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Show Sept 13, Mon OGDEN HIGH SCHOOL NOTES Again the notes. Again we endeavor to let the patrons know what the high school is doing. Scores of people have complimented the school on this daily column. Their praise and the courtesy extended by The Standard-Examiner encourages us to continue this news service. We trust that teachers and students will all participate in contributing interesting items to this column. Practically 700 students registered on Friday. That with a few others Saturday and near 100 registering today about 80 per cent of the maximum enrollment expected during the year are on the job today. Prety good start, don't you think? LUCKY TEACHER Just previous to the opening of school Miss Merle Chipman, instructor of domestic science, was tendered a fine position at the University of Utah—that of supervising the big school's cafeteria and was released from her Ogden contract by Supt. W. K. Hopkins. All congratulate Miss Chip-man on the promotion and only hope that her efforts will be crowned with the same sort of success that attended her work here. Miss Alice Pedersen of Logan will succeed Miss Chipman at the high school. Miss Pedersen taught at Preston High last year and comes to Ogden highly recommended. NEW INSPIRATION School opens propitiously today. A bunch of new students come in from the Junior High which will add new interest and zest to the work. Then there are a number of new teachers in the corps who come to us with the rich experience and training of other parts of the country than our own. The old teachers come back rehabilitated, with new zest and fervor from their summer experiences. During the summer they have been scattered throughout all parts of the United States and return with a new and bigger love for beautiful, wonderful Ogden and her fine children. Three of our teachers, Miss Beck, Mrs. Franke and Miss Corless, have spent the entire vacation touring Europe and consequently are chock full of history, romance, art. science, literature, enthusiasm that will enliven their instruction and give new inspiration to the great profession of teaching. We are indeed fortunate in beginning school under such favorable circumstances and 1926-27 is full of hope and promise to the students of the senior high school. STUDENT BODY ROOM Student body officers appreciate very much having their old room again. The crowded condition of the building for several years past has made necessary the using of that room (300) for class recitation. The readjustment of the school program this year made it possible to return this room to the editorial staff of the school papers and the student body president. The room has been provided with ample bookcases and shelves to care for magazines, year books and other material. Linoleum has been placed upon the floor, desks and chairs have been returned, so that the officers now have a very fine, comfortable place in which to work and for which they are very grateful. FINE INNOVATION One of the finest innovations of the year is the engaging of Weber gymnasium and instructors for physical education for high school girls. All girls will meet daily at 8:30 o'clock at the Weber gymnasium where they will receive competent instruction in gymnastics, setting up exercises, swimming, dancing, etc., lectures, and class study in hygiene, health, food, care of the body, etc. This is one of the forward looking movements of the time and high school girls are very fortunate in the opportunity afforded them. The best of it is that no fees are charged to the students, the board of education very generously meeting all expenses. The superintendent and board are to be congratulated and commended for establishing this fine precedent in physical and health education. SCHOOL CAFETERIA The high school cafeteria is placed under the direction of the instructor in domestic science this year, and operated as a regular part of the school curriculum under the administration of the board of education. Every effort will be made to provide wholesome, nutritious food at a minimum expense to students. We have great hopes that the cafeteria will prove a real boon to the students of the school. THE NEW HIGH SCHOOL The old students who returned to school today gasped as they entered the building for the changes that have taken place during the summer made them almost believe for a moment that their dreams of' a new high school had really come true. The entire building has been painted, redecorated, remodeled and re-cleaned during the vacation and seems quite different from the old building they left in May. The changing of the coloring scheme perhaps aroused the most enthusiasm as the delicate green-gray tints in all classrooms appeal at once to the aesthetic emotions and give a quiet home comfy feeling that is charming. The assembly room in its new white dress seems almost like a real assembly hall—much more inviting than ever before. And the office ! Why that dark, barren old place has become a dream —a thing of beauty. The old partitions have been removed and we have now one nice, big, airy, well lighted, artistically decorated room with a handsome counter thrown across that makes one feel that he is entering the office of the governor or the president. No more will, students resent being sent to the office. The janitorial force, too, has been busy and has cleaned the entire building, making it look spic and span—in