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Show their slumber. This rally, in the form of a mock funeral for the Box Elder Bee, certainly served the pur-pose It was original, thus attract¬ing the attention of scores of towns¬people in addition to splendid sup-port from our own ranks. Good grief, students, dont you really think that it's about time we were having a rally which dif¬fers from the ordinary procedure held in a theatre. Of course, that is all right, but we want something different, something which will let us give vent to our feelings a little more. Did the funeral do it? In-deed it did! I suggest that we have more rallies like this one that is really original and interesting. Come on, I students let's back Dick and push | over some other pep rallies arousing school spirit.—Larry Evans. 17. PUPIL WOULD GIVE WELCOME TO GRADUATES Greet Them Like Friends In Our Midst, He Suggests OGDEN HIGH SCHOOL NEWS Emily Merrill, Editor; Blaine Larsen, Associate Editor. As I strolled through the halls during the noon hour, I observed several of the Ogden High school graduates of two years ago walking disconsolately through the happy groups of laughing and joking stu¬dents, and there came to me the realization of how complete is the cycle of school life, and of how completely it is shut off from the individual once he has reached the end of its course. Those students, two years ago, found in this old school such a wealth of happiness and friendship that, today, they feel that a vital element has dis¬appeared from their life, and when they return to the old building for a visit, to taste once again the joy of school life in and about Ogden High school, they find only strange faces and very few people with whom they have anything in com¬mon. SAD REMINDER? I sometimes wonder if the stu¬dents of previous years do not feel a vague resentment against those of today who are, in a way, usurp¬ers who have created an impene¬trable barrier between the graduate and the days he knew and loved so well. The student of earlier days rarely, if ever visits the school a second time because it is for him only a sad reminder of happy as¬sociations and friendships which can never be enjoyed again. Why can't each of us make our¬selves a welcoming committee of one. and, each time we see a former student of Ogden High school, make it a special point to greet him as. we would a long lost friend. This, I am sure, will help to dispel that empty feeling felt by our former students, and I think that we, i future years, will be glad to receive the same attention when w visit the school.—Bert. GRADES VS. NERVES. Undoubtedly, there is a great wear and tear on every student's nerves, especially as the end of the term draws near. These frayed nerves are costly, because they s make one "too tired" to study, as certain ads say. No one escapes this strain, be he lazy, dumb, aver¬age, or brilliant. The ambition of all average stu¬dents is to get an all "A" card. They dream about it, they pray for it; and then, when the term ends and they fall short of their, goal, they suffer a terrific "let-down." By the end of the year these sufferers are practically read to have a nervous collapse. Those students who don't like f study are in almost as bad a postion. They spend their evening thinking up alibis to give the teacler for their unfinished work. C course the nervous strain is grea because the teachers have a ba habit of listening to an alibi an then the culprit a skeptical look and a pnor mark. Of courd the grade depends on the credulit of the teacher. MENACE TO HEALTH. In regard to those few brillian souls, the strain of being brillian is slowly, but surely, underminin their nerves. First, there is the effort required to be brilliant for if really is necessary for them to study. The "burning of the mid' night oil" naturally causes them to be more or less irritable. Second .there is an ever increasing numbe of classmates who pounce upon thi helpless "shining lights" at til times, begging to br told this ftn that. If there is a particularly harcl lesson, the bright ones find them¬selves besieged by a clamoring mob. If they refuse, these "friends" ac¬cuse them of being big-headed, and "unfair to organized chiselers." Therefore, it would seem tha grades are a menace to health There are many who argue tha the system of grading should be abolished, and that a student shoul merely be "satisfactory" or "unsatisfactory." But, if that systei were adopted, the student woul have no reason to be ambitious, a anyone can be "satisfactory"; an his education would suffer. Beside! the nerve specialists might be pv out of business. However, the teachers would saved from the task of correctin all the—oh, well, why argue; report cards won't endanger our hajj py homes for another six weeks.-Wayne Bundy. WHAT ARE YOU WORTH? A1—Promptness. A. Generally tardy, 0 per cent Often tardy, 25 per cent. C. Usuially on time, 50 per cent. D. Mori, punctual than average, 75 per cenf E. Always punctual, 100 per cent. 2A—Interest in Work. A. Slight or perfunctory, 0 pefcent. B. Intermittent, 25 per cent. Usually satisfactory, 50 per cent. Above the average, 75 per cent. Exceptional as to quality and amount, 100 per cent.—The Pro¬fessor. AN ILLITERATE'S DIARY. October 25. Today i was talkin' out to "tubs" durin' the engliss test on account of my voice bein horse from yelin' at the game, and i wanted him to here me, when the teecher sed there was too much noize in the class, meanin' me; so i stoped talkin' an' started to rite. One question was, "What is ment by the 'Middle Ages?"' and i rote, "The Middle Ages are ones where a woman stops countin' when she reeches 'em." I ges it was rong 'cause the teecher put a red chek by it. I'm beginnin' to beleave that teechers just don' appreciate pupils any more, if they ever did. I hand¬ed in a theme for english called, "the bloody murder of 'White Spot Kelly,' the gentlemen bandit, and how the Canadian police get there man," and the engliss teecher put somtin' on it about not being lim¬ited. I don' understand it. Oh, well, there are only one hun¬dred and fourty too more days of skool. CLUB REPORT. The members of Lau Eta Nu en¬thusiastically welcome the following girls as their pledgers: Dorothy Shurtleff, Katherine Ames, Armeda Stone, Deloria White, Ruth White, Margaret Schott, Elvira Schoer, Verna Mae Wiggins and Karline Jackson. We know that these lovely stu¬dents will make the very finest of pledgers. Congratulations, girls! PHI LAMBDA TAU. Phi Lambda Tau has been going along very well this year under the capable direction of its officers. These officers are: President, Vir¬ginia McNamara; vice president, Betty Lake; secretary, Elizabeth Parkinson; scrap-book editor, Anna Belle Hubble, and reporter, Bar¬bara Foulger. Perhaps you noticed white chrys¬anthemum corsages decorating sev¬eral lucky girls Monday. We are delighted to introduce to you our five pledgers. They are: Kathryn McGovan, Jane Nixson, Helen Mansfield, Marcia Nicholas and Gene Wangsgard. Congratulations, girls!—Reporter, Barbara Foulger. INTERESTING CLASS. Mr. Hancock's seventh period so¬ciology class have had some very interesting classes the past two or three weeks. Last Monday we were pleasantly surprised with a visit from Harry Herscovitz, who gave us a very splendid talk on the habits and ef¬fects of opium. Last Tuesday the election of new officers took place. The new of¬ficers are president, Mildred Briggs; vice president, Virginia Combe; sec¬retary, Elmer Munford, and report¬er, Lois Ensign. Last Friday we had several speeches on the deaf and blind people, and their different ways of doing things. All in all these periods not only hold the attention, but are educa¬tional as well.—Le Ida Roberts. |