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Show REST 2140. Introduction to Basic Therapeutic Modalities Lab (3) F Introductory Laboratory course emphasizing basic patient interaction and assessment skills. Indudes infection control, the administration of medical gases, humidity and aerosol, pharmacologic agents, hyperinflation therapy, airway clearance techniques and methods of care, and artifidal ventilation. REST 2160. Equipment Management Lab (3) 5 Laboratory course emphasizing patient assessment skills relating to ventilation techniques and equipment. Includes equipment used by the respiratory care practitioner in initiating, troubleshooting, monitoring, and weaning from mechanical ventilation. REST 2210. Elementary Cardiopulmonary Anatomy and Physiology (3) F Cardiopulmonary anatomy and physiology specifically for the entry- level respiratory care praditioner. Includes physics of respiration, oxygen and carbon dioxide transport, and control of ventilation. REST 2230. Cardiopulmonary Pathophysiology (2) F A synopsis of medical and surgical cardiopulmonary disorders for the entry-level practitioner. Etiology, symptomatology, pathology, diagnosis, treatment, and prognosis of these disorders are presented. REST 2250. Basic Patient Assessment (2) 5 A basic orientation to patient assessment techniques used to obtain a patient medical history and physical examination. Discussion of pulmonary disease integrates assessment information with laboratory and radiographic data. REST 2270. Application of Cardiopulmonary Diagnostics (4) 5 Introduction to theory and dinical application of basic cardiopulmonary diagnostic studies, including simple spirometry, arterial and mixed venous blood gases, and eledrocardiograms. Course emphasizes critical thiriking skills in the application of diagnostic findings and utilizes case studies, class discussions, and extensive study guides. REST 2300. Basic Modalities in Respiratory Care I (3) F Theory and clinical application of basic therapies. Course indudes indications, complications, hazards, equipment needed, side effects, and assessment for medical gases, humidity, aerosols, airway dear- ance, hyperinflation therapy, and pharmacologic agents. Course emphasizes patient assessment and critical thinking skills. Concurrent emoliment in REST 2140. REST 2310. Basic Modalities in Respiratory Care II (3) F Theory and clinical applications of airway management and artificial ventilation, induding IPPB and introdudion to modes of mechanical ventilation. Also includes the theory of invasive and non invasive monitoring technology, and equipment decontamination. REST 2320. Essentials of Mechanical Ventilation (2) 5 Course provides a basic understanding of essentials for mechanical ventilation. Includes determining the need for ventilatory support, the associated physiology and how ventilatory support is initiated, maintained, monitored, and discontinued. REST 2330. Entry Level Respiratory Therapy Review (1) 5 Course is a comprehensive review intended to prepare the student for the entry-level certification/licensure examination. The material covered is based on the examination matrix provided by the National Board for Respiratory Care (N.B.R.C.). REST 2520. Principles of Pharmacology (2) F Introduction to pharmacology, including general principles, autonomic and central nervous system agents, and cardiovascular 275 agents. Also includes drugs used in managing renal, GI tract, endocrine, and infedious or neoplastic diseases and disorders. REST 2700. Clinical Applications (4) F Clinical rotations in various medical settings performing skills learned and practiced in REST 2140. Recommending and modifying basic therapies will be emphasized utilizing patient assessment skills and review of patient medical history. Concurrent enrollment in REST 2140. REST 2710. Specialty Clinical Experiences (1) 5 Clinical rotations in various medical settings providing the opportunity to observe and partidpate in various specially areas within the profession, including PFTs, cardiac testing, EKGs, ABGs, and long- term artifidal airway care. Concurrent enrollment in REST 2160. REST 2720. Clinical Applications (3) 5 Clinical rotations in various medical settings performing skills learned and practiced in REST 2140. Initiating, monitoring, and weaning from mechanical ventilation will be emphasized utilizing patient assessment skills. Case studies will be used to pradice critical thinking skills in the management of ICU patients. Concurrent emoliment in REST 2160. REST 2800. Independent Projects (1-3) F, S Projects must meet departmental and professional goals and standards and must have instmdor approval prior to beginning project; enrollment by permission only. REST 2830. Directed Readings (1-2) F, S Readings must meet departmental and professional goals and standards and must have instructor approval prior to beginning enrollment by permission only. REST 2920. Short Courses, Workshops, Institutes and Special Programs (1-3) F, S Consult semester schedule for current offerings. The specific title and credit authorized will appear on student transcript. REST 3210. Advanced Cardiopulmonary Anatomy and Physiology (2) F Cardiopulmonary anatomy and physiology specifically for the therapist-level practitioner. Indudes advanced anatomical considerations of the cardiac, pulmonary, and renal systems. REST 3220. Advanced Cardiopulmonary Pathophysiology (2) 5 Pathophysiology and diagnosis of coronary artery disease, fungal lung disease, neoplasms, HIV, ARDS, chest injuries, shock in relation to the care of the trauma patient, and a differentiation of the intracellular and extracellular fluid compartments. REST 3230. Advanced Cardiopulmonary Technology (2) 5 Advanced diagnostic procedures and interpretive skills in cardiopulmonary function, lung dynamics, specialty gases, blood gas analysis, and metabolic assessment. REST 3260. Neonatal/Pediatric Respiratory Care (2) F, S Pediatric and neonatal respiratory care with emphasis on intensive care activities, therapeutic procedures, life support modalities and fetal, neonatal, pediatric pathophysiology. REST 3270. Adult Critical Care (2) F, S Advanced adult respiratory intensive care, induding hemodynamic monitoring, ventilation/perfusion monitoring, pulmonary assessment and airway management. General PROFILE ENROLLMENT STUDENT AFFAIRS ACADEMIC INFO DEGREE REQ GENED Interdisciplinary FYE HNRS BIS LIBS INTRD MINORS Applied Science 8 Technology AUSV/ATTC CEET CS MFET/MET CMT DGET ENGR IDT SST TBE Arts 8 Humanities MENG COMM ENGL FL DANC MUSC THEA ART/ARTH Business SEcon MBA MACC/ACTG BSAD FIN MGMT MKTG SCM ECON/QUAN 1ST Education MED CHF ATHL/AT HLTH/NUTR PE/PEP/REC EDUC Heaifh Professions MHA CLS DENT PAR HTHS HAS/HIM NRSG RADT DMS/NUCM RATH REST Science BTNY CHEM GEO MATH/MTHE MICR PHYS ZOOL Social S Behavioral Sciences MCJ/CJ ECON GEOG HIST POLS PHIL PSY GERT ANTH AERO MILS NAVS Continuing Ed Davis Campus Weber State University 2007 - 2008 Catalog |