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Show Miss Edith Howie, a former teacher of history at high school, according to a letter recently received, is now pleasantly located in the new North High school at Omaha, Neb. Miss Howie sends regards to all her Ogden friends. UNDER THE KNIFE Miss Blanche Scowcroft underwent a successful operation for appendicitis at one of the Salt Lake hospitals on Monday. FOR PROF. ROBINSON The faculty and students of the high school express their sympathy to Prof. Mark Robinson, supervisor of music in the city schools, who mourns the loss of his mother, who died at his home on Monday and is being buried in Salt Lake today. ON FULL TIME During the present semester LeConte Stewart has been on part time at the high school, Students are naturally elated with the news that Mr. Stewart will be found in the art room at all hours during the second semester. Ogden has every reason to be proud of the very fine art department Mr. Stewart is building up at the high school, and the impetus he is giving art study and appreciation in Ogden. COUNCIL REPORT Mr. Abplanalp, representing the finance committee, made a report on school expenditures and appropriation of school funds. His report was accepted as read. Discussion of the report caused the following motion to be made and carried: That the finance committee report be referred back to the finance committee, who will in turn look up the amount of expense of last year's athletic awards and the self-sustaining conditions of athletics in relation to a more just division of school funds. The committee shall submit this report to the council next meeting. Vice President Ure urged that all classes get on a more substantial basis of self-sustainment while promoting class activities in the future. To conclude the discussion the following motions were made and carried: That the manager of the Quarterly and the business manager of the Year Book be present at the next council meeting with reports on the expenditures of their publications. HERBERT VERHEEK, Secretary. IN BOOKKEEPING Three students will complete, at the close of this semester, a course in bookkeeping, including the general ledger, on the Burroughs listing and posting machine. They are: Lucy King, Louise Browning and Laura Walker. Beginning next semester, a class a "A" bookkeeping will be formed under Mr. Abplanalp, to convene the first period in the morning. This course will give prospective commercial graduates and others seeking a practical course, an opportunity to acquaint themselves with business forms and procedure so essential to those entering the business world. THE CRACK COMPANY Next month the annual Cadet Hop of the cadets of Ogden High school will be staged. Although this is a dance, dancing is not the main object, for the cadets will put on an exhibition drill to demonstrate the quality of the training they are receiving in the R. O. T. C. This drill has been put on many times in the past with wonderful effect, particularly last year, but this year the non-commissioned officers who take part in the drill are going to make it superior to any other drill before given. This drill consists of a series of movements done by a company composed entirely of "non-coms," even the captain being one. It is entirely a silent drill, each movement being signaled by a whistle of the commander. As each man has had at least one year of drill, the crack company is not composed of recruits but of seasoned men. This company has already been formed under the direction of Sergeant Holloway and is drilling every morning. Under this capable commander, the "non-coms" are fast being whipped into shape. Any one wishing a treat can see them drill any morning between 8:30 and 9:15 o'clock. OGDEN HIGH "So long as there be men on earth, There will be tasks for them to do; Some way for them to show their worth; Each day shall bring its problems new. All men shall dream of mightier deeds Than ever have been done before; Theer always shall be needs For men to work and struggle for."—Guest. BIG NIGHT TONIGHT Tonight is girls' night (as if every night isn't girls night)! But tonight the girls admit it. They have asked the young men to accompany them to the girls' party. They will get out Dad's Ford, or Dodge, or Pierce-Arrow, each according to her ability, and will drive the young men to the Berthana. They'll pay for the tickets and check the wraps. They'll swap beaus for the several dances according to their whims and preferences. After the ball, they'll perhaps go to Potter's or some other desirable place and give the lads a gastronomic treat. After which they'll convey them safely home, and the big affair of the eyar will enter the limbo of past events. HIGHLIGHTS OF THE STOCK SHOW Last Tuesday we of the biology classes forsook our books and went to the stock show. We were thrilled at the thought of the double privilege—no lesson and a free show—until we came within smelling distance. From there until we were able to see the sights, a good amount of willpower was necessary to keep us going in the right direction. But who can pay any attention to that delicate organ, the nose, with Herefords and Durhams carefully marcelled; Holsteins and Jerseys scrubbed and brushed, Cotswolds, Lincolns, Hampshires and Suffolks pruned, dyed and "dolled up" in general, Clydesdales and Percherons, magua cum curled tails and beribboned manes, displayed in motley array before him? We followed our teacher through the long aisles, listening to marvelous information about breeds, mysterious dissertation on kinds of wools, triangles on cattle, and pigs, etc., almost stupefied! Then we witnessed an interesting competition of speech-making between Governor Dern, Charles H. Barton, other prominent men, and the cows. We watched the Chicago horses prance; we petted the new-born lamb; we reviewed long rows of hens and roosters decked in the best; we admired the baby chicks; we listened to the songs of the canaries; we saw the skunks, the foxes and the porcupine. But at last it was time to go, and we went, carrying with us wondering, pleasant memories. We say with Walt Whitman, "I think I could turn and live with i animals, they are so placid and self-contained."—Eleanor Weeks. THE HIGH SCHOOL STUDENT The 1926 student is superior in social and individual worth. He is so, because of the earlier age at which he gets, in school and out, a practical philosophy of life and a clear notion of what most of it is about. He looks life squarely in the eye; he stands up to the world like a man. The surface of his chivalry would not have been recognized eight hundred years ago, but at heart he is sounder than ever. Too many of us see only the outer surface of this new youth.