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Show orchestra because of the delightful music. 16 Superintendent Hopkins gave an interesting talk on a code of ethics. High school would be greatly im-proved if we would obey these rules. Announcements were given about the game Friday, and Jack Doone led us in some peppy yells. Much pep and enthusiasm was shown, and also we were all com¬plimented on our conduct at the football rally. Mr. Merrill was thanked too for his co-operation. Meeting then adjourned.—Dolores Hartog. A MELLERDRAMMER. As the hours wore away, the pen¬cil scratched over the paper with monotonous regularity. But as the hands of the clock climbed upward towards their noontide zenith, he stopped ever more and more fre¬quently to bury his face In his hands. When the requirements had first been made known to him, he had been cheerful, and had even rejoiced that there was only one task. But that one! What had seemed so simple at nine o'clock now seemed almost ut¬terly impossible. An idea, a burst of hope, the trial, failure, and dejectedness again. Finally all hope dies in his heart. He is doomed by fate's heavy hand. If only he could get fifteen thousand, but that very necessary amount cannot be found. Time and again he tries, but al¬ways he falls short of the mark. Ten minutes to twelve, the fateful hour approaches, and our hero still without the fifteen thousand. Noth¬ing can save him; out he must go. His eyes follow the creeping hands of the clock with a morbid fascina¬tion. Outside the wind moans mournfully, and he shivers in gloomy anticipation of his fate. Suddenly he has a brilliant idea. The very thing! All his troubles are over; but wait, the clock stands at one minute to. If only there is time to do it! Faster and faster flies the pencil over the paper. At last, it drops from his nerveless fingers, the problem finished, just as the last note from the chime rings out. He had obtained the answer, 15,000 gm., the required physics as¬signment was "done" in time to hand in to the teacher, and he could rest assured that he would not fail in the examination.—Wayne Bundy. FAMOUS SAYINGS: Mr. Abplanalp: "Hands up, every¬body." Mr. Bobbins: "Who's absent, now don't anyone speak!" Miss Stephenson: "Now this is the only way to learn shorthand." Mrs. Franke: "Hands off the ma¬chines." Mr. Peterson: "Now that just re¬minds me of a Pat and Mike story." October 23, 1934- My first article was published and I was very thrilled. PUPILS URGED TO BE PRESENT AT BANDANTIX Band Program At Stadium Thursday; Economics Club Formed OGDEN HIGH SCHOOL NEWS Emily Merrill, Editor; Blaine Larsen, Associate Editor. Talking about supporting a move¬ment is one thing, and really as¬sisting the project is another. In making an attempt to make a suc¬cess of our Bandantix program we have done enough speaking. But have we shown our loyalty to our band by not only talking but acting as well? The Ogden High school is only one of a number of organizations helping sponsor this event at the stadium. We must be careful lest the townpeople diplay more en¬thusiasm toward this movement than the high school itself. Unless we do our part, it will seem to the in¬habitants of Ogden that we are not worthy of their support. PROGRAM THURSDAY. Students, the Bandantix program is being presented, not so much for Ogden city as for the Ogden High school. We owe it to ourselves! We need a fine band. The chance has come whereby this goal may be realized. Let's not fall down! Remember, at the stadium on October 25 will be found all stu¬dents of our school who are in¬terested in the upbuilding of our band, our school, and our city! APPEAL TO STUDENTS. Who am I? I am only English. As I watch you students go by I cringe with fear, and terror shines from my eyes. I hear your "ain'ts," "them things," and other bits of slang. Oh, please don't hurt me so! My clothes are torn to rib¬bons, my back is black and blue. I ache in every joint, and the skin that was once as soft as velvet is Scarred because I have been mis¬treated by you. I would like to help you so! Did I hear that girl say she hated me? Oh, no! I could be your friend if you would only let me. Those who have treated me kindly have suc¬ceeded in the business and social world. Only those who have me with them can climb to the heights in their later life. No one in busi-ness or in society wants to asso¬ciate with an individual who mis¬uses me so. Again I plead, "Please don't abuse me, for I am sadly afraid that you will drive me away. Then where would I go?"—Barbara Clark. WINTER USHERED IN. A perennial snowstorm which failed to materialize last winter surprised, us Friday. It was to us almost as water is to the thirsting, or food to those on the verge of starvation. After such rainstorms as those which had drizzled for several preceding hours, the soft, feather-like downfall was a welcome relief, bringing with it hopes for more and lasting snow.—B. T. HOME ECONOMICS CLASS. At last it has happened! For two years the school has gone without a Home Economics club. Now we are starting another one, and as all girls who take home economics are eligible, we urge every one to at¬tend our meetings. We hope the mothers who read this article will encourage their daughters to join too. May the organization flourish!— The Home Economics Girls. ILLITERATE'S DIARY. October 23. This morning I was lyin' in bed tryin' to think of some reason so i woodn't have to go to skoolwhen i remeberd the big footbal game. And i thot i beter go, after all, which i did. On the way i met "tubs" and beins as i don't like him, i sez "Holo, fat." He. didn't like it so he sez "them's fightin'words." And i sez, "i'd fight yu any day, but i'm just not in the mood." So i hurried off fast like just to show him i wasn't. In zoology the teecher asked me to explane the word "enzymes," and when i sed he was an inventer who descovered the lite theory, the teecher sed i better come in and see him after skool. But i told him wanted to see Bear River loose and i'd sel an extra "Bandantix" tiket, and he sed he didn't want to see me anyway, which he didn't on account of we got out early for th game. MORE EXPLANATION. You've been wondering about the school play, so I'm going to tell you a few facts about it. The play "Cappy Ricks," is written by Ed¬ward E. Rose and is published by Samuel French. "Cappy Ricks" is a determined, eccentric and lovable man of sixty, who is the owner of a large ship¬ping concern. Because of a busi¬ness difficulty Captain Matt Peasley, one of Cappy's best seamen, resigns his job and establishes a shipping buiness for himelf with Florence Ricks, Cappy's daughter, whom Matt knows only as Goldie Glake, a silent partner. When Peasley's business begins to flourish and soar above Cappy's look out! Then the action occurs. The play is full of wit and hu¬mor, romance, and pathos. The players have been cast exception¬ally well and are now working dili¬gently under the capable supervision of Miss Woolley. The business manager of this production is George Lowe, and the assistant director is Marion Smith. The play is to be produced either the last week of November or the first of December. Watch for it; don't miss it! —E. C. THE MOCK FUNERAL. There's a lot of gossip floating around concerning the appropriate¬ness of our recent pep rally. It has been stated by a few old "fogies" that it degraded the Ogden High school very much personally, and I think most everyone has the same opinion. This is not true. This town of ours needs a little excite¬ment to arouse inhabitants out of |