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Show P. S.: If you have good prospects please make reservations now, as our radiators are limited. — Winchell's little boy "Walter". I HAVE NOTICED Burp II has started rather early this year. It looks like strong com¬petition for other gossip writers. The R.O.T.C. boys seem very proud of their new uniforms. The Baxter and Hall corporation is still operating. The junior students are extremely noisy for their age. Boys are busy already getting dates for the first big dance. Better hurry! Mutt Wright has fallen for a little junior girl named Lorene. Helen Fae is remaining true to her one and only. I suppose graduation doesn't make much difference. — Helen of Troy. A HUGE SUCCESS The "Little Sister" party held last Friday was one of the gayest social times that Ogden High school has ever sponsored. Unique, colorful costumes of every hue were seen in every corner of the gymnasium; laughter and enthusiastic murmurs of conversation floated breezily in the air. All were thoroughly enjoy¬ing themselves in portraying char¬acters which they represented and in participating with companions in various skits. They clapped; they shouted; they sang. Friendliness in the atmosphere was very Apparent, for older and younger girls mingled freely. Hence, the aim of the party was assuredly attained. All, however, regretted that Miss Poulter, was unable to be with them to enjoy such wholesome fun. 7. STUDENTS PLAN WATER FIGHT ON THURSDAY Juniors To Meet Seniors; New Officers Are Elected OGDEN HIGH SCHOOL NEWS Emily Merrill, Editor; Blaine Larsen, Associate Editor. Wouldn't it be great if the junior boys squelch the seniors? Well, it is now possible, or will be Thursday at the water fight. Yes, Thursday is our big chance, juniors! But, we have to be there a million strong. If we aren't stronger than the sen¬iors we will be in line for a trip to the cleaners. And, don't think the seniors will hesitate. They will exterminate us if they get the op¬portunity. So, juniors, be there and don't give the seniors the chance. Remember, one for all and all to de¬feat the seniors. See you at the water fight, juniors.—A Junior. OFFICERS ELECTED Thursday, September 13, Miss Wooley's first period English class elected the officers for the class. This was on account of the fact that Miss Wooley will be called away from class during various activities throughout the year. The officers were Ruth Skelton, chairman and Shirley Turnquist, vice chairman. We extend congratulations to these girls for aiding Miss Wooley and Ogden High school.—C.P. TWO QUESTIONS Dear Burp II: I am sure some students of Og¬den High are glad you are back while others are not. I have been informed that you know a great deal about love. I should like to have the following question answered. Can the girls of high school age be trusted in love? What has been the cause of the breaking up of the many love affairs?—Nero. CAPTAIN ANDERSON Ogden High school was thrilled and deeply honored last Friday to hear in a special assembly Captain Orval Anderson one of the strato¬sphere balloon party of three that penetrated that vast span beyond our atmosphere in an attempt to further the cause of science. Captain Anderson, during his ca¬reer, has spent 7000 hours in the air. During his talk he explained the principle of lighter than air craft and related many of his ex¬periences in balloon flights. Concerning the recent strato¬sphere flight, Captain Anderson told of the conditions surrounding the start, the trip, 60,000 feet into space, and the rather doubtful des¬cent. One of the most strange points about the flight, he said, was the color of the sky. It was described as being an indigo blue. After his talk, be answered a num¬ber of questions concerning the flight. We are most happy to have had told us such a historic tale. Ogden High helps him who helps himself. It is a marvelous oppor¬tunity to belong to the annual staff. Many have taken interest already in this field and have fulfilled re¬quirements for a position. There are three places on the staff open. Any interested may do the fol¬lowing to qualify: For social editor, hand in a write up of the "Little Sister party;" for athletic editor, give a written report of a game, imaginary or otherwise; and for photographer, take school life pic¬tures and a picture of the water fight. These items must be in before three-thirty Friday, September 21.— Ruth LaVin Cragun. ARE YOU GOING TO? Have you ever entered the library with no lessons to get—nothing to do? Have you taken your seat with a careless thought about the ap¬proaching idle hour? You have? Yes, I know, but you won't sit by her any longer as you're to be seated alphabetically today. Besides, there's absolutely no hope of a seat next to hers as "A" and "R" are widely separated, if I re-member correctly. To be sure you may spend a few minutes gazing at the paintings on the walls and several more moments scrutinizing your immediate neigh¬bor, but that won't occupy your mind for an entire hour. Pencil and paper are always avail¬able, so why don't you get some ready for a good period of composition. If you concentrate properly on what you are doing and possess a creative mind, the finished prod¬ucts may be suitable for publication in the O.H.S. notes. Why don't you try it?—Barbara Taylor. ORAL EXPRESSION The Masque club was organized by the members of Miss Wooley's fifth period speech class. The officers elected for the ensuing six weeks are as follows: Ruth White, direc¬tor; Elaine Anderson, parlamentarian; Helen Mansfield, clerk; Delora White, reporter. The purpose of the club is to better familiarize the members with good literature and its interpreta-tion.—Delora White. SCHOOL DAYS It's good to be back in school again, to renew acquaintances, to make new friendships, and to get into daily routine again. For the seniors it should be a year which will be the most out¬standing in all their lives—the end of a high school career. Every senior should make an ef¬fort to have it so. He should rea¬lize that unless he goes on to col¬lege this is his last chance to re¬ceive instruction In the particular phases which he needs for the busi¬ness world. Ogden High school offers so many wonderful courses of instruction that it is really hard to choose just one. But whatever has been your choice, work hard at it and let's succeed. Let us aim to make the senior class this year the best one Ogden High has ever had.—Mary Vance. THANK YOU, SENIORS As a junior girl I wish to tell the senior girls that they have been most friendly and helpful. During the first days of school when we were timid and rather in doubt as Lo what we should do, they came to our aid many times and aided us in our troubles. To make us feel at home they ar¬ranged a Big Sister party. On that evening all senior dignity and jun¬ior inferiority were cast aside, as all joined in merriment. I think all juniors will agree with me if I cay that that party was a great success and one of the best we have ever attended. Thanks, seniors, we appreciate your friendliness.—Elzada Carlson. |