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Show chairman; James Brennan, John M. Child, Jesse S. Richards, Charles P. Carlson. Finance—C. L. Miller, chairman; S. T. Jeppesen, W. H. Hadlock, W. B. Williams. Bands and orchestras — Fred Froerer, chairman; Charles Lock-wood, Olie Reeve, C. S. Eccles. Parades and floats—Everett Noble, chairman; Frank A. Rose, Frank E. Tribe, H. R. Tripp. Concessions (streets)—Henry A. 'Anderson, chairman; Phil A. Kohn, A. H. de Wit, Harman W. Peery. Automobiles—H. V. DeLamater, chairman; Vern Watson, T. J. Midgeley. Decorations (streets and stores) —M. A. McClenahan, chairman; Earl Lamb, Owen Owens, L. B. Westholder. Public safety (car parking, traffic, policing)—Curtis L. Allison, chairman; Charles Pincock, George Wardlaw. Hotels and housing—John C. Lynch, chairman; George C. Foley, H. W. Beckett Jr. Railroad transportation—A. L. Carpenter, chairman; George W. Kellogg, C. L. McKnight, Arthur Mathews. Legal committee—D. L. Stine, chairman; J. H. DeVine, Royal Douglas. Information and guides—Frank W. Mathews, chairman; John M. Thomas, Ralph Keller. Charter members and past exalted rulers—W. C. Cainp, chairman; T. C. Foley, J. H. Knauss, W. D. Brown. ON STATE LIST. Registration of delegates—L. J. Mann, chairman; Ben Oppmah, Carl Wallin. Headquarters and meeting places—George Huss, chairman; Jed Ballantyne, A. C. Treseder. Convention program (to act with committee appointed by state association)—T. J. Maginnis, chairman; W. D. W. Zeller, John Culley. TEACHER ILL. Miss Marguerite Hubbard, English instructor, was confined to her bed Monday with agrippe. Mrs. Gladys Barbour Titley substituted in her classes. ON TO SALT LAKE. Captain Dockler has received word that the O. H. S. band would le permitted to enter the great Sousa high school band contest in Salt Lake on Monday next. East, West, Ogden, L. D. S. and perhaps one or two other schools will compete for a silver cup to be tendered by John Philip Sousa. Another cup for the Ogden High trophy case! NEW STUDENTS. Eighteen new students enrolled Monday for the second semester in addition to some half dozen transfers from other schools. QUESTION. The sesquicentennial (do you get that word?) birthday of the United States and the one hundredth anniversary of the death of Thomas Jefferson, fall on July 4, 1926. Shall we, the American people, club together as one great family and present as our birthday gift to the nation Monticello, the home of Thomas Jefferson, that it may henceforth be preserved as a patriotic shrine for the children of America? U. A. A. TO GO. A large committee from the U. E. A. (Utah Educational association) composed of board members, superintendents and other officials, has said that the U. A. A. (Utah Athletic association) must go. The committee says: "We must take athletics out of the hands of principals, coaches and student managers and put it into the hands of a state committee. Athletics must cease serving a few; we must have physical education and athletics so directed that every student shall be properly developed." So far, so good. Such a thing might appear revolutionary in some schools, but not so in Ogden High, where two years' daily instruction and practice have been required of every boy and every girl for a number of years. Athletics has not worked a hardship upon us, nor do we think it has been over-emphasized. Good clean contests such as was put on last Friday night are a thoroughly fine thing for a school. It gives a wholesome recreation, enjoyment, and develops school morale and sportsmanship. School wouldn't quite be school these days without those fine contests in football has RAZING OPPOSED. The Utah Athletic association has been a potent factor for good in all our schools and we are inclined to look with some disfavor upon any effort to abolish it. We admit that it has developed a cumbersome red-tape system, and has centered too much authority in a few perpetual office holders in the organization—but there are matters that might be easily remedied. Let us not tear down nor abolish the good things of the U. A. A.