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Show ANOTHER FORD IDEA Another good, constructive idea comes from the fertile mind of Henry Ford. Noting the many crimes attributed to youth, he began an investigation of the cause, arid found that it is largely due to the fact thkt youth has little to do. He finds that factories and business generally ignore the needs of youth and make little effort to furnish them employment and wages. In consequence he and his son Edsel have set about to take on. 5000 boys between 16 and 20 in their factory as quickly as pos¬sible, putting them at men's work and pay "independence" wages. In many ways, Henry Ford is proving himself one of the great¬est benefactors of the age. AND STILL ANOTHER Many people regard old men— men beyond 60—as unfit for busi¬ness. Henry Ford sfcys this is all wrong. He is now making an ef¬fort also to place as many old men into producing work as is possible. He says: "We are em¬ploying on the Cross-section plan. That is, v. employ men of all ages, according to the quota of the community. This is, as we con¬ceive it. our duty." HANDICAPPED MEN Henry Ford says further, "We have for a long-time applied this cross-section rule to physical infirmaties. We have jobs for blind men, and jobs for one-legged men—in fact a job for nearly any kind of man. And more than this, we want crippled men about —if for no other reason than in order to assure the others that physical disability does not mean the poor house." SNOW When I see flakes of snow slowly and soundlessly descending, they are so deliberate, so large, and so buoyant in their downward flight that they seem endowed with life. I think of them as ghostly, white-winged moths from some unknown fairyland where jail the trees and birds and flowers are white. When the flakes first come down, they glitter and gleam as though they are edged with sil¬ver. After the the light has gone, the alabaster flakes turn ' to a mere whitish cloud coming from the murky canopy overhead. Sometimes these flakes seem to be downy feathers tossed about by the wide, white wings of the myste¬rious spirit of winter. What is the subtle, mystical in¬cantation of the snow as it is swirled and hurtled through the air in a dence peripatetic curtain? The flickering fog of flakes comes down onto the earth like a white garment, obliterating the roads and trees and fields, making it a region of enchantment. To me the snow-dappled atmos¬phere is a wavering tapestry cre¬ated by the great king of snow. VIRGINIA MORTON. The world that we're a livin' in Is mighty hard to beat; You get a thorn with every rose, But ain't the roses sweet? —Frank Stanton. A FOOLISH QUESTION A popular magazine has held a debate on the question, "Is it right to break unjust laws." In the first place the question is foolishly worded, as every one knows that the question hinge.; about the prohibition law and it is going a long way to assume, at the outset, that that law is un¬just. The rea estion is: Is it right for the people of a democracy to violate any of the laws of their own making. Manifestly this isn't a debatable question, for all laws have but one purpose—that of protecting society and furthering her progress. If a law isn't applicable, fit, proper, just—then it should be repealed. Any law may be re¬pealed when the majority of the people want it repealed. The strength of our common¬wealth is based upon our al¬legiance and respect to our laws, and to assume that it is right to break any law, tends to destroy the fundamental principles of our government. PROHIBITION WILL WIN Viscount Astor, who has twice visited America, and who as a member of the British liquor control board, has liad excellent opportunity to know the liquor problem in England, in an article of the February Forum offers some most excellent reasons why prohibition will win in America. Americans, he says, have a mania for efficiency and will not harbor an evil that lowers effi¬ciency. He observes that prohibition as a national policy is supported by the business community, by all the Protestant churches, by the wom¬en's organizations, by the farm¬ers, and very largely by the la¬boring classes, and especially by the wives of the laboring men. He feels that America is on the right track and too wise to make a retrogressive step. DIFFICULT MUSIC The R. O. T. C. band is now very busy with a very difficult overture—Maximilian Robespierre -—which has been designated as one of the national contest pieces. It was one of Sousa's big num¬bers in his latest concert in Salt Lake. TO HEAR WITHERSPOON The music students of the high school received Monday an invita¬tion from Miss Mona Smith and Stella Wattis Bowman, sponsors, to attend the lecture in the taber¬nacle on Wednesday evening as their guests. Mr. Witherspoon, the lecturer, is considered one of the great music critics of the day, and the invitation to hear him is much appreciated by high school music students. A goodly number of the chorus, band and orches- tro will attend. WASHINGTON AND LINCOLN Today ushers in February—the month of Washington and Lin¬coln. It has been customary for teachers and students to spend much time during this month in consideration of lives, characters and contributions of these great American statesmen. During the past year an effort seems to have been made to give Americans a new side of Wash-ington—the mere man—or weak side and to strip him of some of the halo and glory—that the years have gathered to his mem¬ory. One man will ask, "What has been gained by all the writers who have endeavored to prove to us that Washington was not so good nor so noble as we had been taught?" Nothing, perhaps, other than to weaken people's faith in humanity—and that isn't needed. We need more faith, not less. It is natural, after men have passed on, to laud their virtues and to forget their vices. For the sake of the world we believe this a good policy. Let us continue this, rather than to continue muck raking. Let us forget, then, all the evil that has been said of Washington durin gthe past year, and as in former, days let us render homage to his greatness, and revere him for the great contributions he | made for the great contributions he made to the organization and establishment of stable govern¬ment. STILL UNCONVINCED In a recent assembly address E. S. Smith told of an in tresting extra-curricula debate between the boys and the girls of his class, as to which is superior, male or fe¬male. The debate ended without conviction on either side, which led the instructor to break out in doggerel as follows: 'Tis but a local illustration Of all the acrid agitation, Fruitless talk and speculation, Broken hearts and alienation. Sleepless nights and lamentation, Righteous wrath and indignation, Quarrels, fights and mutilation, All-night parties, dissipation, Co-respondents, litigation, Night and dark and great privation, Brought perforce to every nation, Just through Mother Eve's crea¬tion. 