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Show THE PURPOSE Many high schools throughout the country have felt that the awarding of sweaters, blankets, etc., had a tendency to obscure the real purpose of athletics, to promote pure amateur sport, and consequently practically all the schools of the nations, as members of the federated associations, have discontinued the giving of awards. HOBBYING Arthur E. Roberts, author of "Hobbying," says you cannot keep the wrinkles out of your face, but by keeping a healthy, wholesome attitude toward life you can keep wrinkles out of your mind and your heart. You cannot avoid getting old, but you can keep young in spirit. He says also: "We stop playing, not because we grow old. We grow old be¬cause we stop playing." HE SMILED. He smiled—and his home was a place of happiness. He smiled—and children ran out of their way to meet and greet him. He smiled—and his co-workers in busines worked beter than in any other place of em¬ployment. He smiled—and his business clients and callers spoke well of him; and business increased. He smiled—and all who entered his office were pleased to be greeted as friends and equals. He smiled—and followed the smile with a brotherly hand¬clasp; and those who were discouraged and down¬cast went out and took a new grip on life. He smiled—and while the years rolled on, he grew younger —because he smiled. FRENCH CLUB REPORT La Joie Francaise held a very successful meeting Wednesday aft¬ernoon with Dale Wangsgard, president, presiding. A special committee was appointed to get plans under way for an assembly which will be given in the future. Three new members were voted in. They are George Erin, Harry Porter and Stanley Spencer. We believe that they will co-operate with us in making this club a live one. The distinctive pins will be sent for next week. When the business was completed the club was entertained by a fine program which included a vocal number by Miss Isabel Bramwell, accom¬panied by Miss Iris Smith; "Leibestraum," a piano number played by Miss Evelyn Benowitz, and a vocal solo sung by Lee Cain, ac¬companied by Hazel Higginbotham Then came the most pleasant part of all—the refreshments which were enjoyed by everyone. The limit of members Is nearly reach¬ed and we are constantly grow¬ing. —DOROTHY RUTLEDGE. THIRTY-SEVENTH PAGE OF THE LOST DIARY Hurray. Diary—I have a date for the Accolade, with a keen guy too. I sees a lone' man strolling down the hall so I go up and say, "Have you a date for the girls' dance?" He looked at me like a worm looks at a person who has decided not to step on him, and then he said in a melancholy manly voice, "No, have you?" Then I said, "No, I didn't, but I hope I have now." Did he say yes?—oh, boy, he nearly kissed me right; in the hall. So you see, diary, that it was fairly easy even if it did take a good lot of my pride to do it. Then on top of this Mr. Oberhansly said "Today we will make an extensive study of parreccum and vorticilla." He said that you had to catch them, so I took a hook and put a worm on it and put it in where the little devils hide out. I fished for nearly a half a period—without a bite—then the dear teacher caught a flock and put them under my mike. They tried to get away but I grabbed them by the tail and they stuck around for a while longer. Some of them were small and others large, but I noticed that one of the little ones was bein' picked on so I covered him up with some mud—and I bet he said thanks, too, only I couldn't hear him. Well, I got it done all but draw¬ing them, so I will do that now— see you in biology. Diary, goo' bye. GIRLS' ASSOCIATION. Ogden High School Notes A Happy New Year— Means forgetting the defeats of last year. Means forgetting the grievances of the past. Means attempting a bigger task than ever before. Means cleaner thoughts for one's self. Means cultivating the presence of God. ' Means giving more of one's self to others. Means the banishment of fear, hate and prejudice. THE CLOSING WEEK This week closes the work of the semester. Those of us who have done well, look back upon the half year with satisfaction. Those of us who have fallen short, look back with regrets. But none of us can afford to spend much time looking back¬ward. It is for us to look ahead with courago and determination and make sure that the new se¬mester shall help us greatly cn our way. FEW CHANGES The even distribution of stu¬dents now maintaining in the var¬ious classes has suggested to the teachers that the classes now or¬ganized should remain intact, so far as possible- during the re¬mainder of the year. In most cases the work goes on much along the same line; in a few cases the only change necessary Will be the change of subject—sociology to economics, economics to law, plane geometry to solid, etc. It will be found a distinct ad¬vantage for students to remain with the same teachers they now have, so far as possible. The ac¬quaintance of eighteen weeks can be capitalized into better under¬standing and better work during the second semester. BOX ELDER FRIDAY The biggest basketball game of the year is our annual tussle with Box Elder. The schedule says that we are to meet Box Elder this Friday night in Ogden, so, of course, Ave have engaged the We¬ber gymnasium for the big event. We predict that the gymnasium will be packed and that the game will be one cf intense interest. BEAUTIFUL PARTY "The girls' Accolade" on Fri¬day night was the largest, most beautiful, most successful the girls have ever given, and that's saying a mouthful. These partics are always successful and are becoming more and more each year "great annual events." The girls are to be heartily congratulated on their great success. STADIUM ASSURED Ogden High is much interested in the erection of a new athletic field and stadium in the Hinchcliff bowl. College teams have advised that they are unwilling to play again in Ogden on an unsodded field, and there is no reason why high school teams should continue to play on ground like that at Lorin Farr park. Ev¬eryone. at all interested in games and sports, realizes that we need a suitable athletic field, and there is no reason why we should de¬lay getting it. We sincerely hope the athletic committee of the chamber ofr commerce will go