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Show with a trumpet, to lash him with a wife-beater, or stimulate his smeller with a vile odor; to decorate him with a fool's cap or serve him with a vinegar concoction It's the night of jest, sport, hum and fun. Most of the fun of course, comes after the beautiful dignified procession of the queen and her attendants, and after the court dancers have had their inning. One may have traveled far, but dollars to doughnuts he will admit that he has never before seen anything just like—or even comparable—to the O. H. S. Classicalia. VISITORS Miss Mary Eldredge '25, who has just finished a course at Sherwood School of Music, and Elva Swanson '25, were interested visitors at school Thursday. They said it seemed good to walk the old halls again. Miss Swanson contemplates going to Los Angeles soon to take up a course in nursing. VISITED BANK Economics classes that have heard several addresses recently by members of the American Institute of Banking were privileged Thursday afternoon to witness the actual workings of a bank through the courtesy of the First National bank. George Eccles and others explained the work of the various departments. TICKETS GOING It appears from the ticket sale that our 1999 friends will be with us tomorrow night. Those who fail to get their tickets today may find it's too late tomorrow. A limited number of tickets were and these will all be sold before noon tomorrow. TAKE IT FROM ME. You never hear a busy man complaining about his lot in life. It's always the loafer who does the kicking. There are more real opportunities today than there are real men. P. S.—Do you get that? No employe has ever become so valuable to an organization but that there is a better man to take his place. P. S.—It might be a good idea to read that over again. Never explain. You friends don't require it, and your enemies won't believe you anyway. Plan ahead. Know today what you are going to do tomorrow—and do it. One of the first yelps that comes from a failure is, "They didn't give me a show. Nobody gave Barnum a show, but he had the biggest on earth. Sit still, don't move around. Nervousness is contagious. TIE GAME The Ogden Senior High girls and the Central Junior High girls engaged in a lively game of basketball Wednesday afternoon which resulted in a tie. Another game is scheduled for Tuesday afternoon for the championship. QUEEN'S REVIEW The Queen's Review rehearsal will be held at the Berthana hall this afternoon. Mrs. Sophia Reed has kindly consented to aid in the staging of the queen's procession, and will have a group of her small girls to serve as flower girls. After the review the queen and the queen's maids with a few other invited guests will be entertained by Miss Marian Ure at her home on Twenty-sixth street. BAND CONCERT Tickets were put out today for the band concert to be given by the R. O. T. C. band at the high school next Wednesday night. It is believed that the concert will go over big. It's called the "Let's Go Concert." MY ENGLISH CREED 1—I believe that my mother tongue is worthy of my admiration, respect and love. 2—I believe that it is possible for me to speak my native language correctly, fluently and elegantly. 3—I believe that this takes time, patience and care. 4—I believe that the use of slang kills one's power to speak fluently. 5—I believe that it is also pos- HIGH SCHOOL BUILDING With the growth of the city Ogden finds the need for more school buildings and Wednesday Professor A. M. Merrill, principal of the Ogden high school, speaking before the Rotary club declared the present high school is far too small and inadequate. Of all the school structures in the city which fall short of meeting requirements the high school is the most inadequate. With the number of students twice as large as the place was built for, the high school is crowded. There is no auditorium, no gymnasium, not well ventilated and lighted rooms such as are to be found in the West high in Salt Lake. The building is almost as many years behind the requirements as it is years old. In high school building Ogden has not kept pace with any of the larger cities of the intermountain country. The problem is one of finances. How to find the means to meet the demand of today calls for the best thought of the city board of education and the taxpayers. OGDEN HIGH BALANCING The good we meant to do—the deeds So oft misunderstood The thwarted good we try to do, And would do if we could, The noble deeds we set upon And have accomplished none— Write them—and with them credit all The bad we have not done. —W. D. NESBIT. GENERAL SUCCESS Artistically, socially, financially, the 1926 Classicalia, like all its predecessors, was a great success. It is always the largest party of the year; it is always the most enjoyable. Like all other functions of its kind, it had much of interest to amuse and entertain. It gave four full hours of varied, novel enjoyment. The queen's procession was different, the booths were difficult, the costumes were different, perhaps the crowd, to a large extent, was different—as there is an increasingly large group of new students coming up each year, but the spirit, the enthusiasm, were much the same. It was "ye grande old Classicalia" lived over again; we'll think about the fun of it all for a few days, then new pleasures will crowd out the happy memories—and we shall begin to look forward to 19 27 Classicalia. I wonder who'll be queen? THANKS DUE Special commendation must be given Claude Coray. director general of the Classicalia, for the splendid way the whole affair was organized, directed, worked out. Clubs and committees, committees and clubs worked intelligently and indefatigably, knowing just exactly what they were trying to. do and they did it in elegant style. Mr. Stuart's genius, and taste were requisitioned to good advantage in the arrangement and in the decoration. Miss Beck and Mrs. Hart planned and worked splendidly together in staging the queen's procession. James Ure, Forbes Campbell, Harper Culley, George and Jay Glen, the queen, the maids, the dancing—but why try to men-lion names or individuals—scores of students and two-score teachers worked harmoniously together to put on the grand Classicalia of 1926, and the students of the school wish to express their sincere thanks to one and all for a glorious, thrilling