which condition the janitors promise to keep it during the present year. The board of education and Superintendent Hopkins are, of course, responsible for these many improvements and they have the everlasting gratitude of the high school students and teachers. Architect Leslie Hodgson directed the work. PTEMBER 14, 1926 OGDEN HIGH SCHOOL NOTES Captain Dockler announces that regular drill will begin on Wednesday morning. CAFETERIA OPENS. Tomorrow (Wednesday) the cafeteria will open for the first luncheon of the year. Faculty meeting was held this morning at 8:30 o'clock. It is not unlikely that the regular weekly meeting will be held at this hour during the year. DRILL HONORS. Robert Craven, '26, received a general efficiency medal in cavalry drill at C. M. T. camp at Fort D. A. Russell this summer. Casper Woods, '25, received also a general efficiency medal in field artillery at the same encampment. These honors bring credit to the boys and speak well for the R. O. T. C. training given at the high school. SPANISH POPULAR. Spanish appears to be the popular language at the high school. Second year classes are large and three large classes in first year Spanish have already been organized. BIG ENROLLMENT. President Tracy expresses pleasure at the very large registration of former Ogden High school students at Weber college this year. Not only that, the college will have reason to be grateful for the fine class of students enrolling. BEAUTIFUL ROOM. Leconte Stewart says the high school office is artistically decorated and is now a very beautiful room. He says Architect L. S. Hodgson is deserving much credit for this fine piece of work. Naturally we all like it better now that our artist commends it. MATERIAL GALORE. It appears that Coach Kapple and Assistant Coach Oberhansley are to have an abundance of material to work with in football. The following boys were out Monday night: Marvin Anderson, Ted Barnes, G. Beck, Vic Biddle, Max Bybee, Joe Clapier, Paul Chez, Dan Corey, Jack Doxey, Robert Donaldson, Dave Doxey. Arthur Hales, Francis Hearn, William Heckman, Elmer Heep, Clyde Elder, James Elder, Cliff Fretwell, Wayne Fisher, Allan Forbes, Jay Gien, Priday Jones, Herman Long, Leonard Lindstrom, Jay Milne, David Milne, G. Moesinger, W. Peterson, Archie Ranson, Frank Rose, Claude Snooks, Stanley Spencer, Merrill Tribe, Don Wilson, Morrell Wilson, G. Wheelwright, Spencer Walker, Roger Woods. MONDAY'S REGISTRATION. Exactly 400 girls and 365 boys had applied Monday night for registration at the high school. This is about 200 short of the enrollment for the year anticipated. A goodly number of students have positions that they cannot leave at present, and will enroll at the earliest opportunity possible. CONSTITUTION WEEK. This week has been designated as Constitution week, and the subject of "Our Constitution" will receive some consideration in all advisory periods this week. An address will be delivered upon the subject by some prominent citizen before the week is over. REAL HAPPINESS. Unless a man honestly tries to improve himself and his work each day he does not know what real happiness is. BIG BUSINESS. "Business is not a game. Business is not a science—there are too many unknown and unknowable factors. If business were a science, then one could learn the principles and let the thing run itself. But no business will run itself. Perhaps business is a profession—I am not sure. But rather I think that business comprehends everything—and that is one of the reasons I like to be in it." —Harvey S. Firestone. THE ETERNAL GRIND. If your nose is close to the grindstone rough, And you keep it down there long enough, You will soon forget there are such things As a brook which babbles and a brook which sings. Three things your whole world will compose; Yourself, the stone, and your darned old nose. Sarcasm--The soured milk of human kindness. DECALOG OF FRIENDSHIP. Everybody wants friends. It is the oil of friendship that makes the wheels of industry go round; it's the oil of friendship, too, that' takes the squeaks out of all the business and social relationships of life. The best way to get friends is to be a friend; learning how to be a friend is one of the fine lessons of life. Loyd Scruggs, president of the Copper Clad Malleable Range company, says that you can be a friend by living up to this decalog of friendship: 1. Deny what people call "personal satisfaction." 2. Don't defend things that should not be defended. 3. Be tolerant. 4. Be square. 5. Don't so around with a long face and a head full of trouble. 6. Look for the good things, not the faults. 7. Be big enough to admit and admire the abilities of people who are bigger or better than you are. 8. Let people know you like them. 9. Put yourself out to be obliging. 