ahead and pre¬pare the field for next fall's games. It can be done. It should be done. It must be done. ASSEMBLY President Fife presided at the regular Friday assembly. Announcements were as follows: Emerson Thatcher announced the Classicalia committee and an-nounced that pictures for the year book will be taken at Mrs. True's studio; Kenneth Skeen announc¬ed the game with Weber, a senior class meeting ad a meeting of the guardsmen; Jay Glen announced the game with Box Elder county high school next Friday, at the Weber gymnasium; Wayne Fisher called attention to the second¬hand book business; Frank Rose announced several oratorical events and interscholastic debates. Glen Burt led the school in cheers for the team. The program of the day was under the auspices of the Girls' association, with Dorothy Coop, president, presiding. The first number was a duet by Naomi Wilbur and Bella Hers- chowitch advertising the girls' dance. Pearl Westmeir played a piano solo. Hazel Wintle gave a reading. Virginia Anderson played a violin solo, accompanied on the piano by Evelyn Benowitz. Alice Hyde gave a reading. E. E. Smith gave a toast to feminin¬ity. —ELEANOR WEEKS, Secretary. H. C. CLUB The regular Thursday night meeting was carried on with the usual H. C. spirit. 'Nuff said. Four lucky new members were introduced to the club: Eleanor Weeks, Kate Greenwell, Helen Wilcox and Gib Beck. A very capable initiation committee was formed to take charge of the new members who have shown their appreciation of the honor done them by accepting membership. Kenneth Skeen was specially appointed to provide more educa¬tional interests at the weekly pro-grams. A clever scheme was suggested whereby money might be raised for the Classicalia booth-bidding. In this field, as in others, H. C. intends to take the lead. 37TH PAGE OF THE LOST DIARY Dearest Diary: Well, I sneaked into the hall where the girls' dance was held last Friday night, but I didn't know there were so many boys who didn't get to go—until today. I went into Miss Corliss' room, to sew, as usual, and th' first thing she fired at me was, "Did you take my Peter Pan's col¬lar?" and I said, "Of course, I didn't take your old Peter Pan— (you said his collar, but I wouldn't have much use for one of them at a dance and anyway I couldn't take his collar without taking him). I took Bill Dollar." And then. Diary, I went right into the English room and Miss Chambers asked me if I had my Dick Tionary and I told her it was too bad if he didn't get a date to the dance either, but I hadn't been intro¬duced to him so I didn't know him. (An' then everybody laugh¬ed at me—how could I help it if I didn't know Dick Tionary, I ask ya?) And not only that but Mr. Merrill stopped me right in the hall, and asked mc if I took Dick Tation. And after my history- teacher had read one of my pa¬pers she asked me if I took Bill Shevik—'course I told her "No," but then she said something about my paper looking like it—but I r didn't see how that could have | anything to do with taking a boy j to a dance. Oh! well, some people j| are dumb. Yours till the next—Diary— Good-bye. —Girls' Asociation. OGDEN H FULKERSONISMS. To attain velocity cut out ver¬bosity. It is a sad fact that we have developed machinery faster than we have developed men. Love follows love as a milk wagon follows a horse. If you love people you can't keep them from loving you. No organization can reform the world but any organization can set a wonderful example. Insomnia is not contagious un¬less the baby has it. HIGH SCHOOL DAY. The following note comes from the University of Utah: Check May 13 on your calendar. This is the date selected by the committee in charge of High School day for the annual festivities at the university. AESTHETICS FOR ETHICS. A college teacher of many years' experience, writing in Har¬pers for January, makes a sug¬gestion that teachers and parents should appeal more to the aesthetic nature of youth and less to the so-called ethical; at least that emphasis should be placed more upon truth and beauty, than upon right and wrong. That the words right and wrong have been ban¬died about so much and that such divexse opinions maintain as to what is right and what is wrong, that these words have in a meas¬ure lost their appeal. He illustrates by such statements as this: "In at least two respects young people have already adopted for themselves the aesthetic stand¬ard. One is the hatred of cheap¬ness which is so deeply ingrained in them. They loathe imitations and shams; to most of them a reputation for frequent appearance before a police judge is preferable to a reputation for buying clothes at a mail order house or toilet articles at dime stores. When they call an acquaintance a "cheap skate" they have done their worst for him, and when one considers all the implications of stinginess, littleness and vul¬garity packed into the phrase, that worst seems enough. "But an ethical factor even more important than their disdain for cheapness is their love of good sportsmanship, a basically aesthetic ideal which even their criti¬cal ciders must find admirable. Say that you consider a course of action "yellow" or a piece of "grandstanding" or unfair, and, if he respects your judgment at all the most blase young Charleston expert will wince. And he does not fool himself into thinking those qualities wrong or imprudent. They are simply not the fitting or comely way to play the game." MORE APPEALING. In conclusion the author says: "The aesthetic standard is naturally more appealing to youth than the right and wrong or the prudent and foolish, because it is more positive and more adventur¬ous. It is right not to steal, not to covet, not to outrage another's feelings; it is prudent not to at¬tempt the things experience has shown disastrous. Such a system is like a park strewn with ''don'ts" with no interesting possibilities of "do" in evidence. Put it the other way: Theft, covetousness, and wanton violation of another's personality are ugly things which do not belong in the pattern of grace and charm upon which we are shaping our lives. Hence we arc not concerned with them. But generpsity of spirit, tolerance and a fine kind of courtesy are lovely qualities which it is worth while to embody in the pattern." |