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Show Select two of the following GEO 3400 GEO 4210 GEO 4220 GEO 4400 Electives Required (12 Select 12 credit hours from GEOPS/SI1130 GEO SI3010 GEO 3060 GEO 3180 GEO 3210 GEO 3250 GEO 3880 GEO 4010 GEO 4100 GEO 4150 GEO 4300 GEO 4510 GEO 4550 GEO 4630 GEO 4750 GEO 4800 GEO 4970 Remote Sensing I (4) Intro to Computer Mapping & GIS (4) Technical & Applicational Issues in GIS (4) Remote Sensing II (4) credit hours) the following Intro to Meteorology (3) Oceanography and Earth Systems (3) Structural Geology (4) Paleontology (4) Quaternary Environmental Change (3) Geology of Utah (3) Groundwater (4) Ancient Environments & Paleoecology (3) Engineering Geology (3) Environmental Assessment (3) Igneous and Metamorphic Petrology (4) Geology Field Camp (4) Geochemistry (3) Global Tectonics (3) Spedal Topics in Geosciences (1-4) Independent Study (1-3) * Senior Thesis (2) * Students planning a career or advanced degree in geotechnical applica tions are encouraged to take GEO 3060, 3880, 4100, and 4150 as electives. or any of the following not taken as part of the core GEO 3400 Remote Sensing I (4) GEO 4210 Intro to Computer Mapping & GIS (4) GEO 4220 Technical & Applicational Issues in GIS (4) GEO 4400 Remote Sensing II (4) or one of the following courses BTNY 3214 Soils (4) CHEM 2310 Organic Chemistry I (5) CHEM 3000 Quantitative Analysis (4) GEOG 4410 Land Use Planning Techniques (3) GEOG 4420 Advanced Planning Techniques (3) MCR 3484 Environmental Mcrobiology (4) * No more than 4 combined credit hours from GEO 4800 and 4970 may be counted toward the major requirements. Support Courses Required (34-37 credit hours) BTNYLS1203 Plant Biology (3) or BTNY SI2104 Plant Form and Function (4) or BTNY SI2114 Evolutionary Survey of Plants (4) CHEM PS/SI1210/SI1220 Principles of Chemistry (10) ENGL 2100 Technical Writing (3) MATH QL1040 Intro to Statistics (3) PHYS PS/SI2010/SI2020 General Physics (10) or PHYS PS/SI2210/SI2220 Physics for Sdentists & Engineers (10)* either MATH QL1050 & MATH 1060 or MATH QL1080 * Students planning to attend graduate school in Geology or a related geotechnical area should take PHYS PS/SI2210-SI2220, Physics for Scientists & Engineers, instead of the General Physics series (PHYS PS/SI2010-SI2020). to attend graduate school in Geology or a related area should also take MATHSI1210/SI1220, Calculus I College Algebra (4) Trigonometry (3) Precalculus (5) ** Suggested Course Sequence Please refer to this program in the online ca and/or contact the department for a '11(8). ' a career or advanced degree in geospatial applications are encouraged to complete the Geomatics certificate program. course sequence. Earth Science Teaching Major bachelors degree (bs or ba} Advisor: Dr. Richard Ford, 801-626-6942 » Program Prerequisite: Must satisfy Teacher Education admission and licensure requirements (see Teacher Education Department). » Minor: Not required. » Grade Requirements: A grade of "C-" or better in courses required for this major. An overall GPA of 3.00 is required for admission to the Teacher Education program. » Credit Hour Requirements: A total of 120-123 credit hours is required for graduation - 70 to 72 of these are required within the major. Teacher Education Certification requires 6 credit hours of support courses and 24 credit hours of professional education courses (see Teacher Education Department). This major requires a total of 44 upper division credit hours (courses numbered 3000 and above) - 17 of these are required Geosciences courses and 24 are Teacher Education courses. Advisement All Earth Sdence Teaching students are required to meet with a faculty advisor (see above) at least annually for course and program advisement. Call 801-626-7139 for more information or to schedule an appointment. In addition, teaching majors are encouraged to consult with an advisor in the Jerry and Vickie Moyes College of Education (call 801-626-6269). Admission Requirements Dedare your program of study (see page 18).Earth Sdence Teaching majors must satisfy Teacher Education admission and licensure requirements. (SeeTeacher Education Department.) General Education Refer to pages 38-43 for either Bachdor of Science or Bachelor of Arts requirements. MATH QL1050 or MATH QL1080 is recommended for the Quantitative Literacy requirement. The following courses required for the Earth Sdence Teaching major will also satisfy general education requirements: BTNY LS1203, CHEM PS/SI1210, GEO PS1060, GEO PS/SI1110, GEO PS/SI1130, PHYS PS/SI1040, PHYS PS/SI2010, and PHYS PS/SI2210. The following required education support courses will also satisfy general education requirements: CHF SS1500 and COMM HU1020 or COMM HU2110. Course Requirements for BS Degree Earth Science Courses Required (42 credit hours) GEO PS 1060 Environmental Geosdences (3) GEO PS/SI1110 Dynamic Earth: Physical Geology (3) GEO SI1115 Physical Geology Laboratory (1) GEOPS/SI1130 Meteorology (3) GEO 1220 Historical Geology (4) GEO 2050 Earth Materials (4) GEO 2600 Laboratory Safety (1) GEO SI3010 Oceanography & Earth Systems (3) GEO 3150 Geomorphology (4) GEO 3570 Foundations of Science Education (3) GEO 4570 Secondary School Sdence Teaching Methods (3) Weber State University 2007 - 2008 Catalog |