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Show Nov 3 - 26 OGDEN HIGH SCHOOL NOTES The R. O. T. C. rifle squad have begun work in good earnest. About 40 boys are out seeking places on the team. The following boys of last year's squad are shooting: Kenneth Skeen, Arthur Hales, Delbert Poole, Delbert Teeter, Frank Rose, L. Christensen, Thomas Adams. NEW RIFLES. The department has just received from the Rock Island arsenal 10 new, latest improved guns which will be used in the contest this year. NEW BOARD MEMBER. The new board member. Fred M. Nye, won out handsomely in the election. It was perhaps the heaviest poll in a school election for many years, and as Mr. Nye had a clean-cut majority he is unquestionably the people's choice. Even those who did not vote for Mr. Nye concede that he will make a good board member, and he will have that most necessary thing—the unanimous support of the people. Every Ogden citizen knows that Fred M. Nye is interested in education; they know he is interested in Ogden; they know he is energetic and progressive. Ogden High recalls that Mr. Nye was among the first to offer $100 last year to send the band boys of Fostoria. We could recall many similar instances of Mr. Nye's interest in the Ogden schools; it is unnecessary as everybody knows them. He will be a tower of strength to the Ogden city board of education. SALT LAKE IN LINE. The elementary and junior city schools of Salt Lake now have a daily news column in the Salt Lake Tribune. They are following Ogden's fine plan of Jetting the people know what the schools are doing. "YULETIDE GLIDE." Only 21 more days 'til the "Yuletide glide." Hip! hip! hooray! The whole school is agog with excitement and enthusiasm! We can hardly wait until December, 23. Old Santa is certainly handing us a neat Christmas Present—10 days' vacation and a big Christmas dance to celebrate! He is not doing all the good work alone! He has a lot of industrious little workers on the "Yuletide glide" committee. They are as follows: Eleanor Weeks, general chairman; advertising, Gilbert Beck chairman; Phillip Finklestein, Arleen Larson, James Neil, Naomi Wilbur; tickets. Vernal Johnson, chairman; Wallace Evans, Blaine Corry. Vellys Woods, Geraldine Leonard, Blaine McMurrin, William Johns, Gilbert Wheelwright, Thelma Burt. Joan Bybee, Athlene McGregor, Tom Barber; program, Evelyn Benowitz. chairman; Colin Edwards, Virginia Anderson; refreshments, Helen Wilcox, chairman; Mildred McKay, Louise Eccles. Only 21 more days! EXAMINE THE TEETH. In the health program of the city schools an effort is being made to see to it that every child shall receive proper dental attention. Sound teeth are the foundation_for good health and it is quite necessary that the teeth should be examined frequently and treated or pulled whenever decay sets in. Dentists advise examinations every six months or at least every year. They are absolutely right in this, and we hope that a way will be found to give every child such dental service as he may need. There is little sense in trying to train the mind when the physical part is defective or APPRECIATION. How seldom do we see a genuine example of appreciation in this busy era of the world's history. The good, old-fashioned "I thank you" has been abbreviated to a curt "thanx" as the recipient of a favor hurries on. It is a fine thing to be grateful to show appreciation, but how seldom it is done today. We grab all we can get, we take advantage of the other fellow, we permit ladies to hang on to the strap in street cars, we accept favors and glide along without one thought of appreciation, one sign of gratitude. Once upon a time there was a boy 10 years of age who took off his hat when he entered the house; if he was sitting in the easy chair when his grandfather came into the room, he immediately arose and gave him the seat. When he went to church with his mother, he stood aside at the family pew and permitted her to enter first. At the table he said, "Please, may I have another slice of bread?" and when grandma gave him a cookie he said, "Thank you." What has become of that boy who showed appreciation for his elders? He has grown to be a man past 50 and is frequently crowded off the sidewalk by the rushing youngsters of today. He like Sir Walter Raleigh, would spread his coat for a lady to walk upon, would be trampled beneath the feet of the hurrying crowd. But there is still time to show respect to older people and to value the favors we receive. There is still a hearty respect for the person who shows appreciation to others. The boy who is courteous to older people and is a gallant and attentive escort to his sisters, attracts attention. One of the finest things we can weld into our character is the habit of expressing and showing appreciation for the things the older people are doing for us today. It should be a privilege and joy to show our appreciation and our gratitude, because it is so seldom done today, that it will linger long in the, heart of him or her to whom you say, "I thank you." —Kent Guy. TENTH PAGE OF THE LOST DIARY. Mourning monkeys diary! I know for sure now that they are turning this school into a menagerie. Some dumb guys brought a young lion into school only it was white and gray and made a noise like a cat. In fact, I think it was a cat, the animal took kindly to the boys, climbing around their necks, sitting in back pockets, etc. The girls were afraid of it, or else they thought it needed a bath. Mr. Smith looked at its teeth and said that it was about five years old, then Mr. Wangsgaard almost, got mad because he said it was only years old. I guess we will have to rent the Twenty-third street Auditorium for them to scrap it out in. (I am afraid to let them use it for fear that they might not leave much of it.) Harry sure thought that was a cat with a lion's education. Somebody left it in the chemistry room all night, and when he (Harry, not. the cat. I am not sure whether or not the cat is feminine or masculine) came in about 6 a. m. the cat made one grand leap and hit Harry about half way between the ears and shoulders. I think this part is the neck, but I am not sure. I'll bet that Harry wished that cat wore mittens or something. Well, Diary, I guess that is all the animals in school right now so I will leave you until tomorrow. P. S.