Classicalia. CO-OPERATION Putting on the Classicalia calls for ingenuity, skill, enthusiasm, work and co-operation. It is the one event in which the varied interests are blended into one, and all work harmoniously for a single effect. Never has there been better co-ordination and co-operation between students and teachers. We were not able to get into the Berthana hall until Saturday morning, but such adequate preparation had been made—that the one day was ample to put on one of the most artistic, beautiful, enjoyable Classicalias in the history of the school. ON TO CHICAGO Too late now to tell anybody that the basketball boys are going to Chicago. Everybody knows it, everybody's rejoicing. The invitation came Friday. The board of education's consent to go was obtained Friday night; the exhibition game with L. D. S. was arranged Saturday. We observed the Sabbath. This morning we held our big pep rally and sold the tickets and tonight we witness one of the best basketball games ever played in Ogden. That's the story in a nutshell. If we do not get enough money out of this single game to pay the expenses of the trip, Coach Kapple and A! Warden are both going to eat their old hats. They will not have to; all Ogden's behind the team and getting the "mon" is as easy as pie. For the first time in history we're permitted to send a team to the national tournament and all Ogden is happy to honor Coach Kapple and the team for their fine work. They'll do us credit and honor at Chicago, and it gives us a genuine thrill to send them. Wouldn't it be wonderful to nab the national championship? It's more than most dare hope—but there are at least a few of us who are actually expecting it. Anyway, we're going. The boys will do us honor and we're proud as peacocks and happy as kings. SPORTSMAN SHIP We thank Pres. Guy Watson, Coach Vadal Peterson and the L. D. S. team for their fine sportsmanship, in playing the big game with us. They've nothing to gain —a chance of losing something— so it's just naturally the best sort of sportsmanship we've witnessed in a long, long time and we just take off our hats to them and thank them from the bottom of our hearts. We promise, if chance or skill should give us the game tonight, not to crow one bit nor say, "I told you so," but just to remember the great kindness and favor extended us and say "Gentlemen, we thank you, we thank you." U. H. S. A. A. THANKED. Pres. James E. Moss (we've sometimes called him Jimmie—but he's James now). Secretary C. Owen Wilson and other members of the board of control of the Utah High School Athletic association, receive also our hearty vote of thanks for recommending us to Chicago authorities and making our trip possible. It, too, is fine sportsmanship which is appreciated in Ogden. GOING FINE Captain Dockler reports the band concert tickets are going fine. He, Mr. Lammers and the boys find a lot of enthusiasm and support for the R. O, T. C. band. Everybody's getting on the band wagon and boasting for Ogden. The concert proceeds Wednesday night will furnish first-class evidence that Ogden appreciates its band and delights to do it honor. ALUMNUS HERE Bill Hutchings '23 is home for the week from the University of Chicago. Bill's looking well and he's doing good work at the university. He will return to school at the end of the week to enter the spring quarter. PEP Al Warden, sports editor of The Standard-Examiner, is exhibiting good "sport" qualities today. He insisted this morning on having three hundred tickets for tonight's game. He assures us that he can sell them personally, and only asked that we send a couple of boys along with him to hold the bag for the shekels as the fine sport-loving people of Ogden toss them 3-23-26 OGDEN HIGH SCHOOL NOTES Does the grouch get rich quicker Than the friendly sort of man? Can the grumbler labor better Than the cheerful fellow can? Is the mean and churlish neighbor Any cleverer than the one Who shouts a glad "good morning" And then smiling passes on? TICKET SELLERS The following groups of students were assigned duty of ticket selling Monday: Harper Culley and Forber Campbell, James Ure and Robert Craven, Louise Eccles and Mary Rich, Dorothy Israelson and Beth Winkler, Blanche Scowcroft and Ruth Fisher, Garff Wilson and Ralph Stevenson, Bill Stratford and John Griffin, Howard Pingree and Gerald Walwerk, Casper Woods, Helen Grace and Mary Hinckley, Frances Hobbs and Mabel Reynolds, Roger Woods, Jay Glen, George Glen. These students all did good work and receive the thanks of the student body for their creditable efforts. We believe Mary Rich and Louise Eccles were the most successful, disposing of 90 tickets. PLENTY OF PEP Students showed plenty of pep in the ticket selling drive. A few students went out on their own initiative and made good records as salesmen. NO INTERFERENCE Some people think sending the basketball boys to Chicago will mar the chances of the band's going. We do not think so. To the contrary, we believe the fact that Ogden High is twice honored— once in getting an invitation to a national basketball tournament and again to a great band contest —will arouse interest and enthusiasm and will contribute to the success of both ventures. We predict that both groups will reflect credit not only upon the school and Ogden, but on the state and the west. School officials are only asking that Ogden people show their interest in the band by attending the concert Wednesday night and the rest will come easy. GOOD JUDGMENT The county superintendent of schools and board of education have shown wisdom and good judgment in offering the principalship of the new high school to an Ogden High instructor, Keith Wahlquist. Congratulations were extended Mr. Wahlquist by high school teachers on this high honor. A complete report of the Classicalia is not yet available, but it is believed that about $700 will be realized. This will help very materially in putting out the annual year book. WONDERFUL GAME It was simply a wonderful game. Who says so? Everybody! Both teams worked like perfect machines and Ogden has never witnessed a more interesting nor a more scientific game. Fans are very enthusiastic about our line-up and assure us that we shall make a fine showing at Chicago. WITHOUT VICTORY Although we won, we are not bragging about it. That wasn't the big thing. The point was to |