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Show Much sweeter tastes the bread they earn In honest sweat and strife. For there is beauty everywhere In common things of life. —Elizabeth Parkinson. VOTE FOR DON DEE At this time each year the ques¬tion of good and bad qualities in student body candidates is care¬fully weighed. We are now comparing the talents of Adam and Don Dee. Both can¬didates are fine fellows and won-derful students. But, students, we must go even further into the quali¬fications of each. Adam distinguished himself as the captain of the basketball team. Don Dee has made a name as a debater and as a member of the yearbook staff. But what of executive ability? Which of the two possesses this necessary requisite? Don Dee undoubtedly has the ability to speak, to express himself in public, and to meet and con¬verse with people other than stu¬dents. We must have a student body president who has these qualities. Because of his ability to express himself, because of his likeability, and because of his intelligence, Don Dee Olsen is the only possible can¬didate for student body president. VOTE FOR JOSEPHINE Capability is an essential qual¬ity in any student body officer. No candidate is more capable to hold office than Josephine Stone. Having been student body secre¬tary at North Junior, she knows the ropes, and will, if elected step right into the shoes vacated by our hon¬orable Mr. Larsen. Josie is an "A" student, a cham¬pion speller and certainly not least, a charming, lovely girl whose loy¬alty to Ogden has been shown by her support of all Tiger activities. Students, we beseech you, vote for the person who boosts Ogden. Vote for Josephine. — Dorothy West. REGISTRATION Now is the time for all students in the junior class of high school to think seriously and earnestly about the work they expect to take up next year. They should have by this time a fairly definite idea of the courses of instruction offered, of the teach-ers under whom they should like to register, and their object of gain¬ing a high school diploma. Within the next few days all stu¬dents will be expected to register and we sincerely hope they will be prepared to register in a manner that will be entirely satisfactory for next year's work. THE SIX PERIOD DAY Ogden High school has decided to adopt the policy of practically all high schools throughout the coun¬try of having a six period day in¬stead of a seven period day next year. This will be particularly helpful, it is thought at Ogden High school, as it will avoid congestion in study halls that makes the present ar¬rangement, of seven periods un¬satisfactory. It will correct also a tendency on the part of a few pupils to register for more work than they can successfully carry. Four majors and a minor are considered a satisfactory school pro¬gram; in case the student takes three majors and two minors he still will have one period for study. A very exceptional student perhaps may take four majors and two mi¬nors. The six period day gives students ample opportunity to select the work that he wishes and enables him to make a success in high school. In registering it will be well for students to keep this arrangement in mind. 3. ALL DESIROUS SENIORS SHALL EARN DIPLOMA Idea That Teacher Wants Student To Fail Is Termed False OGDEN HIGH SCHOOL NEWS Emily Merrill, Editor; Blaine Lar¬sen, Associate Editor. There seems to be a feeling among some students that members of the factulty desire to restrain them from graduation. As a matter of fact, the contrary of this is true. The faculty desires wherever stu¬dents have come to high school with full credit and complete two years of work in a satisfactory manner that they should be graduated. They do not feel it should be their func¬tion to coax and urge and cajole students to finish their work, but that students should do their work on their own initiative. Further¬more students should not aim to get the minimum, sixteen units of credit, but should have seventeen, eighteen or nineteen. To hold back students who have 14 or 15 units is in no sense desir¬able, because such students return the next year without enthusiasm or a desire to take a full and sat¬isfactory course. Moreover, the ex-pense of taking care of delinquents in this respect is excessive. It costs twice as much to give two years of schooling as it does one, conse¬quently the idea of repeating is abhorent to teachers and to members of the board of education who are trying to carry on the educational work of Ogden at a minimum or at least reasonable expense. LE CONTE STEWART (After the manner of Chaucer) A man there is in dear old Ogden High, A teacher here for such as you and I. His shock of hair is as the sum¬mer hay, His nose is chiseled sharp in every way. A brown wool smock has he, ana 'neath its fold There lies a heart as great and good as gold. Full many are the times he wields his brush To paint the desert sage or ruby thrush; And when he paints men marvel at his art, As do all men at skill in every part; Such men as he are never like to fail— Of genius now tell I no longer tale. —Elizabeth Parkineon. SENIORS IN LOGAN Today one would think all the seniors had been graduated. But, no, they were in Logan, enjoying the hospitality of the state college, in the course of the day they were to be taken through the college, fed (we hope), and honored at a dance tonight. We hope they er/joyed themselves to the fullest extent! The absence of the seniors reminds us we must be good to them while they are still with us. Graduation will soon sep¬arate us! The Ogden cinder men will jour¬ney to Logan Saturday to try for the northern division track title. The men placing among the first three in any of the events will be eligible to participate in the state meet at Utah university in the near future. Dixon Kapple expects his boys to bring home some honors from the Aggie bowl as the Tiger squad is exceptionally strong this year. "It wasn't told to me I only heard" that Frank K. McQuown, one of the outstanding prospects for the high school tennis team, has welcomed back to his home his long lost dog, a spaniel. This dog be¬came strayed or was stolen about a month ago.—Busy Body. HIGH SCHOOL LEADS Ogden High school got the jump on all Utah citizens by beginning our "safety first" campaign Thurs¬day instead of Saturday, next. John Velton and W. H. Homer of the campaign committee came to high school 'and gave us some good talks on the preservation of human life through safety campaign work. Ed Tingen led the school in the snappy "safety first" song. We are already "safety conscious" and will be go¬ing strong next week. SNAPPY ASSEMBLY That was truly a snappy .assembly we had Thursday. We had six can¬didates for office. Two each for student body president, vice presi¬dent, and secretary. Each candi¬date made a speech. Each candi¬date also had a sponsor who orated for his candidate. We had, in all then, twelve fine, snappy speeches. Mr. Velton and Mr. Homer enjoyed the program, expressing their sur¬prise at the ease and precision with which the students orated. WE SYMPATHIZE The students of Ogden High ex¬press to Viola Syphers, one of our students, and to her mother and family our sincere sympathy in the loss of their dear father and hus¬band, Grant Syphers. |