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Show Editor's Note: We would suggest that perhaps some of those students who read the notes and feel dissatis¬fied with them would be loyal enough to correct the situation by making contributions that will tend to uplift the standard of the notes. GAME FRIDAY Third week basketball games in the northern division high school race will bring together Friday at the Weber gym the Ogden Tigers and Bear River. The Orange Streaks have been successful so far this sea¬son in remaining in the win column. Box Elder fell before the advance of the Tigers in the season's opener a few weeks ago Last week our boys met and defeated Weber on their own floor. As Bear River defeated Box Elder last week, the Ogden-Bear River game Friday should offer a choice bit of basketball. Students, our Tiger team deserves and wants the support of the entire student body! A NOTE All photos for the yearbook must be in by Feb. 1, which date is not far off, students. Up to date all of the pictures have not been handed in. Let's hurry; let's be on time! GUNDER TALKS The Accolade is only ten days away, and there are still hundreds of anxious boyish faces looking with pleading eyes toward their best girls. Why, even B. L. is shining up to his one and only. Come on, girls, get started, are you going to let this dance be a flop? Ask your boy friend for a date and we'll see you at the Accolade. A certain big tree on Monroe ave¬nue is becoming what is known as a conference tree. Every morning during drill a small group of boys including B. l. is seen gathered around this tree chatting merrily I wonder what about. Nope, I have proof that Miss Ballinger's front seat doesn't squeak. She tried 'em all. I wonder why Dan gets so rough during the seventh period when geometry is over. He exclaims loudly: "let's fight!" and what a time, what a time!—Gunder. 9. UTAH ARTISTS' PAINTING GIVEN TO OGDEN HIGH Work of J. B. Fairbanks Will Soon Be Formally Presented OGDEN HIGH SCHOOL NEWS Emily Merrill, Editor; Blaine Larsen, Associate Editor "Green Hills and Yellow Grain Fields." A very beautiful picture of the above name by a well known Utah artist, J. B. Fairbanks, was brought to the high school office Thursday. The picture was painted under aus¬pices of FCWA and is a gift to Og¬den High school. A formal presen¬tation of the picture will be made in the very near future. SOCIOLOGY For the last couple of days Mr. Hancock's seventh period sociology class has had interesting programs. Franklin Mjaavedt, a Norwegian, gave a talk on the customs and social standings of Norway and also sang a few Norwegian songs. Eugene Wilkes, who has spent a year in the navy, gave the class a most enjoyable talk on navy life. Eugene likes the navy very much and is anxious to go back. The class wishes to thank Larry Harrop for bringing the two boys to sociology, for their talks were en-joyed very much. Although these classes are draw¬ing to a close, they have been very interesting as well as educational.— Karlene Jackson. Dear Nose All: Please tell me whether the girl is supposed to get a boy a boutonniere for the Acco-lade.—Anxious. Dear Anxious: That question is left entirely up to the individual. Most girls, however, are going to buy their partners boutonnieres. Dear Chairman of the Date Com¬mittee- I wish to inform you that Robert Workman has not been asked to the girls' dance, and he said he would give his best pair of broken shoe laces if Dorothy Hall would ask him to go with her. He has been out on the range herding sheep, but I think he can conduct him-self very well at the dance.—Black Smith. TO THE DANCE! Oh, I went hunting one fine day For a boy to take to the Accolade. It was a bing, bing, bing and a boom, boom, boom, But some girl got there too soon. So I went to Edna and I told her this, And she got me one by noon. Now I, too, can go and dance Because of the date I made. Let's all bing, bing, bing and boom, boom, boom, And come to the Accolade! —A Canary. WE WONDER WHY— These lovely radiator romances have diminished. More girls don't ask more boys to go to the Accolade. (Is it financial conditions, girls?) Bertha doesn't move to Ogden. I'm sure Royal could save a fortune in postage stamps. These elastic shooters aren't ex¬terminated.—Spare Rib. CHATTER We wish Billy B. and Grant R. would stop the baby play. Mary C. and F. Fuller seem to be doing all right now. Someone's always getting their stories mixed. It isn't a red-head Dick goes for; it's a Hall. Fools' names are always found in fool places. Don't you think so, Bill T.? Patti D. surely goes for "some boy back east." It couldn't be Bob P., could it?—One Who knows. COLLEGE VENTURES Several issues of "The New Her¬ald," Vol. 1, No. 1, published by the Bachelors' club of Weber college, were brought to the high school Thursday. We congratulate the club on its heroic venture into the field of journalism. May the Herald grow and prosper. SOCIAL HYGIENE Mrs. L. S. Merrill, formerly su¬perintendent of nurses at the Dee hospital, gave a very interesting lec-ture on social hygiene to a large group of girls—one physical educa¬tion class and all part-time girls— Thursday. SEMESTER ENDS Today marks the end of the first semester of the year 1934-35. It seems hardly possible that the year is half over, but it must be, the evidence is convincing. May the second semester prove brighter and better for many of us. 10. SCHOOL FINDS ENGLISH TESTS PLENTY HEAVY Few Feel Like Bragging After Undergoing Quizzing OGDEN HIGH SCHOOL NEWS Emily Merrill, Editor; Blaine Larsen, Associate Editor Elaborate, complete, comprehen¬sive, exhaustive and exhausting are some of the adjectives that might appropriately be applied to those English tests prepared by Mrs. Newcomb and submitted to all English students last week. We survived to tell the tale, but no one is doing any bragging about how well they passed the test. EXTEMPORANEOUS SPEECHES In last Friday's assembly, the third of the series of extemporan¬eous speeches was held. Stratford and Conrad Smith, the two senior speakers, won first and second places. Elzada Carlson and Paul Grogger upheld the junior class and won third and fourth places. After four splendid speeches, the judges awarded the decision to the seniors. Included also on the program was a vocal solo by Lynn Hill, a skit presented by the Pep club, a num¬ber of announcements, and yells and songs by the student body. MERITS Through the irregular distribution of credit in the good old Ogden High school, a well known history teacher in the west wing of our ed¬ucational mansion has been slighted. Maybe this was meant to be, or perhaps it was a trick of fate. Any¬way, the tact used by that well liked teacher is unsurpassed. I think the sprinkling of lieu¬tenants, sponsors, sergeants, cor¬porals and even the privates will al¬ways remember his methods of teaching. So let's take this oppor¬tunity of thanking him for his at¬titude toward his scholars. The starting of the second half of the year will find some of the students of this advisory disbanded and scattered to the new classes and companionship will begin anew. Good luck, everyone!—L. H. |