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Show LETTER RECEIVED My Dear Mr. Merrill: Your letter concerning the pro¬posed trip of our band was re¬ceived but answer was delayed until wo could make a nccessary adjustment as to the date of the trip. On account of the symphony concert to be Riven by our music department on Thursday, it will be impossible for the band to get away on Friday. May we ask that you defer plans until after New Year's—possibiy January 7? You will hear from us before that time. Certainly the proposal that the Ogden band appear before our school is very opportune. We shall be more than pleased to have such an excellent band play for our student body, and I am sure that an exchange of per¬formance between the two schools is most excellent. I have been unable to find the date of the stock men's conven¬tion, but I hope it is not near the dates of January 17 to 2 6, as our examinations and opening of the new semester comes at that time. Sincerely yours, BRUCE E. MILLIKIN, Principal, East High School. COUNCIL REPORT Secretary Eleanor "Weeks called the council to order, and, in the absence of the presiding officers, asked Vernal Johnson to take the chair. The roll was then called and the minutes read and ap¬proved. The secretary read a letter to the council from Messrs. Gilbbert Beck, Jay Glen and Philip Finklestein. The report of the junior dance was taken off the table on mo¬tion of Mr. Beck. Paul Skeen gave the report of the junior dance which was ac¬cepted on motion of Mr. Glen. The club committee read the constitution of two clubs asking for admission: The Home Eco¬nomics club and the "I-wanna-no" club. The two constitutions were accepted on motion of Miss Weeks. Wilma Bradley stated that Carpe Diem had asked to give a dance the Thursday after Christ¬mas. It was moved and second¬ed that they be accorded this privilege. The motion was car¬ried. Miss Weeks suggested that the president be asked to appoint a parliamentarian for the council, who would be able to settle dis¬putes on points of order. The chairman protem agreed to re¬fer this to the president. ELEANOR WEEKS, Secretary. SAFETY FIRST Instructions at the Weber gym urgently requist that girls do not neglect their showers in order to get to the next class. This is im¬portant for hygienic reasons. Ex¬tra credit for the girls who show¬er regularly has been arranged. Instructor Van Buren calls at¬tention to another unheeded dan¬ger. Girls will please refrain from runing on the wet floor of the dressing room. Take your time— better be late for class than suf¬fer a cracked head. Walk; do not run in the dressing room of the Weber gym. TYPEWRITING The light of my life, the one brightening influence I have, the uplifting element in my daily rou¬tine, my only joy is this marvelous occupation—typewriting. I would sit for hours and tinker with the keys, in fact I do sit for hours, but, alas, without result. If my typewriting privileges were taken from me I could find noth¬ing which would fully compensate me for my loss. With what happiness do I en¬ter that cheerful room and seat myself at my own beloved ma¬chine. Oh! Then the most de¬lightful sensation of all creeps o'er me as "dear teacher" an¬nounces that she will allow us to practice to music for a while this morning. I can hardly wait until she has finished calling the roll to begin. Ella and I have a delightful game which we play in class. We start out on week before last's assign¬ment, which Ave have not handed in because we hate to part with it and besides it would be unfair to the rest of the class if we tried to gain an advantage by being on time with our lesson, and see who can fill the waste paper basket first. The one Avho wins is gen¬erally rewarded by receiving a D on her report card. The time I like to typewrite best of all is after school. When there is not noise from the thoughtful students in the hall, no talking in the room, no going and coming, then can I enjoy myself. I go into the room, I pick out a typewriter, if there is one to pick out, and deposit my books on the desk. I lift off the cover and dis¬cover it is the kind of a ma¬chine I care for not at all. I move. After settling in the chair and opening my book I discover I have no paper. I go for some, and get it after dis¬turbing two or three of my friends who very sweetly offer me their last sheet. After wasting several pieces I rsinember something which I forgot to tell Ruth. I dash madly out and rush wildly up and down the halls in search of her. I finally find her in the other typewriting room and call her out to impart my knowledge. I then return r>nd resume my for¬mer occupation. At 5:30, after several interruptions such as, these, I happily