'Twould drive a man to inebria¬tion And bring about his soul's nation. (Deleted by censor.) INVITATIONS OUT Invitations are out for the mili¬tary hop to be given at the Berth- ana. The invitations are master¬pieces of art in printing. They are not only printed by the Scoville Press—they are made com¬plementary to the boys by the press. Ail parents who have boys in the R. O. T. C. are the guests of the evening. Dancing is to be¬gin a,t 8:30 o'clock. The military drill will be at 9:30. Ogden High School Notes Boys, did you ever think that this world, with all its wealth and woe, with all its mines and moun¬tains, oceans, seas and rivers; with all its shipping, its steamboats, railroads, magnetic telegraph and radio; with its millions of men and all the science and progress of ages, will soon be given over to boys of the present age—boys like you? Believe it and look abroad upon your inheritance, and get ready to enter upon its possessions. —E. Burritt. MAKE ROOM. "Make room for the high school youth" was the theme of the Rev. J. E. Carver's masterful, inspira¬tional address on Friday at assem¬bly. The address was replete with anecdote, story, illustration, as Mr. Carver's talks always are, and was listened to with rapt attention by all students. Dr. Carver al¬ways makes us feel glad to be alive, and he always makes us feel that we can do something in the world and we want to do It. His visits are landmarks in our careers. He does us a great service and we appreciate his coming. He can¬not come too often. A FINE QUARTET. The only other event on Friday's program comprised musical num¬bers, vocal quartet numbers, by our school's own graduates, Fran* cis Hales, Tom Norton, Nolan Tay¬lor and Elvin Blackburn. Thes« boys sing wonderfully well and are a credit to any community. They are improving all the time and our advice to them is to keep on sing¬ing. They are making the world a pleasanter place to live in by their fine singing. Thanks, boy». Come again—and often. COULDN'T GET STARTED. Surely that was an awful score, 28 to 10. It almost makes one sick when he thinks of it, but it could not be helped, for we simply could not get started. Of course we were on the opponents' floor—very different from our own—with its small floor space and lowered ceil¬ing—but this shouldn't matter. We should have beaten them so that the joy and the thrill should have been ours—not theirs. But we guess Davis is entitled to the thrill once in a while, so off go our hats to Davis. They have a good team; they outplayed us and they gath¬er in the honors. Our only con¬solation is that we'll beat them at the return game or we'll eat oyr old hats. BEHIND TIME. The best laid plans, the most im¬portant affairs, the fortunes of in¬dividuals, the welfare of nations, honor, happiness, life itself are daily sacrificed because someone is "behind time." There are men who always fail in everything they undertake simply because they are "behind time." Five minutes in a crisis are worth years. It is but little pe¬riod, yet it has often saved a for¬tune, or redeemed a people. If there is one virtue that should be cultivated more than another by him who would succeed in life, it is punctuality. If there is one error that should be avoided it is being "behind time."—Selected. NEXT! Extra! Extra! Good news for the girls, and perhaps the boys, too. There is, at the present, a, vacancy in Zeta Phi Xi and a new member is being considered. As' the' club's membership is limited to 12 girls, this is the opportunity that comes once in a lifetime— but who is to be the lucky person? It a great signal honor to be a member of Carpe Diem or Zeta Phi Xi and a vacancy is an almost un¬heard of event, but the impossible has happened, and as a result sev¬eral prominent girls are being con¬sidered. Everybody get in line and perhaps your name will be first on the list!—C. G. MILITARY DEPARTMENT. Following are averages of the or¬ganizations composing the reserve officers' training corps, Ogden Senior High school, for the month of January, 1927: Band, .970; company A, .975; company B, .966; company C, . 988; company D, 1.000; company E, 999; company F, .984. Company D, Captain Verlin Car¬roll and Sponsor Mildred McKay, having the larges average, will car ry the guidon during February. Captain Carl J. Dockler. UNIVERSITY REPORT. The University of Utah sent to the high school on Friday a com¬plete report of the hours and marks made by the twenty-nine Ogden freshmen students, made during the fall quarter at the university. All in all, the record is satisfac¬tory as the great majority did sat¬isfactory work. The report shows that the group averaged 15 hours passing work; from the entire group there was failure in 12 hours of work; dropped 16 hours, and incomplete 5 hours. Forbes Campbell stood highest with 16 hours, all As. Adelaide Smith stood second with 10 hours A, five hours B, 2-3 hour C. The distribu¬tion of the entire group shows: A 80 hours; B, 144 hours; C, 160 hours; D, 36 hours; incomplete, 5 hours; E, 12 hours; dropped, 16 hours. PRIZE ESSAYS. Attention of students who are participating in the American Chemical society's essay contest that all essays should be in the hands of Dr. George Thomas, pres ident of .the University of Utah, on or before Tuesday, March 1. WEDDING BELLS. Miss Alice Beck and Kenneth Hess, both graduates of the Ogden High school, were united in mar¬riage Saturday at Oakland, Cal., where they will make their home. Mrs. Charles Bowman announces the marriage of her daughter. Ellen Louise, to C. Humphrey Kirk, Wednesday, February 2, at Helena, Mont. ' ~ - Miss Bowman taught English at the high school last year. INTERESTING PHRASES. HOBSON'S CHOICE. Hobson's Choice, as everyone knows, is much like the choice the little girl had when her brother told her she could have her choice —the little apple or none. The expression originated in England in the sixteenth century. A man by the name of Tobias Hobson let out horses. He is the first one known to have engaged in this business. When one warded a horse he was ushered into the sta¬ble and was instructed to take the horse nearest the door. He bad no choice, and so it was but natural |