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Show PURCHASE TICKETS Now is the time to obtain student body tickets, for school funds are in need of reimbursement. The quicker the purchase, the larger the treasury. The success of athlet¬ic, social, literary, and musical life depend upon the support of the student body ticket sale. Buy now! NOTICE All club reports will be published once a month. IN HOPE Council members are to be elect¬ed next Monday morning to rep¬resent the large number of students attending high school. Upon these boys and girls rests a great respon¬sibility, the responsibility of voicing the opinion of eleven hundred peo¬ple. They vote on all school mat¬ters; they select the students for many important positions; their de¬cision is usually final. All of us are in hope that council members will sustain the prestige of the or¬ganization this year by acting with determination. Let us give our best wishes to them for success. CLASS ELECTION The sociology class, sixth period conducted by Mr. Hancock in 106, elected the following students as officers: Verna Ochs, president; Bur¬ton Barrows, vice president; Dean Williams, secretary; Ruth White, re¬porter. FOOTBALL Prospective candidates for the Tiger football squad reported to Coach Simkin the other day and are now spending the time after school on the practice field. The footballers have been heard to say that the new sod field improves the practice sessions. No longer does the man who goes down arise with a mouth full of dirt. It is possible, however, that grass may replace the dirt. Even then the sodded field is an improvement. The season's schedule that was drafted last spring is to be discarded and a new one drawn up. The team will play a few practice games before the regular season begins. The four junior high schools have supplied a number of fine men. Good luck, Tigers! 3. CADETS BEGIN YEAR'S DUTIES IN NEW ATTIRE Temporary Officers Take Charge of Ogden High School Unit OGDEN HIGH SCHOOL NEWS Emily Merrill, Editor; Blaine Lar¬sen, Associate Editor. Garbed in bright new uniforms, cadets old and new reported last Monday to take up the work of a new year in "the good old army." Much will be remembered and much will be learned in the course of the next few months. The squads, platoons and companies are rapidly taking form under the su¬pervision of temporary officers. In a few weeks the officers will be chosen and all will begin to run on schedule. It is expected that the grass on the drill field will tend to improve work a great deal. We hope so. One problem that has arisen is to the effect that there are in the cadet work too many men and not j enough uniforms. An effort has been made, however, to procure more suits. It is not known yet whether we will get such equipment. For the sake of those men without uniforms the school hopes that they will arrive for our use. SALE IN PROGRESS The Ogden High School Student Body association is sponsoring a fall sale. The merchandise is neith¬er food nor clothing, but rather student body tickets. Their sale price is $2.50 and the article is guar¬anteed to help O.H.S. get "out of the red.' Dick, Bertha, and Blaine, man¬agers of this big event, announced the opening as September 7, and have established their headquarters in each advisory class, having pro¬cured the services of the faculty as clerks. Students wishing to belong to this organization should make their purchases now, before the sup¬ply is exhausted.—Barbara Taylor. TELEPHONE POLES Oh, telephone poles, how straight you all stand Like soldiers in uniforms fine. Not one bend in your back and your heads held erect Your form such a long endless line. The murderous wires from pole unto pole Carry a most deadly charge, But you do not flinch, you won't give an inch— General, major and sarge. —Helen Fletcher VI. Something new was offered the juniors on the second day of school when Mr. Merrill used the radio system for the first time this year. In place of the old method of send¬ing notices from room to room, the radio is now used to convey mes¬sages to the students and teachers, so juniors, don't be alarmed when the class period is suddenly inter¬rupted by some crooner singing che lowdown on his latest tone. Once in a while we happen in on some fe¬male explaining how to make banana fritters. Don't mind. After a while you will become hardened so that you won't even be startled by the sudden introduction into the room of the blare of a brass band. PLEASANT TIME Dear O.H.S. Student Body: Am vacationing in Inspiration Villa and wish you would try to make the trip, too. Really, you have no idea what a good time I am having or you'd certainly shelve your present ideas and join me for a happy and merry nine months The Baxter system is used here We exchange articles for the O. H S. School Notes for our board and room. I have inquired and discov ered that there will be a room fcW , you beginning September 10 if yo care to have it. If you decide in favor of a gloious vacation, wire me at O.H. Notes, Inspiration Villa, and I arrange to have your contribution accepted. Good luck and hurry, O.H.S. Student. TATTLES Hello everybody! Burp II is ba on the job. I know you folks w be glad to hear from me again. Tsh! tsh! During this dry summer all was well until about tw weeks before school started; the a big rain storm started! It seem that Blaine and Frances started th rain drops. I have heard rumors o a two weeks vacation. Some fun! Then the famous M teams, Mary and Morgan, followed with lightning and thunder. Keith S. and Avon W saw the oncoming storm, so they separated and swam ashore. Keith then paid M. Paine atten¬tion. And what did Leland say? You guess How do you seniors like the jun¬iors? It is bad that there are not fewer of them, I'll see you again! —Burp 11. PRINT DRESS WEEK In carrying out the idea of equal¬ity for all students, girls are wear¬ing print dresses until Friday on which date the "Little Sister" party will take place. Such frocks are not only appropriate for the weather. |