depart homeward, my assignment yet to be done, my paper used up and the basket full. I work hard and stay late after school to do my typewriting yet I persist in obtaining or rather sustaining a low mark. I won¬der why? DONNA MANNING. PAGE 26 OF THE LOST DIARY Ooooooh! Diary: I sure am agoin' to flunk in chemistry now. Mr. Smith nas conceived the bright idea of locking you out if you are late for class. He and Mr. Wangsgaard ought to go in partnership and form a brokers' company. They could fine every¬body that was late and pretty soon they could quit teaching us kids —and be millionaires, maybe. If we were all as clever as Gordon Larsen it would be fine—he found a key and locked Mr. Smith out of the room. 'Ray for Gordon; huh, Diary? I paid a visit to Mr. W. Smith's room again and the alligator (I mean Willis) is just as frisky as he can be. I think he has grown about an inch since I saw him last. I kinda believe he rec¬ognized me, cause he smiled real sweet when I came in. The clams are still as tight as ever— I know, 'cause I tried to open one and he nearly bit me. I told Mr. Smith that he should Aiuzzle them and he said that he would. Mr. Smith must be a mechanic; he has lots of models of things and then he tells the kids how they work (the models, I mean). Well, Diary, I didn't have much to tell you but I will tell you more to¬morrow. GIRLS' ASSOCIATION. OGDEN H FRENCH CLUB REPORT. La Joie Francaise held its week¬ly meeting on Wednesday at 3:15 o'clock in its new club room, the student body room. The meeting was called to order by the presi¬dent, Dale Wangsgaard. Business was taken up with a spirit of en¬thusiasm and interest. Membership was discussed. The president read the regulation rules for all school clubs. A peppy, holiday meeting was planned for the future. Watch the bulletin board, members! It will be worth while, as usual, to be present at this meeting. —Lucile McFarlane, Reporter. HIGH SCHOOL CLUBS. The high school has a goodly number of clubs. These clubs are all organized lor the purpose of giving students 'opportunity to en¬gage actively in furthering their knowledge of lines of work in which interested. For instance, debating, public speaking, astronomy, science, radio, language, etc. The groups are usually small and are supervised by two teachers in each group. Parents, Teachers and students should be thoroughly advised of the purpose of each and all of these dubs and work together to enable them to accomplish their oojects. Naturally ilio social element en¬ters into the work of all clubs, and there is constantly a tendency to overdo the social part. It: is fatal to any club to do this and we ad¬vise strongly against it. Under no circumstances should any club hold an open party or at¬tempt to enterain any considerable number beyond the club members. The student body gives all the dancing parties and general func¬tions that can consistently be held under the auspices of the school. A GOOD MOVE. The Gamma Kappa, a scholar¬ship club, has designated for an ob¬jective of this year, "the bringing of two or three people of talent to the school." These may be speakers, musicians, artists, etc. The thought is expressed that the club feels that this is a worthy objective and one that may perhaps be followed in succeeding years and thus become a tradition in the school. GAME TONIGHT. If we are honest with ourselves we must admit that we shall probably he beaten tonight. We are playing the very superior team that was ours last year and it stands to reason that they will beat us. The only question is how much. At any rate we shall give evidence that we have a real team in the making. GOOD MANAGEMENT. Appreciation is hereby expressed to Gilbert Beck for managing the school play in a very efficient and satisfactory manner. Beforfe school closed Thursday a detailed report was made of all bills, receipts, dis¬bursements, etc. The report shows that the per¬formance. despite the fact that al balcony and gallery seats were free to students, and that only 25 cents was charged students for main floor seats, was self supporting, even to paying of the royalty on the play. Thanks are also expressed to Mr. Goss and those connected with the theatre for most courteous and considerate treatment. THE SCHOOL PLAY. The student body of the Ogden High school was pleasingly en¬tertained Wednesday night when the play, "The Goose Hangs High" was presented by the school cast. Never before has a school production been so finished—so well worked out in every detail. Miss Beck should be compli¬mented upon her choice of the play. It, had interesting situations, humor and pathos; it held, thrilled, and charmed the audience. The theme, pertaining to family life