10. Be sincere. SEPTEMBER 14, 1926 AMERICA HOLDS UNUSUAL IDEAS Kiwanis Club Sponsors Constitution Week Statement By A. M. MERRILL For Ogden Kiwanis club: The American people are a peculiar people. Peculiar in that they hold and have held for a century and a half unusual ideas about government. In 1776 the people of the United States declared "that all men are created equal, that they are endowed with certain inalienable rights, that among these are life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. That to secure these rights, governments are instituted among men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed." This declaration was new to the world, and its newness has scarcely yet worn away despite the lapse of one hundred fifty years during all of which time this doctrine has been religiously propagated. Previous to 1776 it was believed that all men were created unequal, that certain people had inalienable, unquestioned rights, and that other people had no rights, but only the privilege and opportunity of rendering obedience to their superiors; that governments were not instituted by men, but were of more or less divine origin, and that a favored few had been delegated to administer government. REVOLUTION OF THOUGHT Looking back over these many decades one can scarcely conceive of the tremendous revolution of thought that was occasioned by the American philosophy set forth in the Declaration of Independence. It meant literally the transfer of authority from kings, potentates, rulers, to the people themselves who were ruled. In other words, the ruled became the rulers: "We, the people," said they, "are the sovereigns; we are the stockholders, we are the board of directors; this government is our government, and it is our prerogative to make it what we will. For eleven years the founders of America pondered over these sublime truths and finally, during the summer of 1787, they formulated the immortal document, 'The Constitution of the United States of America.' The signatures of 55 members of that most memorable convention on September 17, 1787, set the seal, as it were, upon the future destiny of the American people, and, as we see it, in large measure the ultimate progress of the world. CONSTITUTION SUPREME. Every four years we go through the interesting performance of selecting our president; what for? To rule over us? Not at all, but to act as our principal agent in the administration of our government. We also select senators, representatives, supreme justices and other necessary officials to assist him in his great task; they too are all our agents; they speak and act for us. They are not our highest officials; we are not governed by them. We are governed by principles formally stated in 1787, and at diverse times since that time. These principles as originally announced were included under ten headings and articles; since that time we have added nine subsidiary articles, though none will maintain, perhaps, that these additions are so vital or so comprehensive as the original articles. Literally and absolutely then we, the people of the United States, are ruled and governed by the Constitution of the United States of America. Our rights, our privileges, our duties are all imbedded in that revered instrument. When we elect a president, a congressman, governor, mayor or city constable, we cause him to swear that, as our representative, he shall faithfully abide and administer by the Constitution of the United States. It is our supreme law, our supreme government. It has supreme precedence, because it embodies all our highest ideals, our united unanimous purposes, aims, objects as citizens. SYMPOSIUM OF WISDOM In America we may be Kept cans, Democrats, Socialists, I Moose or whatnots; we may Catholics, Protestants, Zionists any one of a thousand shades may be Greek, Jew or Germans or what you will in racial or but as participants in government or as sovereigns in government we are one; we are united believe alike in all the hui and just principles enunciate the immortal constitution, for have agreed that these are principles which we all believe trust, and which can secure freedom, liberty, peace and justice. If at any time we can out or find something better that of the announced principles, our sovereign right, private duty, to change, alter or add that highly cherished author Strangely enough, however all of our history, during i the strange complex evolve and revolutions we have nc sired or sought to change oi titude upon the principles were so wisely formulated b great leaders of 1787. The Constitution of the 1 States seems comparable, sense, to the King James lation of the scriptures. I done so well that it need change, and will probably for all time. How necessary and imp it is then that the presen oncoming generations shou familiar and well grounded great humane principles of ernment as embodied in our stitution: It is the magna of our liberties, and we can say that so long as we live cord with its precepts and ciples we shall remain a free a great nation. Sept 15 - 26 OGDEN HIGH SCHOOL NOTES Supt. W. Karl Hopkins the high school Tuesday. The military department sued 315 uniforms Tuesday haps no school in the court doing better in K. O. T. C. than the Ogden High school speaks volumes of praise for efficient officers, Captain D. and Sergeants Mayer and way. The enrollment in physical education for boys is exceed light this year as most boys appreciate the value advantages of the physical ing offered by the government. HYGIENE Instructor D. H. Nelson consented to meet the el physical education (boys) day each week this year instruction in health, first proper care Of body, etc. CARPENTRY PROJECT The boys in the carpentry department under Mr. Child Tuesday their first project tearing down and building lockers for the auto mechanics department. USE OF WORDS A fine piece of repart exhibited at the high school today. An alumnus of the now a college graduate, was complimented by a teacher success. "Do you not find," as teacher, "that your service worth more on account extensive education?" "Extended education, mean," replied the ex-student |