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Show 8. TIME ARRIVES FOR EXTENDING FRIENDSHIPS School Celebrates Week Placed Aside For Amity Efforts OGDEN HIGH, SCHOOL NEWS Emily Merrill, Editor; Blaine Larsen, Associate Editor. This week is being celebrated as Friend week in order to sustair the prevalent idea of making life happier for others. Perform an ob¬ligation to yourself by contacting more students during the next few days. Intimate associates are real assets. Take advantage now of an opportunity of meeting friends. In other words, celebrate Friend week as it is meant to be. A happier atmosphere will sur¬round you; school tasks will seem more pleasant; companions will be more agreeable—if you take seriously the request of seeking numerous companionships. INVITATION The Forum club of the Ogden High school is an organization in¬terested in the upbuilding of public sneaking—debating, oratory , and extemporaneous speaking. All fellows in the school who feel they would like to be given an op¬portunity to enter Forum are in¬vited to attend any of the meet¬ings. Forum meetings are held Monday nights at seven-thirty in the school building. A waiting list will soon We made of would-be members. If you are interested, attend the meetings and become a member of the waiting list.—Dan Alsup, president. CRESCENT MOON The moon is a thin slim slice a silvered citron peel. It gives a glow like the galaxy And twinges the twigs of the tulip T tree Then laughs at me— Then laughs at me. —Faye Staker. NOTICE! Please do not ask to study in the Staff room, students, for the editors J»f the yearbook and notes have not "the authority to permit anyone in room. It will be naturally embarrassing for them to prevent friends from entering, but such a Ruling will have to be enforced un¬less you kindly refrain from re-questing admittance. ASSEMBLY The special assembly held Mon¬day, September 17, was conducted by Mr. Merrill, and was given in commemoration of the adoption of the constitution of the United States. "America" was sung in Unison by the student body, followed by a selection from the girls of the music department, "Sleep, Kentucky Babe." Mr. Merrill announced that this week had been set aside as Consti¬tution week, then introduced the speaker, Judge J. A. Howell, who gave a most interesting and instruc¬tive address.—Barbara Taylor. AN INTRODUCTION For the benefit of those students we must confess there are only a yery few of such) who do not know our delightful vice president of the fjinior class, we will present a few facts from the life of one of the loveliest lassies ever to grace the fialls of Ogden High school. Beverly Betts spent nine years in aer quest of knowledge at Lewis Junior High. During this time she was an "A" student, president of the Girls' association, recipient of a Scholarship award, winner of gym¬nastic honors, leader of all social activities, and generally conceded She most popular girl in her class. Friends believe that she will give flie juniors a fair deal, and do all in her power to make this an enjoyable year for those students whom she repreesnts. May Ogden soon realize her worth!—Dorothy rest. ADMITS IN DEMAND Well, it appears that school is In ftill swing already. The line up at e school for admits was just as rge aa if school had been in progress for three or four months, and confidentially, I believe our well known and much talked of walkaton is the main reason. Anyway Helen H. thinks that there would be some splendid fellows down there if they would go to bed at night and not look so worn out and tired. Gus F. was greatly worried about tf|e last history question, which reads: "State the number of tons of coal shipped out of the United States in any given year." Then he smiled and wrote: "1492, none." THOUGHTS Life is only a minute compared to the endless eternity, but how long sometimes, seem the seconds. A friend is not one who will share your troubles but one who will amend your troubles for you. Great is he who has wisdom, but greater is he who uses it. A bad deed is like a ball attached to rubber. It always comes back.— Emily Merrill. PRACTICE GAME The first football game of the sea¬son will be played on our own camp¬us with Davis, Friday afternoon of thus week. A week from Friday our fifst league game will be played at the city stadium. This game will be with Preston, Idaho's team, which is rated as very strong. 9. O. H. S. TO HOLD OPENING SOCIAL ACTIVITY OCT. 5 Get-Acquainted Dance Will Take Place In Berthana OGDEN HIGH SCHOOL NEWS Emily Merrill, Editor; Blaine Larsen, Associate Editor. At last, students, we are an¬nouncing news that you have long waited to hear. The first social ac¬tivity of the year, the get-acquaint¬ed dance, will be held two weeks from Friday, October 5, in the Berthana ballroom. Everyone is cordially invited to be there. The purpose of this affair, as you know, is to become better acquainted with your classmates whom you see every day at school. Friends, unanimously support the get-acquainted dance. Bring your girl friend with you, fellows; don't come stag! The success of this function depends entirely upon the number of individuals present. Don't forget! All of you have an ap¬pointment to attend October 5. PRE-SEASON GAME The rapidly-developing Ogden Ti¬gers will engage Davis High in the first grid conflict of the new sea¬son Friday at three-thirty o'clock. The game, one which is known in football circles as pre-season, will give Coach Simkin a chance to correct any errors which might have crept into the team's play during practice. The game with Davis will have another value—the student body will, at the final whistle, know just about what to expect from the team throughout the year. Let's all be out on the new field in the rear of the building Friday afternoon and support the Tigers in their first venture of the grid pro¬gram! WHAT IS WRONG? Are all of us going to shrivel into a dried-up shell of disinterested ex¬istence? From all appearances, we haven't even enough stamina or loyalty or self-respect to support the school which we are attend¬ing. But few student body tickets have been purchased. The tickets are the very backbone of student life. As a result the election of council members hats been post¬poned. This delay only means in activity in all school functions. Surely, we have enough character, enough spirit, enough enthusiasm to want to spend an enjoyable school year. But unless we obtain student body tickets immediately—and immediately means very, very soon— there will be no dances, no athletic . activities, no musicales, and on literary publications. We are young and energetic, not wizened, feeble-minded dreamers. Let's come out of our lethargy instantly and respond to the very serious problem of obtaining school funds. The scrapbook editor will not be chosen until council members are elected and have a meeting. |