-— but rather let us keep them and keep up the high standards the association has set. THE FIFTIETH BOY. About one boy in fifty, says Once-a-Week, will remain after the feast and of his own accord offer to help clear the things up or wash the dishes. Do you know this Fiftieth Boy? There are forty-nine boys who are seeking jobs; the job seeks the Fiftieth Boy. The Fiftieth Boy makes glad the heart of his parents. The Fiftieth Boy smooths the wrinkles out of his teacher's forehead, and takes the worry out of her mind. All the grouches and sour-faces brighten when they see the Fiftieth Boy coming, for he is brave and cheery. The forty-nine "didn't think"; the Fiftieth Boy thinks. The Fiftieth Boy makes a confidant of his mother and a pal of his father. He does not lie, steal nor tattle. because he does not like to. When he sees a banana peel on the sidewalk; where it is liable to cause someone to slip and fall, or a piece of glass in the road where it may puncture a tire, he picks it up. The forty-nine think it's none of their business. The Fiftieth Boy is a good sport. He does not whine when he loses. He does not sulk when another wins the prize. He does not cry when he is hurt. He is respectful to all women and girls. He is not afraid to do right or ashamed to be decent. He looks you straight in the eye. He tells the truth, whether the consequences to him are unpleasant or not. He is not a prig nor a sissy, but he stands up straight and is honest. Forty-seven out of the forty-nine like him. He is pleasant toward his own sister as toward the sisters of other fellows. He is not sorry for himself. He works as hard as he plays. Everybody is glad to See him. Do you have that kind of a boy at your house? If not, don't complain, there' are not enough of them to go round. —Frank Crane. ING, JANUARY 27, 1926 OGDEN HIGH SCHOOL NOTES The eighteenth amendment, if it really prohibits, is the most tremendous "eugenic law" ever passed in the world's history, because it will profoundly influence the health, sanity and stamina of the generations yet unborn. SILLY, SILLY MAN. Isn't it strange that man, who is considered little lower than the angels, should stunt his intelligence, God's highest gift to him, and wilfully concoct and imbibe spirituous liquors, which not only destroy his body, and vital organs, but makes him a prey to weakness, disease and viciousness of every sort? We wonder if our educational system shall ever carry us so far that we shall find pleasure and happiness in strength, vigor, mentality, and wholesomeness of every sort. WHY CHILDREN LEAVE SCHOOL. Children leave school, it is said, from one of three causes: Inborn mental weakness, uninteresting studies or dull teachers. Efficient teachers are not dull, and they have the power of making all studies interesting. Two of the causes, therefore, lie at the teacher's door. Surely it is a fearful responsibility to be a teacher. WORTH WHILE STUDIES. The usual school studies are not ends of themselves, but only means or tools for an end—the making of human life happy, efficient, useful. The teacher who fails to see this and who does not work conscientiously toward the accomplishment of this end is not a real teacher in any sense of the word. A high school teacher was recently asked this question: "Does your school make any effort toward teaching students how to tell who would make a good parent from a bad one?" The questioner then added: "It is more important to learn this than to learn about the funeral ceremonies of the ancient Egyptians." NOTE OF APPRECIATION. I wish to express my appreciation and thanks to everyone who helped to make the Girls' Accolade a success. Everyone was so generous in their help that I would like to take this opportunity of thanking them. I wish to thank those who contributed the ferns, palms, and the baskets; all the girls who donated their time and efforts by working on the different committees; all those who bought tickets; the advisors who assisted in every way possible; the art department, which did our art work for us; the janitors who helped us whenever we asked them; all the teachers who excused girls who were on committees to work on the things that were assigned to them; all the Junior High principals who gave us time in their assemblies to announce our dance; the Junior Highs for their support; anyone who assisted in any way to make our dance a success. MABEL REYNOLDS, President of G. A. SENIOR OFFICERS. The resignation of Gilbert Beck as vice president of the senior class on account of not attending school the present semester was tendered to the class and accepted recently. Miss Dorothy lsraelson was chosen in his stead and Hal Armstrong was chosen as member of the school council. The other council members are Jean Warner, Gerald Wallwork, George Glen. Charles Emmett is class president and Joe Irvine secretary. Advisors are Mrs. Florence Newcomb and J. E. Beeson. BOB PARTY. Several students who