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Show 5-6-27 OGDEN HIGH SCHOOL NOTES In every seed to breathe the flower, In every drop of dew To reverence a cloistered star Within the distant blue; To wait the promise of the bow, Despite the cloud between Is Faith—the fervid evidence Of lovveliness unseen." —John B. Tabb. GOOD ASSEMBLY All the candidates for student body offices for the coining year were presented Wednesday. Dr. Wanless gave an interesting talk on the economic and cultural values of education. At the con¬clusion of his address he passed out cards to seniors to ascertain the vocations they purpose en¬tering and the training they ex¬pect to receive for their life work. Professor Welte, in charge of music at the agricultural col¬lege, sang three solos in most acceptable manner. He was ac¬companied by Mrs. Welte. A FINE TRIBUTE A most beautiful tribute was paid Lloyd Parker Wednesday .in the overflowing tabernacle of friends, in the beautiful floral wreaths, in the enconiums offered by the speakers, in the choice music rendered. The services were replete with everything that loving hands and hearts could do. The military burial program at the grave, and the playing of "Nearer My God to Thee" were especially impressive. The flag in which the coffin was shrouded was presented by the R. O. T. C. to Mr. and Mrs. Parker as a tri-bute of respect and in honor of their much loved son. AGGIE COLLEGE DAY The agricultural college at Lo¬gan entertains the high school graduates of all the high schools of the state tomorrow. Such seniors of Ogden who wish to go to Logan tomorrow will be ex¬cused from classes. It is under¬stood that one day only will be given, and that those who go to Logan will not go to the Uni¬versity of Utah on May 14. Whether students go to either school is optional. Students who do not visit either school will be expected to report at school both days. CONCERT COMING On Wednesday morning, next, the Brigham Young university of Provo will give a concert at the high school. Provo has long been known as a musical center and we may therefore look ahead to a real treat when the Provo art¬ists appear. The exact hour of the concert will be announced later. WILSON TO SPEAK As a part of the Boys' week program Garff Wilson will speak at Kiwanis luncheon today on the subject of "Peace." By-PRODUCTS "Ability to recognize and to ap¬preciate real merit and loyalty to friends are qualities worth en¬couraging and cultivating. Such qualities as appreciation of worth, loyalty, sincerity, friendliness and generosity are by-products in high school education. They are in no way the results of deliberate planning. Though much desired and hoped for, they are unantici¬pated, coincidental, spontaneous." —Armand Miller. They often prove, too, as most people know, more valuable as as¬sets in life than the original prod¬ucts. In the language of a local speaker, the three C's—courtesy, conduct, character;—are worth more than the traditional three R's. PRESIDENT'S CREED The remarks of President Coolidge made recently at a great educational convention may well |