and parents' devotion to their children, had a universal appeal. We sympathized and wept with Bernard and Eunice Ingals; we were amused with the modern, collegiate ideas and mannerisms of their children. They breathed the spirit of youth; they were "jazzy," thoughtless and inconsid¬erate, but when put to the test, they did not fall short. Clifford Fretwell and Dorothy Foulger interpreted the parts of the devoted, self-sacrificing, un¬selfish parents remarkably well. They were perfectly at ease, and we felt their sincerity and de¬votion for each other and their children. Much praise goes to them; they handled their parts splendidly. Helen and Don, as the twins, were very refreshing. They added humor, spirit and "pep" to the play. Helen looked adorable. Don—well Don was typical of the rah-rah college youth. ALWAYS PRECISE. The independent, proud, sharp- tongued little grandmother was realistically portrayed by Alica Hyde. Never once did she forget her character interpretation. She was always precise, exacting and critical. We enjbyed her im¬mensely. Frank Rose as Hugh, made a handsome. devoted lover, and Hazel Wintle was charming as the beloved. Ida Peterson", as dis¬dainful self-centered Julia Murdoch, was typical in her part, and Kenneth as her son—well, we really wanted to see him shake off his family shackles. AS BACHELOR. Cecil Fife was a delightfully whimsical bachelor. Jay Glen, the over-bearing councilman and Philip Firikelstein, the social climber, were both Aery much at ease in their respective roles. We didn't see much of Winifred, the maid, but we felt her presence in the household. It is one of the best plays ever given by the students of the Og¬den High school, and much credit and praise go to the members of the cast who interpreted their parts so splendidly, and Miss Beck, the director, who has work¬ed untiringly in her efforts to make it a success. The production of "The Goose Hangs High" reflects great credit upon Miss Beck and the school. It was a success. We are proud, very proud of our school play of 1926. INTELLECTUAL ALARM CLOCKS. Clocks are extremely intelligent- looking articles as they sit on the mantlepiece and try to cover their faces with their hands. But an alarm clock, Big Ben or other¬wise, is indeed the most intellect¬ual of all clocks. Speaking of alarm clocks. I am personally acquainted Avith the most conceited, most detrimental, as well as the king of tormentors, among alarm clocks. It is an established habit of father's to wind the alarm clock each night before retiring, and it is an estab¬lished habit of said alarm clock to ring each morning and remind me that I "have a rendezvous with study." Sweet dreams prevail my' slum¬bers. I am wandering through a field Avhere daisies groAV and birds sing Mendelssohn's love songs at dawn, Avhen—clang, burr, jingle, jingle, disturbs my pleasant dreams. "Fire engine," says Imag¬ination, but Common Sense mur¬murs "alarm clock!" "Give me liberty, or give me death!" I scream, but the alarm clock rattles on, undaunted. I arise, bite my lip to refrain from expressing my thoughts, and hast¬ily adA'ance upon the enemy. Re¬membering it was father's present from mother, I roughly jam it under the pillow, instead of huring it to the floor as I would like to do. The family has been awakened, and thus ensues a battle as to whose fault it is that alarm clocks have bells. Suddenly the article in question decides he should speak for him¬self and delivers a short oration in the form of a soft brrr. I make a lilnge for it, but father reaches it first, and I am doomed to the life of an early riser. —Geneva Morehouse. TWENTY-SEVENTH PAGE OF THE LOST DIARY. Well, Diary, the play is all ove: noAV and I can tell you all abom it. It sure was a avow. I think that it was lots better than any old rehearsal. Dorothy Foulger sure knows her oil, in fact, alL the people said that she was per¬fectly wonderful, and I think so. too. She is a born actress and I know that Cliff was just thrilled to pieces because he got to play opposite her. Then Cliff was another wonderful actor—he is so realistic and manly. I liked the part where he told Joy to get out—only therQ Avas not enough scrapping to suit me. Hugh and Dagmar sure know their stuff— don't they, Diary? Frank has plenty of practice and Hazel is a pretty good model to practice on! Don and Helen don't look a bit like twins, though they act, somewhat alike—kinda funny, you know. Winifred Avill be be¬sieged" by all -the-people in townl Avho need a maid—she is such aril adorable servant. I hear that I after the play the cast had a per- fectly Avonderful party. It was held up at Gil Becks—and he sure knows Iioav to stage the parties.—Girls' Association. |