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Show 4. APPEAL MADE FOR CHANGE IN BEHAVIOR Volley of Apple Cores At Game Arouses Indignation OGDEN HIGH SCHOOL NOTES Emily Merrill, editor. Blaine Larsen, associate editor. The time has come when we feel that something must be said about the conduct of high school students at school functions. The actions of some ot our students at the game last Friday were abominable. Each time the yell leader came out to lead a yell or song, he was showered with apple cores. Are we infants? Must we return to the state of throwing objects as children do? If we were real men and women, as we are supposed to be, we would shudder at the thought of acting as we did at the football game last week. If the juniors are responsible for these actions, may we urge them to remember that they are now out of junior high school. Perhaps the juniors are not to blame; the sen¬iors may oe partly responsible. If they are, they should know better. Students, let's make our school one that we may be proud of! Let's act as high school students should act and make our school proud of us! Remember, that to us the throw¬ing of apple cores at football games is a lost art. FIRST STUDENT DANCE The Student Body association sponsors its first social event of the year Friday night. The get ac¬quainted dance will be held on Fri¬day evening at nine o'clock in the Berthana ballroom. The price of admission will be the presentation of your student body ticket, thirty- five cents apiece, or fifty cents a couple. The student body officers in hold¬ing this dance have as their objec¬tive the creation of new and lasting friendships. We urge the entire school to support and enjoy this event. We invite the juniors especially to come and meet the seniors. They want to be friends, juniors, why not get acquainted? Dear Editor: What must one do to have an ar¬ticle published in the Notes? Is it true the person contribut¬ing the most articles for publication is the editor of the Notes the next year? I think perhaps more stu¬dents would contribute if they un¬derstood more fully the require-ments.—Butch. Dear Butch: Any student in the Ogden High school may write articles for the Notes. We ask only that articles submitted be readable, as free as possible from errors in grammar, and pertaining to some phase of school life. In a few weeks English teachers will be asked to suggest | names of the best junior writers who I have written for the Notes. From this list Council will elect two jun¬ior associate editors. In selecting names of writers, the teachers will consider the quality of the articles submitted to the Notes for publica¬tion. Thus you see that the num¬ber of articles written by a junior student is not considered so much as the quality of his writing.—Ed¬itor. MAKE A BEGINNING Remember, if you do not begin, you will never come to an end. The first weed pulled up, the first seed placed in the ground; the first dol¬lar saved, the first example per¬formed, and the first mile traveled on a journey, all important essen¬tials. Make a beginning, and show that you are in earnest and mean to do what you have undertaken. How many a poor, idle, hesitating outcast is now creeping along life's path¬way who might have held up his head and prospered if he had only made a beginning; "Well begun is half done," is an old but true say-ing. Try it, students, and prove a good beginning is half of the bat¬tle!— E. C. HOME GAME Our game with Price, Carbon county team will be played on our own field Friday afternoon. This seems necessary as Weber college has a game with alumni of that in¬stitution Friday afternoon at the stadium. October 1: Teacher: Johnny, what does suf¬ficient mean? Johnny: I don't know teacher. Teacher: Class will you find out what it means by tomorrow? That evening. Johnny: Dad, what does suffic¬ient mean? Dad: If you give a cat a bowl of milk and he doesn't eat all of it, because his stomach is full, he has had a sufficient amount of milk to satisfy his appetite. October 2. Teacher: Who knows what suf¬ficient means? Johnny: Teacher, I do. Teacher: What does it mean, Johnny? Johnny: The cat's full of milk. 5. EFFORT BEGUN TO STRENGTHEN COUNCIL POWER Able Handling of Duties Declared Necessary For Success OGDEN HIGH SCHOOL NOTES Emily Merrill, editor. Blaine Larsen, associate editor. Except for the initiative and ref¬erendum that council provides, this group is the legislative body of the Ogden High school. All school func¬tions come under the jurisdiction of this body. In the past council has complained because it could not obtain desired results, due to vari¬ous interferences. This year the faculty advisors and the student body officers are striving to ob¬tain power. Whether they will or not depends on council alone in the method that it handles the follow¬ing enterprises. It must elect the yell master, form the pep organiza¬tion and investigate and approve expenditure of school money through the finance committee, which will give a financial report in assembly after each major school function. It will have legal authority over club activities ,through the club committee. Other school operations are com¬ing soon and will keep council busy. If the members of this group will display some fortitude, some desire to attain every aim, some intelligent objectives, and some school spirit, each will become an efficient mem¬ber of an efficient organization.— Dick Baxter, president Of the stu¬dent body. CARBON VS. OGDEN Our Tiger team faces the Carbon machine Friday at three o'clock on the high school practice field in a non-league encounter. Carbon is said to have a very fine squad. We feel, however, that the Tigers will be a match for the visiting team. Your student body card will be honored. Students without student body tickets will be charged twenty- five cents. Suppose we prove to Carbon that we have a patriotic group of stu¬dents as well as a fighting football team! |