went to the basketball game Friday night have reported (and they are willing to bear testimony to it) that when they left the building through the west entrance they perceived, on Monroe, two wagon-like structures with horses attached to the end of each one. They claim that they are certain they recognized most of the members of the Ham-And club, who, they say, were garnished with a selected crew of girls. The same spectators state that the occupants of the sleds (it is believed that those are what the structures were) seemed very elated as they jangled away into the darkness. The course they took is uncertain, as many people both heard and saw them in several parts of the city. Through an anonymous source, the information has been received that a similar group of boys and girls were seen eating hot chili and pie at the home of Ralph Stevenson. —WARREN CROSS, Reporter. COUNCIL REPORT. January 26, 1926. The meeting was called to order by the president. The roll was called and the minutes of the previous meeting were read and approved. The president of the Girls' association made a report on the girls' dance. A clear profit of $50 was made over expenses. The finance committee will withhold its report until next meeting. The finance committee and the advisory committee of athletics will meet Wednesday, in order to discuss and complete the report. The manager of the Quarterly made a report on the publication of the Quarterly. The report was not accepted, on motion that a more complete report be submitted to the council next meeting. The business manager of the Year Book made a report on the publication of the Year Book, which clearly illustrated the self-supporting basis of the publication. The report was accepted. President Ure suggested that an amendment be made to the constitution enlarging the membership of the council. The suggestion was referred to the committee, investigating the advisability of amending the constitution in relation to clubs and membership. It was moved and seconded that hereafter the three articles of the constitution be read during the first part of the next council meeting. Meeting adjourned. HERBERT YERHEEK, Secretary. 1-28 OGDEN HIGH SCHOOL NOTES EDUCATION DE LUXE. That education which enables one to appreciate to the utmost the finest things that man has done or can do—in art, in music in architecture, etc., etc.—we call education De Luxe. That is the sort of education the Sempre Musical society is attempting to give the people of Ogden and they are succeeding fairly well. On Tuesday night the society, through some of Ogden's finest musical artists and Professor Southwick of Logan entertained the elect of the city at Central Junior High with vocal and instrumental interpretations of the world's great masters in music—-Handel, Wagner, Chopin, Mosz-kowski, Schubert, Strawensky, Rachmaninoff and others. To know and appreciate these is, in our opinion, the finest sort of education. To be able to interpret them as they were interpreted Tuesday night by Albert Southwick, Agnes Warner Bowen, Mary Fisher, Clenne Rich Eccles, Doris Proudfit Fetscher, Rachel Wright Carr, Vera De Lameter, Louise Peirce Martineau, Vera Frey Season, Ethel Howard Hillabrant and Carrie Browning Olson—is not only a very high compliment and tribute to each of these, but a cause of congratulation to all the people of Ogden. FOR MUSICAL CENTER. We cannot appreciate too highly the good fortune that is one's in having such artists amongst, us, nor can we give them too much encouragement. They are doing a fine work for this community. We congratulate all members of the Sempre society on the development and encouragement they are giving the divine art of music in Ogden. Why do we not all unite with them to make Ogden a great musical center? We have the talent here, and nothing could be better for Ogden than just this. PERTINENT QUERY. In order to accomplish the thing just mentioned, we wonder why somebody doesn't move to get such an outstanding vocalist as Albert Southwick to come to Ogden. We need just such men as Southwick and such men need also, we believe, such encouragement as a city like Ogden can give. CARPE DIEM REPORT. Every girl in the school is awaiting an opportunity to get into the Carpe Diem, that snappy club of girls who are leading in everything; and no wonder, who wouldn't want to belong to a wide-awake cdlub? They entertained the boys royally at a dinner at the Union station preceding the girls' Accolade—much to the delight of the boys. Now they are |