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Show San Diego. The officers of this class have many more entertaining programs planned for the near fu-ture. MORE HUMOR DESIRED Any school notes needs to be al¬ways spiced with excellent humor; such type of composition is the life of the material. We have such witty souls in school giving bits of real humor in their conversation to their associates that it is a pity such sayings can't be recorded. There are so many students who are clever in their own dialogues and remarks, and so few who will contribute their humorous ideas to the notes. Why waste your valuable words on a small audience who might be unappreciative anyway? Hand in your brilliant thoughts to be published for the delight of a much larger group. A GREAT HELP Our friend, Mr. Dictionary, is in¬deed a savior to struggling students when we sack our thoughts for ap-propriate synonyms, antonyms, and a knowledge of what apparently different words mean. We sit and ponder, and puzzle some more over what we will jot down on the sheet of paper in place of an expression which we have repeatedly used. Aha. A thought strikes us. We say, "why didn't I think of it be¬fore?" Hurriedly we fly to Mr. Dic¬tionary, glance at the alphabetic letters on his plump front, and delve into the contents. Immediately we have our choice of at least three terms. Then we are indeed happy. He is a friend to all, a friend to me, a friend in distress. Three cheers for Mr. Dictionary. MAJOR PROBLEMS Personality and ability are two great factors contributing to life's success or failure. With an ade¬quately adapted personality and an ability to do the job one may be reasonably sure of success in life. This thought is brought to our mind by criticisms made by Birl E. Shultz, dean of New York Stock Exchange institute. He says high school graduates of today fail be¬cause of (1) personality difficulties; (a) attitude toward their work; (b) attitude toward suggestions that they need to take further courses; (c) inability to get along with peo¬ple; (d) lack of courtesy; (e) colorless personalities and (2) lack of ability (a) to spell correctly, (b) to figure accurately; (c) to write legibly; (d) to speak or write gram¬matical English; (e) to think ac¬curately and rapidly. All students would do well to con¬sider these criticisms. 6. CAST CHOSEN FOR OPERA AT HIGH SCHOOL 'Joan of Nancy Lee' Roles Filled By Trio of Supervisors OGDEN HIGH SCHOOL NEWS Emily Merrill, Editor; Blaine Larsen, Associate Editor After a great deal of anxious waiting on the part of the student body, the opera cast has been se-lected! Barbara Smith, a junior girl, was chosen to play the part of Joan. Clarissa will be played by Faye Barrett. Ruth LaVin Cragun and Henrietta Curtwright were named to portray the twins, Dorinda and Florinda. The part of Henrietta went to Barbara Foulger. Evelyn Buehler won the part of Rhoda. Helen Olsen will be Dona, and Bar¬bara Taylor will portray Delores. Captain Dick, the important male lead, was won by Chester Christensen. Bill Bloody, the big, bad pirate, will be Bob Emmett. Leland Wright won the role of Jerry, another fine male part. The remainder of the cast includes James Andrews as Barnaby, Joe Harrow as Ned, Glenn Wilde as Steve, Herbert Smith as Sir Peter, Darrell Kinney as Lord Egbert, Fred Nickson as Francois, Edward Tingen as Doremi, and Ber¬nard Quinn as Jim Sparks. The Notes wishes to express con¬fidence in the cast that has been chosen by Mr. Mark Robinson, Mr. Ed Smith, and Miss Mary Woolley. We wait with anxiety the produc¬tion of "Joan of the Nancy Lee." SCOUTS HONORED Several fellows from Ogden High school have arisen to the highest goal possible in scouting, that of the eagle scout. At the scout anni¬versary jamboree held February 5 in Weber County High school, a number of fellows were honored. Congratulations, scouts. You have realized a supreme attainment! At the meeting, Bob Buswell, a promising dramatist of our school, presented a reading, "Mother." I-W-O SPORT REPORT On Wednesday in Ogden High's gym, I-W-O met the well-renowned Bulldogs in a basketball game. Both teams were in good condition. The game opened with a snap, and the first score was made by the Bulldogs. However, I-W-O, under the leadership of Bob Emmett, fin¬ished the quarter with a lead of 8 to 7. The seconds quarter ended with I-W-O leading, 16 to 11. The third quarter opened with a bang, and remarkable ability was dis-played by both teams. After fight¬ing hard for ten minutes the whis¬tle blew, closing the third quarter. During the fourth quarter the Bull¬dogs made a splendid rally under Captain Baker. The game ended with I-W-O leading, 47 to 24.—Re¬porter B. T. P. S.: You're all invited to come up and see the games. ALL INVITED Zeta Phi Xi cordially invites all girls' clubs and their advisors of Ogden High school to attend its meeting of Wednesday, February 13. This meeting will be held in the library at three-thirty o'clock. The speaker is to be Dr. Ross McCune, who will talk on sports and then relation to health. As his talk will concern each and every girl, we urge the presence of everyone.—Zeta Phi Xi. APPRECIATION Recently Phi Lambada Tau con¬tributed a sum of money to the school for the purchase of new books. A number of notes of ap¬preciation have arrived from varic students, including: I take great pleasure in thanki Phi Lamda Tau for their generous contribution of $20 for the purchase of new books for our school library. "Anthony Adverse," "Good bye Mr. Chips," "Under Twenty" and "Peele Trait" are the best se ers of this year and are now ava able in our library. Under the fine leadership of Virginia McNamara, I am sure th Phi Lamda Tau will progress ra idly.—L. G. THE FLAG FLIES After a 10-day interval the hi school flag again floats on tl breeze. The rope had been brol en and it was only this morning th; the fire department came up ar put in a new rope for us. Thank Chief Hinton and boys. ESSAYS COMING IN More than twenty excellent essays on "Advantages of My Being an American Citizen," sponsored t the junior chamber of commerce have already been handed in. It estimated at least that many moi essavs will yet be submitted. LAW NEEDED If students are compelled to atten high school, then the state shoul furnish the books so that they miglr prepare the lessons assigned. I our own school there are literall scores of students who simply hav not been able to obtain books thi year. |