—Principal W. A. Lacey, Walla Walla. COST OF MOTORING It is estimated that the total cost of cars in America, including tires, repair, oil, etc., is eight billion dollars annually or six times the cost of public education. AT LEHI today Instructor David Wangsgard and family are at Lehi today attending the funeral obsequies of Mrs. Wangsgard's father, Mr. Willie, who died rather unexpectedly on Tuesday, last. BILL SEZ It's a cinch that no one can't sincerely try to help another without helpin' his own self. Say nothin, be nothin', do nothin' and nobody wont' critysize you at all. The best way to get even with a bud who has done you dirt la to forget it. The fellar who makes two grins grow where there was only a grouch before is doing his bit to help mankind. This is a bizzy world and nobody has got time to set rite down and hate you. Any dumbbell can order, but to serve well—that's something else again. Being late is a form of egotism. A guy with the habit feels an uncohshua superiority over time and it shows itself by bringing him late to class. He don't wish to consider hisself hampered by the rules that restrikt the movements of the other stoodents. I was asking a lady one day was she an admirer of George Eliot and she said she hadn't never read none of bis books but she knew he was very popular as president of Harvard and got a lot of fame out of the five-foot shelf of books he wrote. STORY WITH A MORAL About eighty years ago a Yankee whaler rescued a poor little Japanese boy from an island on which he had been wrecked. The Yankee's kindness made the lad love him. The old whaler educated the boy, brought him up to be a navigator and sent him out into the world. In July, 1918, the ambassador of Japan, at a public meeting in Fairhaven, Mass., the old. whaler's home town, said that the kindness shown by Captain W. H. Whitfield was the beginning of modern Japanese civilization. A chain of circumstances had made Maujiro Nakahama, the poor fisher boy, one of the leaders of Japanese progress. Kindness to one whom he thought of no account whatever made Captain Whitfield famous forever. WHAT'S WRONG? Too many people today speak triflingly of serious things, and seriously of trifling things; too many people today live too long in the dining room, and not long enough in the library; too many people today wear jewels on their clothes and have no gems in their brains; too many people today are dancing the Charleston rather than the minuet. The dictates of reason demand a return to fundamentals. —Ed Arras. HAVE PATIENCE STILL The strong and sturdy in nature is not the development of a day or a week, or a year. That which is big and strong and sturdy requires time. The brail mushroom springs up over night; not so with the mighty oak or the wide spreading maple. Nature has patience because time and space are hers. Let us, too, have patience because time and opportunity are ours. —Ed Arras. BANKING TALKS The Ogden chapter of the American Institute of Banking is offering through Oliver C. Ellis, chairman of the educational committee, talks to high school classes on the following subjects: 1. What is wealth? 2. The nature of a bank. 3. Protecting your savings. 4. How banks help business. 5. The federal reserve system. 6. How banks help foreign trade. 7. The banker and the farmer. The chapter has 31 men who are qualified to give these talks, and the high school purposes, this year as last, taking advantage of this generous service. GAME SATURDAY For the past week Coach Kapple has been priming the Tiger athletes for their contest Saturday evening at 7:30 o'clock, with East Side High. The game will be played on the Tiger floor, and Will, in all probability, be a thriller, for to some at least it will be the crucial game of the season. As yet the team has not definitely been chosen, but the coach has promised to voice his decision after the frolic with East Side. Our first league game will be played with Bear River High next Friday. At present it appears that the Tiger squad is due for some tough battles this year if the division pennant is to be won. Davis High boasts the strongest five since that school won the state championship some years back, and Box Elder has already defeated East Side in a practice game. It is doubtful whether thy team of last year can be duplicated, but the coach is working with good material and expects the fellows to develop some real style in the coming contests.—WILFORD VOTING OGDEN HIGH "Every man, unless he be an idiot, or insane, has powers within him by which he can rise and master well nigh all handicaps—indeed make them steps on which to' climb. Heredity shows us that the j kingdom of heaven is within and not without in the chance circumstances and surroundings of a man's life." "A man can do almost anything which he intelligently thinks he can do if all his ancestors were molly coddles and jail birds. They may have had poor heredity or they may have had poor environment. But if you, yourself, have energy and ambition, for heaven's sake use them to the full. All evidence shows that they come chiefly by heredity, but so you have them it makes no difference how you got them. You are at the bat, not your grandfather. Moreover, you had hundreds of grandparents and great-grandparents. Keep your eye fixed on the best and determine to outdo them all."—A. E. Wiggam. FOREWARNED. Dig those overalls and aprons out and wear them to the H. C. matinee, Friday—29th, —Bill. DOGS. Dogs are an awful pest As far as I'm concerned, Always putting me to the test To see how. I can turn If they happen to stand and bark Or wag their tails and run, I can easy hit the fifty mark Whether I see three dogs or one. The Bulldog is an ugly beast, With fat unsmiling face, That looks as if he'd make a feast On any of the human race. Out of all people he would choose I'd probably be the one, So I don't take time to stop and muse But keep upon the run. An Airedale is a one-man dog, As cross as he can be, And when I see one come my way I promptly climb a tree. A Spitz dog always sits and howls And makes me stand and shake; They are far worse, tho', when they growl; Then to my heels I take. The tiny puppies have sharp teeth And they always pick on me, And scare me so I cannot breathe, Because it's always me they see. They take delight in seeing me go Flying off down the street, Chasing me round the block below, But another dog I'm sure to meet. When I reach my home so dear, I draw a breath of relief; "A dog can't possibly reach me here," I say between chattering teeth. —Hildred Griffin. |