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Show 13. TEACHER FINDS BASS FIDDLE THAT OF DAD'S Father Played Upon It 45 Years, He Says; Coach Praised OGDEN HIGH SCHOOL NEWS Emily Merrill, Editor; Blaine Larsen, Associate Editor. A band member has the misfor¬tune last week to drop the bass drum upon the bass violin, damag¬ing the latter greatly. E. S. Smith, teacher, was asked Tuesday to assist in taking the violin to the repaii shop. As his eyes fell upon the in¬strument, he said: "Why, that's my dad's big fiddle; he played upor that for 45 years." And E. S. wa; right. The school purchased the instrument from Frank Harris, whc had secured it from the Smith fam¬ily after the death of the father, J P. Smith, a life-long musician anc printer of Logan. RARE PRAISE OFFERED At our celebration on Monday, A Warden said: "Dixon Kapple is not only the best high school basketball coach in Utah; he is the best in the entire west." WIN SECOND PLACE The Ogden Tigers, northern di¬vision basketball winners for 1935 displayed their exceptional ability to a splendid advantage the last week in the state basketball finals. Our team, under the capable supervision of Coach Kapple, faced North Em¬ery, Murray, Dixie and Jordan in their struggle for supremacy. After winning over North Emery, Murray and Dixie, the Tigers faced Jordan in the final game Saturday night, but they were defeated by the score of 21-18. The record made this year by the Tigers was probably one of the most outstanding in many seasons of cage play. After a rather weak start against Box Elder, the Tigers won 13 consecutive victories during the regular season and state series. The record number of wins established by the Tigers and the fine showing made by them in the state series prompts the student body to offer its highest compliments to the bas¬ketball team. TEAM HONORED In honor of the fine work done by the basketball team a special as¬sembly was held on Monday at one o'clock. Praise was rendered by student body president, the princi¬pal, the superintendent and assist-ant superintendent of schools, the president of the board of education, Al Warden of The Standard-Exam¬iner, athletic manager, coaches, etc Music was furnished by the band After the program, school was ad¬journed to Berthana hall, where the students enjoyed themselves in a delightful matinee with Jerry Beesley's orchestra. QUEEN-CONSCIOUS That students are vitally interested in the queen contest was evidenced Monday afternoon at Berthana hall by the campaign speeches made be¬tween the dances. While they en¬joyed the dance they couldn't forget that the queen election is near at hand. BETA ZETA TAU The club of Beta Zeta Tau held their second mock initiation party for the pledges—Elaine Jones, Phyl¬lis Myres, Maude Mattson and Gorgeita Siddoway. This party was held at the home of Miss Ellen Huss Saturday evening, February 29. The pledges were forced to wear old clothes and eat undesirable food. The members present were Myrtle MacFarlane, Ellen Huss, Nora Lou Allen, Martha Foulger, Ruth Klomp, Ruth Greenwell, Maxine Leek, Mar¬ion Smith. Ruth Watson, Alliene Sampson, Ruth Williams, and Rose Morrison.—Club Renorter Alliene Sampson. BACK ON THE AIR Tiger Flashes, after a three-week interval, will be back on the air Thursday evening. Instead of hav¬ing the Ogden High school weekly radio program at eight o'clock tiil eight-fifteen, the time will be from eight forty-five until nine. This week's program promises to be of special interest to the student body and of great enjoyment to all who listen in. Don't forget! Thurs¬day evening at eight-forty-five. ALL-STAR SELECTIONS Phil Revell and LaMar Briggs of Ogden High were chosen by a num¬ber of news writers as members of the all-state basketball team. The selection of these two fellows from our school was due to their brilliant performances as the state finals tried in Salt Lake. Phil and LaMar are to be congrat¬ulated for having impressed the sport writers and fans by their spectacular work for the Tigers. Captain Adam and Chuck Norton were named on the second team. To Adam and Chuck we say, "Congrat¬ulations!" 14. GIRLS CHOSEN FOR FINALS IN QUEEN EVENT Classicalia Planned March 29; Music Festival Set For April OGDEN HIGH SCHOOL NEWS Emily Merrill, Editor; Blaine Larsen, Associate Editor. Ruth La Vin Cragun and Doro¬thy Hall, two of the most lovely damsels on our campus, were chos¬en by the student body Tuesday to compete for final honors in the con¬test for queen of the Classicalia at the Berthana March 29. One of these girls is to be queen! Which one? That is the question the students are to decide. We urge all to consider carefully the merits of each girl before the final vote takes place. Don't be too hasty! FREE TEXT BOOKS A law was passed by the recent state legislature permitting school boards to furnish free textbooks for High school students. We certainly hbpe the Ogden school board will take advantage of this provision and give us free texts next year. NOW FOR THE FESTIVAL The music department having put the opera behind it, is now busily engaged in preparing for the music festival, April 12, 13. These are tip be great days in Ogden. CLASSIC ALIA SOON Hear ye! Hear ye! A week from this Friday at the Berthana ball¬room will be our Classicalia—the most festive, the most informal, the most enjoyable dance of the year. Come, all of you, and have the unforgettable time of your life. Balloons, noise makers of every kind, candy, ice cream, all will be there to help create the spirit of festivity. Most important of all the Queen of the Classicalia will reign supreme with her maid of honor and six at-tendants. Who will she be? Well, come to the Classicalia to find out. OPERA PLEASES The ears of the students are still ringing with the blood-thirsty cries the melodious songs, and the amus¬ing dialogue. ' Naturally a condition such as this is only possible because those who saw the opera were well pleased with it. It is undoubtedly the out¬standing musical event or the year. Mr. Hansen, the cast, the chorus, the orchestra, and all else who were responsible for its production may rest assured that their work of the past month was well appreciated and worthy of the highest comniendation of the faculty and stu¬dent body. GUESTS AT LUNCHEON On Wednesday the boys of the basketball team and Coach Dixon Kapple were guests of Rotary club at luncheon. Thanks, loyal, boost¬ing Rotarians! NEW HIGH SCHOOL With the passage of bill 119 by the recent legislature giving cities power to bond the same as coun¬ties, four per cent of assessed val¬uation, it is possible for Ogden to bond and accept the government loan tendered last summer. As 30 per cent of this loan is a gift of the government, it would certainly be the proper thing to bond and build. Yes, yes, let us bond and build that new high school. LA VIN FOR QUEEN There are dozens of charming at¬tractive, and likeable girls at high school: none can excel La Vin. She has every desirable quality any individual possibly could possess — charm, loveliness, beauty grace, poise, cheerfulness, sociability, taIent, and intelligence. She would make the perfect queen, for she is nice to everyone, in spite of tne fact that she has all the attributes necessary for a girl far above the average. We want a queen who has given something to the school a queen who is willing to give all she has for the benefit of her classmates. Such is La Vin. Let us use our common sense in selecting the best girl for queen; let's choose La Vin! |