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Show Dear Student Body: Convention and custom form one of the foun¬dations upon which civilization has been built. If we had not pattern to follow, we would never get any¬thing done. Imagine an algebra or geometry book without any ex¬amples to follow. For the past few years it has been the custom for Ogden High school to honor young lady students who happened to have been endowed with the name of Dorothy. If one takes the trouble to look up the name Dorothy in the dictionary, he will discover that the name means "the gift of God." The particular Dorothy that I have in mind is just such a person. Where else could one find so much charm, personality, and vivacity in one hu¬man being? In fact she is not merely a human, she is indeed a gift of God. She is a messenger from high and mighty beings to stu¬dents of Ogden High, and should be treated as such. She is indeed a queen—stately bearing, queenly dignity, and best of all, not aloof. We must see that she is treated as she deserves. Therefore, it is up to us to get behind Dorothy Hall and make her the queen of the Classi¬calia.—An ardent booster. DISCOVERY Apparently one student at high school has made a great discovery. He reveals his thoughts in this poetic form: For many years I lived alone And gave no thought to love's sweet drone. But now it seems my life has changed, And Cupid's found his mark again. I thought that love would always spoil. A man's clear thoughts of life and toil, But now I see a different tale Has gained its place to long pre¬vail. It will, I know, now, spur me on To life that better things belong, So that her favor may remain, Until I take her down life's lane. —Joe Harrop. ANONYMOUS All students should realize that no newspaper, no magazine, no pub¬lisher, will publish any anonymous writing unless the real name of the' writer is known to the editors. The necessity of this practice is obvious. The publication of any article en¬tails responsibility, liability. One who writes must of necessity stand back of his utterances. Perhaps this explanation will help some students to understand why their effusions do not find placement in "school notes." A good rule to follow is to sign your name to anything that you wish published. If you do not wish to have credit for what you write, why write? 17. STUDENTS WILL DANCE FRIDAY Queen Will Be Elected To Rule At Annual Classicalia OGDEN HIGH SCHOOL NEWS Emily Merrill, Editor; Blaine Larsen, Associate Editor. This Friday is a red-letter day for Ogden High school—the date of the Classicalia at the Berthana ball-room. Merry-makers of every kind will be strewn about the hall to cre¬ate the atmosphere of festivity. Fun and laughter will prevail everywhere at the biggest, grandest, most ad¬vertised dance of the year. Come and enjoy the most unforgettable evening of the season. Tickets are on sale for forty cents each or for seventy-five cents a couple. All club members are re-quired to attend; all others are urged to be present at the gala Classicalia, the Ogden High School Mardi Gras. Those who wish may come stag, but it is preferred that we come in couples. Remember the date! Friday. LA VIN FOR QUEEN Who do we want for queen? La Vin Cragun, one of the loveliest, most charming, likable, queenly girls of the whole student body. She has all the attributes necessary to be the queen of the best Classicalia ever held in the history of the school. She is the ideal girl, the girl every one can be proud of to represent their choice in the popu¬larity race for queen. Show your appreciation to one who gives her all for the benefit of her classmates; cast your votes for La Vin. (When this is printed the queen will have been elected.—Ed.) SPRING VACATION As April first draws near, the stu¬dents of our school become more and more restless for that long-awaited vacation. The teachers, no doubt, will have a problem on their hands coaxing work from the spring fever- infested students. The students will also have a prob¬lem to face. How one can remain in school and resist the urge to go on a hike is one question that takes precedence over all other thoughts during this week. "Intelligent work is the yeast that raises the dough." A teacher is one who teaches what should be taught when a real teach¬er teaches. A student is one who studies what should be studied when a collegiate concentrates. SPANISH CLASS REPORT Treat after treat is arranged by our Spanish instructor Senor Han¬cock. The Spanish classes during the last week have enjoyed a pre¬view of the Spanish play of Cen¬tral, "La Paloma" and an accordian recital by Jess Romariz, the villain of the play. If the members of the class at¬tended the presentation of the play, they were allowed to sleep in class the following day. The members unable to attend were forced to con¬tribute all of the recitation.—Re-porter. 18. STUDENTS TO BE GUESTS IN OGDEN HOMES Local School Will Assist In Move To Extend Hospitality OGDEN HIGH SCHOOL NEWS Emily Merrill, Editor; Blaine Larsen. Associate Editor. More than 500 students from high schools in other cities will be in Ogden Friday, April 12, for the regional music festival. We stu¬dents of Ogden High school are re¬sponsible for the housing of our visitors. We are courteously asked to show them our hospitality by of¬fering them our homes to sleep in. How many of us are willing to do this favor for fellow school mates? Let us all hand our names in to our advisory teachers, thus showing our willingness to expend a hand of welcome to our visitors. MORE STUNTS WANTED What will make the Classicalia? Stunts, and many of them. But up to now only one group has offered to make a contribution for the mer¬riment of Classicalia spectators. Only one group! Why have a Mardi Gras dance at all if stu¬dents won't co-operate to make it as it should be? This Classicalia is promised to be the grandest event of the year. Stu¬dents, get thinking and put on stunt after stunt so that the Classicalia will be filled with an air of festivi¬ty. Let's not have it said that Og-den High school students don't sup¬port social functions 100 per cent! OFFICERS ELECTED Mr. T. O. Smith's fifth period so¬ciology class held an election of officers Monday, March 25. Those elected to serve for the remaining school terms are: Marcia Nicholes, president; Mildred Beck, vice presi¬dent, and Sarah Stephensen, secre¬tary. Congratulations, students! FINAL VOTE TAKEN Students, the die has been cast! On Tuesday you voted for one of the two lovely girls competing for queen. The results of the vote will be made to no one until the night of that huge Ogden High celebration, the Classicalia. Can you wait? We can't! Regardless of which girl is elected, the Classicalia will be ruled by a most fair and worthy queen. Ruth Lavin and Dorothy will spent some anxious hours before the results are made known. To them, we say, "Don't be too impatient. Success comes always to him who waits!" |