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Show Th. 2-25-26 OGDEN HIGH SCHOOL NOTES Listen to me Ye who live in the senses And think through the senses only; Immortality is not a gift, Immortality is an achievement; And only those who strive might¬ily, Shall achieve it. —Edgar Lee Masters. BOYS NOW AND THEN. Those who believe the race is deteoriating, i. e., all pessimists, should read the article under the above caption by William Allen White in the March American magazine; Indeed, we recommend the article to both those who be¬lieve, and those who do not so believe. The article is interesting and stimulating. We take the liberty of quoting just a line or two: "The modern youngster is building a better brain than his father had, equip¬ping himself better for the mod¬ern life than his father was equip¬ped 50 years ago. He is not a prude. He knows how the world is made and the knowledge does not hurt him. He and his sister 'Modern Youth' look the modern world squarely in the eye, free- born spirits, unafraid of their problems. Of such, despite the cackling dolor of the passing gen¬eration—despite all your craven fears, of such is the 'Kingdom of Heaven.'" HIGH SCHOOL DAY. A letter from the University of Utah advises that Friday, May 14, has been designated as Uni¬versity High School day and in¬vites all senior high school su- dents to be the university's guests that day. Many contests are. plan¬ned for the day and high schools are invited to have students enter as many as possible. RESERVED SECTION. A phone message from Principal Frank Hinckley of Box Elder ad¬vised that one-fourth of the gym-nasium will be reserved on Friday evening for Ogden students and friends. There will be a number of reserve seats, too, in this sec¬tion which may be secured for a nominal sum. "A" STUDENTS. A North Junior teacher Is credited with defining the mean¬ing of an "A" mark. He says A stands for (1) Attendance, (2) attention, (3) attitude, (4) ability, (5) accomplishment. Other teachers of the school system are adopting the definition Is it not a good one? "SO'S YOUR OLD MAN." The Ham-And club will hold its- regular weekly meeting tonight at the Ogden High school. This meeting will be the second annual Fathers' and Sons' night. We want to show our fathers what we do when each Thursday evening after we rush through our lessons or leave them to do later and leave home in a big hurry carrying an armfull of old magazines, papers, or different parts often seen on radio receivers, to return later in the evening looking more intelli¬gent. Don't sit around home tonight scratching your head and wondering whether you ought to come or not but come out and show us that we have your moral support. Remember, boys, members of the Ham-And club, that tonight at 7:30 p. m. you are wanted there and "So's Your Old Man." P. S.—There will be a program and some eats. —Edgar H. Calder. BRIGHAM EXCURSION. Believing that many students and many townspeople will want to see the great game at Brigham City Friday night, the high school has guaranteed the sale of enough tickets to warrant the U. I. C. company giving us a special train. The tickets are now on sale at the high school and we recom¬mend that you purchase them now. The special train will carry the team. It will leave the U. I. C. depot at 5:45 o'clock and will leave Brigham returning at 9:30 o'clock. A BAND CONCERT. Captain Dockler and Mr. Lammers are now preparing for a big band concert to be given near the last of March. It is more than probable that it will be given in the Paramount theatre, probably Sunday afternoon, March 28. It is thought that with the prestige the band has established it would be an easy matter, with a little publicity, to fill the theatre at such an engagement. Praises continue to come from all sources for the excellent work the band is doing and naturally the boys are very much encouraged and are working very hard. ON TO GARY. Everyone who has heard of the national band contest at Gary, Ind., in May, says: "Surely the band should go; it has a good chance of winning national honors. Ogden couldn't get better advertis¬ing than that. Ogden will stand back of the band and school in this most commendable enter¬prise." CLASSICALIA QUEEN. Now at least we know how the Classicalia queen is to be elected. The committee met Wednesday night and decided that there shall be no petitions for candidates this year but that on Tuesday morning next, March 2, there shall be a preliminary "free for all" election at. which as many candidates as students wish may be voted for in the advisory period. The results wili be canvassed and the seven girls with highest votes will then become automatically candiddates to be voted upon at a subsequent election. Some time after this the two girls receiving highest votes will be again voted upon so that the queen finally selected shall be a majority candidate of the entire student body. The election of the queen will be held strictly apart from ticket selling and other activities, so that it 'shall be fair and just representation of the students' wishes. Much interest is already being manifested in the Classicalia queen. |