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Show OGDEN HIGH SCHOOL NOTES 5-5-26 Defeat may serve as well as victory To shake the soul and let the glory out. When the great oak is straining in the wind, The boughs drink in new beauty, and the trunk Sends down a deeper root on the windword side. Only the soul that knows the mighty grief Can know the mighty rapture. Sorrows come To stretch out spaces in the heart of joy.—Edwin Markham. COMMENCEMENT At a meeting of the senior class on Monday, David Camp was se¬lected to act as class orator and Miss Jean Warner as class read¬er. Other numbers will appear on the commencement program soon. STUDENT ELECTION Election of student body offi¬cers for 1926-27 will take place on Thursday during the advisory period. At assembly this morn¬ing the following candidates were introduced: For president, Mer¬rill Tribe, Cecil Fife and Frank Rose; for vice president, Winnifred McConnell, Virginia Ander¬son, Vellys Woods; for secretary, Eleanor Weeks. MILITARY FUNERAL Lloyd Parker will be buried to¬day in his R. O. T. C. uniform which he loved. His coffin will be draped with the flag he revered. His friends, the officers and com¬panions, of Company C, will act as pallbearers and as escort. Ross Grover will serve as bugler. The pallbearers are Odell Miles, Charles Foulger, Vernal Johnson, Ralph Jenson, Milton Rawson, Russell Bjorklund. Escort: Emmett Yost, Robert Archer, Thomas Adams. James Weir, Arthur Hales, Ellis Hoggan, Clyde Aiken, Victor Biddle, Gilbert Wheelwright, Frank Rose, Clifford Chappie, Clark Nye. SPECIAL ASSEMBLY A special assembly is called to¬day to hear Dr. Wanless of the agricultural college and some mu¬sic furnished by that institution. MORGAN WINS At the triangular debate Tues¬day of Ogden, Morgan and North Cache, Morgan won both affirmatively and negatively and conse¬quently represents the district in the state contest. Congratulations to Morgan. TO REPRESENT O. H. S. Each of Ogden's high schools has been asked to send five boys to city headquarters tomorrow from 10 until 1 o'clock to be in¬structed in the "ins" and "outs" of city government. The follow¬ing boys have been selected to represent the high school: Charles Thorstensen, Cecil Fife, Roland Manning, George Williams, Earl Pincock. PLEA TO PARENTS Parents are asked to assist In securing more regular attendance and consistent work during the closing weeks of school. There seems a disposition on the part of some students to slight school during these days and thus to mar the record of the year. Teach¬ers will not give credit nor grades for work that isn't done. HEALTH AND TEMPERATURE Love for excessive heat is a re¬cent fault developed by the race, according to Dr. John H. Kellogg. He says: "At the present time, living rooms are usually kept in the winter time at a temperature of 70 to 75 degrees, and often rises to 80 degrees. The people, strangely enough, who seem to enjoy this temperature in the win¬ter time, complain bitterly in the summer when the thermometer rises to eighty." The doctor claims that our re¬sistance power is being constantly lowered by our slavish use of heat. He maintains that, "The average living room should be maintained at about 60 degrees in cold weather. It is possible to accomplish this by proper man¬agement of a furnace, but this cannot be compared from the standpoint of health with the great open fireplaces of the last century." COUNCIL REPORT May 4, 1926. The committee for the sponsor¬ing of petitions for student body officers reported satisfactory re¬sults, and that the various candi¬dates would be introduced in to¬morrow's assembly. A committee was appointed to handle the ballots for the coming election. Charles Emmett was appointed chairman, with Katholine Alsup and Wilma Bailey as assistant members. The council decided that some ararngement would be effected, in which the student body, while vot-ing for the student body officers, could vote upon the amendments to the constitution passed by the council. The council also appointed a committee of three to visit the junior high schools and obtain the names of students eligible for the positions of assistant managers to the year book, quarterly, athletics, etc. HERBERT VERHEEK, Secrteary. |