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Show 8. PUPILS CHOOSE FIRST MEMBERS OF PEP SOCIETY Girls' Organization Will Build Up Enthusiasm At Contests OGDEN HIGH SCHOOL NEWS Emily Merrill, Editor; Blaine Lar¬sen, Associate Editor. As school spirit seemed to be lag¬ging at the games, Ogden High school has organized a girls' pep society. Each student in the school voted for twenty senior girls and ten junior girls. Those elected are as follows: Dorothy Hall, Dixie Scowcroft, Jane Davis, LaVin Cragun, Clara Young, Lois Ensign, Marge Boyle, Virginia McNamara, Bertha Barker, Jessie Higgins, Arline Haygood, Bet¬ty Lake, Patty Doherty, Darhle Jones, Phylis Brown, Ruth Goddard, Dorothy Dean Hoggan, Helen Fae Jeppson, Phyllis Meyer, Idonna Pickett, Mary Cave, Beverly Betts, Janice Scowcroft, Edna Riley, Lorene Wallace, Eliza McKell, Helen Abbott, Katheryn McGowan, Barbara Bing¬ham, Maxine Leek. The substitutes are Beth Spencer, Ruth Sessions Barbara Foulger, Sidney Cole, Mar¬garet Gaddy, Mary Soderberg, Beth Browning, Evelyn Buehler, Helen Mansfield and Marion Thomas. Mrs. White, the physical education teacher, was elected by council to be advisor of this organization, and under her capable supervision the. Pep club will assuredly radiate the expected enthusiasm.—Elzada Carl¬son. THE GRAND RUSH First, comes the bell; then the door flies open. You have only four min¬utes in which to make your destina¬tion. You run into a snag. They're closing in on you. You're caught— no you're not; there is an opening. You dive through. Another barrier is passed. Ah! There is the long flight of stairs, and thirty seconds left to go. Your breath is gone. Every step is agony. Can you make it? That is the question. Now you reach the steps. Some student is in the way—a junior com¬ing down the wrong stairs. Already Mr. Merrill has gone into the office to ring the bell. The top of the steps is reached. There's the bell, and the door of Mr. Robins' room is closed. You are late for class. Is this justice for such a gallant effort to pass through the halls in order to get to English on time?— Bill Gleason. YELL MASTER CHOSEN This year, as in every past year, school songs and yells play an im¬portant part in our school's chance of winning athletic contests. But the school songs and yells are mere¬ly groups of words unless we have a good yell master. It so happens hat we have some splendid yells nd songs. Tuesday after school, Council ected Jack Doone to act as yell taster this year. Council has chosn wisely. Jack, we feel sure, will nliven the spirit of the student ody at games. Let's support him! Tau Eta Nu is offering a prize to the club which brings the most rummage to the rummage sale, sponsored by the O. H. S. Girls' as¬sociation. Clubs, do your part!- Reporter. ALL THINGS POSSIBLE Some eight years ago the high school conceived the idea of sending the high school band to Fostoria Ohio, to participate in a national band contest. When we were told that it would cost ten thousand dol-lars, we thought it would be neces¬sary to give up the idea. About that time some one spoke to Attorney James H. DeVine about the project. He said, "Sure, you can make it. Here is one hundred dol¬lars to start it. Go out and get hundred dollar subscriptions. You can do anything that you make up your mind to do." We went out and got the money, We are out now to get a paltry thousand dollars or so for instru¬ments for the high school band. Shall we get it? Most certainly! "We can get anything we make up our minds to get." FRIDAY'S GAME School authorities do not favor the idea of high school students jour¬neying to Bear River City to watch the Bear River-Ogden game. To do so would mean sacrificing one-half day of school, and few, if any pu¬pils, can afford to make that sacri¬fice. Extra-curricular activities are nec¬essary but they must not interfere more than is absolutely necessary with the regular school program. However enthusiastic one may be for athletics, he must realize that school comes first.—A. M. M. WHAT A PITY The board of education of Ogden city has been offered $884,000 for a new high school but apparently cannot accept it, as it requires a bond issue voted by the people. The vote cannot be taken because of the limitatoins set by law on bond¬ed indebtedness. Did you ever hear anything more pitiful than that? Surely there should be some way out of this. Here is one suggestion: Would not Ogden banks under¬write these bonds? The payments on a government loan would be easy. One mill tax levy for 20 years would give the boys and Ogden a modern, up-to-date school building such as the boys and girls of other districts now enjoy. We ask, we beg, we implore, we pray you honorable members of the board of education to formulate some plan, whereby you can accept this money, and give tnis city a modern, convenient high school. Thirty per cent of this, you know, is an absolute gift. Surely we can¬not afford to pass up this oppor¬tunity. ON THE AIR We began last Thursday evening a weekly period—Thursdays, eight to eight-fifteen p. m. daily—broad¬casting Ogden High school news, views and music on the air. Sud¬denly we find our program expand¬ing. In addition to this period we begin Friday, five-forty-five to six o'clock, a daily broadcast. We shall try to make it worth while. Tune in on KLO tonight at eight o'clock, and every night at five-f.Q£tv--fivp 9. CLASSES OPEN HOME BEAUTY SCENIC TOURS Geology Students Receive Knowledge of Utah Assets OGDEN HIGH SCHOOL NEWS Emily Merrill, Editor; Blaine Lar¬sen, Associate Editor. "See home beauty first," is Mr. Oberhansley's chief motto to his geology students. To prove the worthiness of this motto, the geology classes took a trip up Lost creek to Hidden Tow¬ers of Chinatown. Hidden Towers is nothing short of a miniature Bryce canyon. From the geologist's view this miniature canyon will someday outshine Bryce. Bryce is hemmed in, and erosion can only cut it into a deeper gorge. Hidden Tower canyon can spread for miles on all sides, and by the workings of the wind and water, we will someday have a gorgeously col¬ored canyon nearby. The geology classes plan to take many more excursions in the future to spots of interest. Their next one will be to Timpanogos cave.—Kathryn McGowan. A SHORT STOP "And it's a hit!" Thus booms the radio. Immediately all recitations cease, and all ears are strained in order to hear the next play. Yes, it's the world's series on the air. Eyes focus on the loud speaker; voices are silent save that of the announcer, and all students move forward in their seats. "Owen up," continues the an¬nouncer, "and here is the first pitch. It's a grounder out to Frisch; Owen out at first." A sigh came from the Tiger fans. "Rogell's on third. Fox up and he hits a sharp one along the left field line for a double, scoring Rogell. Howe is up to bat. Strike one, call¬ed; ball one, wide; ball two, wide; strike two; ball three, low. Here is the dividing pitch and it's—" What can the matter be? The radio is off; sadly the class resumes work, after picking up three stu¬dents from the floor who have be¬come a little too excited.—Margaret Neal. |