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Show Studio of the Theatre Opening! ON SATURDAY AFTERNOON, JANUARY 5th, THE STUDIO OF THE THEATRE WILL HOLD AN OPEN HOUSE IN ITS QUART¬ERS AT TWENTY-SIXTH AND WASHINGTON AVENUE — TO WHICH THE PUBLIC IS CORD-IALLY INVITED. ... AN AT¬TRACTIVE PROGRAM, PREPAR¬ED AND PRESENTED BY MEM¬BERS OF THE STAFF WILL FEATURE THE ENTERTAIN¬MENT. PLAYING—December 28th, 29th, and 31st, 1934 The Northrup - Allred Repertory Company Presents "The Second Man" By S. N. BEHRMAN CAST (In, order of appearance) Mrs. Kendall Frayne Kathryn M. Northrup Clark Storey Russell Thorson Austin Lowe Merril J. Bunnell Monica Grey Constance Bunnell The scene is laid in the living room of Clark Storey's studio in New York City. The curtain is lowered in Act Two for one min¬ute to denote the passing of time. Act I—Storey's studio—late afternoon Act II—Scene 1—after dinner same day. Scene 2—eleven o'clock that night. Act III—The next morning. Directed by Kathryn M. Northrup Stage Manager .... Thatcher Allred Assistant Louis Waurlamont The management gratefully acknowledge the Carol Singers—Roland Parry, Walter Hoyt, Nolan Taylor, Melvin Ferris, Arthur Strong, Philo Peterson, Owen Day, and Grant Passey. Announcement Trends in America are increasingly favor¬able to the Little Theatre Movement, and once again these trends are tending to the organiza¬tion of Repertory Compaines eager to foster the presentation of good drama. The sponsors of the NORTHRUP-ALLRED reportory Company are undertaking to develop in Ogden, a company of players de¬voted to productions of special merit—mindful that from Ogden, but a few years ago, came that worthy group of players headed by Mr. Moroni Olsen, whose presentations thruout the Northwest, brought credit to the city of their origin and attained a national recognition. In emulation of such players the NORTHRUP-ALLRED group will strive to develop drama creditable to themselves, the community and the state. |