CLS DENT PAR HTHS HAS/HIM NRSG RADT DMS/NUCM RATH REST Science BTNY CHEM GEO MATH/MTHE MICR PHYS ZOOL SocialS Behavioral Sciences MCJ/CJ ECON GEOG HIST POLS PHIL PSY SW GERT SOC ANTH AERO MILS NAVS Continuing Ed Davis Campus Weber State University 2007 - 2008 Catalog |