—Ask Mrs. Irwin why she sat on the steps of her apartment waiting for Mr. Irwin, when the key was in her pocketbook. —Girls' Association. OGDEN The speaker at Friday's assembly, Mr. T. F. Jennings, said as he left the room: "I have never in my life faced as fine a body of boys and girls as you have here; this is a wonderful group of young people." Thanks. A TEST The poet, John Masefield, says: "At 18 I decided, upon poetry as a career. I decided to tell my stories in verse, for when you tell a story in verse you can tell it with far deeper emotion than you can ever hope to do in prose: "This statement causes one to ask 'Why?" We are suggesting, then, that any student interested may hand in his written answer to the question: "Why can a story be told with far deeper emotion in verse than in prose'?" The best answer to this question will be published in school notes. Mr. Overlade, band instructor at East High school. Salt Lake, has written the Ogden High school, asking the privilege of giving a band concert at the high school on December 17. It is very probable that the concert will be arranged. SCHOOL OF FINANCE Emory R. Johnson, dean of the Wharton School of Finance and Commerce, would be glad to send literature about the school to any high school prospective graduates. Any student who may be interested should hand his name in at the high school office this week. Fred Gentsch, ’23, is now attending this school. FOOTBALL BANQUET The board of education’s annual banquet to football team was given last Friday night at the school cafeteria. The affair was a great success and will be forever remembered with deep gratitude by the boys. MILITARY DEPARTMENT Following are the averages of the organizations composing the Reserve Officers' Training corps. Ogden Senior High school, for the month of November, 1926: Band, 960 per cent; company A. 960 per cent; company B, 920 per cent; company C, 910 per cent; company D, 978 per cent; company E, 997 per cent; company F, 977 per cent. Company E, South Washington, having the largest average for the month, will carry the guidon in December. CARL .T. DOCKLER, Captain Cavalry (DOL) P. M. & S. T. YES, TEACHERS TOO In a letter to school notes a student says: "Yes, the suggestion in the school notes the other day about students always appearing alert, interested, alive in class is O. K. We believe it would be a good thing. We also should like to offer a suggestion to the effect that it would be a good thing if the teacher isn't glued to her seat, that she get up where we can all see her, an let her look pleasant, alert, animated, interested .in the thing she is teaching. It's a poor rule that doesn't work both ways." STILL IN THE WILDERNESS Some peculiarly minded high school students at Eugene. Oregon, whitewashed their principal the other day by pouring a bucket of white wash over him while he was speaking at an assembly. Perhaps this wouldn't have been so bad if only the boys and the principal was concerned, but it affects all the school and the community. It gives them very unfavorable advertising. TIMES CHANGE Between 1900-1905 Hyde Park High school football team beat the University of Chicago two or three times. In those days eligibility was practically unknown. All that was necessary was to have registered for school ten days prior to the game, The team frequently enlisted school graduates, Spanish war veterans, anybody—just to get a good team. Since that time there's come an awful csange. ASSEMBLY REPORT President Fife presied at the regular Friday assembly. Announcements were made as follows: Reede Ames announced a play to be given by the Drama club for the benefit of Weber's "Little Theatre"; Winifred McConnell asked for contributions for the Christmas number of the Classicum, to be in by Tuesday; the managers and actors of the school play gave a short advertisement of it; Don Corey and Lawrence Trousdale, in behalf of the senior class, announced the Christmas dance; Kenneth Skeen announced a senior class meeting for the purpose of fitting rings. Don Corey. Clifford Fretwell and Frank Rose sang a trio selection. T. F. Jenning, superintendent of the "Utah Smelting company of Magna, Utah, addressed the school on the subject of "The Meaning of Success." V. L. Cavanah of the Waterman Piano school played some selections. The assembly was then adjourned. 20th PAGE OF THE LOST DIARY It's hello again, Diary, and not much to tell you. I mean not much outside of the assembly we had today and that is enough to fill you from back to front—every page on both sides. I sure like that play Miss Beck is throwing. The actors and actresses ought to know their stuff when they are there. Don Corey, any way. He sure gets lots of practice, and no girl could make him blush. Then I think Gib Beck and Emerson ought to go to Hollywood and put Rex Beach out of commission. If Mr. Thatcher had his dog on the stage a complete melodrama would result. I know! Larry and Don ought to go to Hollywood too—they coul be baggagemen for Gib and Emerson. Mr. Jennings sure gave a fine talk only I didn't hear it all because the rest of the kids were making so much noise, l know that the Metropolitan Opera company is losing money by not coming to Ogden and getting Cliff, Don and Frank to sing for them. All I missed in that part was the music. They did a lot of singing, but not much music came out. But, any way, they sure are good singers. I only wish that they would talk louder next time (doesn't Frank look just like Isaac in that hat?) If Cecil keeps on supplying assemblies like that we will give him a gold medal. I kinda like our president, don't you, Diary?—Girls' Association. Dec 8 OGDEN HIGH SCHOOL NOTES SEA OF ROOFS. A sea of roofs Stretches under the sky Into the forgotten distance. I sit on the hillside And watch The endless, motionless waves As they smoulder and dream In the sunlight And the chilly autumn haze. My eyes are seeking, But they cannot find. The roof that hides you From me. —Robert G. True. ETCHING EXHIBIT. The art department hopes to sponsor a big etching exhibit next week and at the same time demonstrate to patrons and visitors the "art of etching." We shall have further news about this later. |